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Here is What this Blog Post Looked
Before The Gathering Happened...
Of Historical Value...
Helping People Get There...
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Map and Driving Directions Posted Here NOW... The Gathering Will Be from July, 1 – 7th, 2021 Near Taos, New Mexico.
HOWDY FOLKS! — 36.20384, -105.40882
Ignore all rumors of cancellation, site changes, postponements, leadership, name changes, bad energy or fear tactics, other crazy rumors. There are LEO’s patrolling the roads as always. Fire Ban is lifted. Propane is still the new chocolate.
Hello Beautiful Rainbow Family of Living Light. Here are the directions for this year Annual Rainbow Gathering. If you are in Taos NM head south on Hwy 68 Turn left on Hwy 518 in Ranchos de Taos stay on Hwy 518 for around 24 miles go past Tres Ritos around mile marker 49 turn left on Forest Road 76 go 9 miles. Welcome Home. Call the SW light line for more information. (602) 518-7975
Anticipate chilly nights and high chance of rain/hail. Welcome Home! We Love You!!

Southwest Lightline: southwestlightline at gmail.com ~ SW Light Line: 602-518-7975
June 21, 2021 will be the date of Spring Counsel. This is an open circle on the land and will honor traditional processes that encourage equal voice to all participants. Seed Camp will be June 21st – June 30th
The 2021 50th Annual Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering will be held July 1st – 7th, 2021
Prayer for World Peace July 4th Sunrise until Noon in silent mediation.
Vision Counsel will be held July 7th until consensus is reached.
Clean up will be July 8th and will continue until all concerned parties are satisfied every effort has been made to disappear any evidence we were even here.
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No Bonfires this Year? Smoking in Designated Areas Only? We Just Don't Know... Supposedly There is a Danger of Burning Down The Forest... Says the USDA... WE SHALL SEE!
My Memories...
What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To Me, it is Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I’m in the Band…
A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Tales of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...
This is a description about my trip to The Rainbow Gathering in California 2004… I wrote this to help me remember…
Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE.
How To Become Aware!
You Can Do This Anytime, Anyplace...
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