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RAINBOW GATHERING 2021: Photographs of the Gathering Near Taos, New Mexico...

map Rainbow Gathering Taos NM

dream catcher

Taos Rainbow Gathering 2021 New Mexico

Taos Rainbow Gathering 2021 New Mexico

Taos Rainbow Gathering 2021 New Mexico

Taos Rainbow Gathering 2021 New Mexico

Taos Rainbow Gathering 2021 New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering 2021 in Taos New Mexico

Rainbow Gathering. Taos New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering. Taos New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering. Taos New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering near Taos, New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering near Taos, New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering near Taos, New Mexico 2021

Rainbow Gathering near Taos, New Mexico 2021

Summer 2022 Colorado July 1st-7th

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Here is What this Blog Post Looked 

Before The Gathering Happened... 

Of Historical Value... 

Helping People Get There... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~


Map and Driving Directions Posted Here NOW... The Gathering Will Be from July, 1 – 7th, 2021 Near Taos, New Mexico.

HOWDY FOLKS! — 36.20384, -105.40882

Ignore all rumors of cancellation, site changes, postponements, leadership, name changes, bad energy or fear tactics, other crazy rumors. There are LEO’s patrolling the roads as always. Fire Ban is lifted. Propane is still the new chocolate.

Hello Beautiful Rainbow Family of Living Light. Here are the directions for this year Annual Rainbow Gathering. If you are in Taos NM head south on Hwy 68 Turn left on Hwy 518 in Ranchos de Taos stay on Hwy 518 for around 24 miles go past Tres Ritos around mile marker 49 turn left on Forest Road 76 go 9 miles. Welcome Home. Call the SW light line for more information. (602) 518-7975

Anticipate chilly nights and high chance of rain/hail. Welcome Home! We Love You!!

map rainbow gathering 2021 Taos New Mexico

Link to a USDA Map...

USDA Rainbow Gathering Map

This is what the UDSA Map Looks Like But

welcome home

The 2021 Annual Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering Information: 

Southwest Lightline: southwestlightline at ~ SW Light Line: 602-518-7975

June 21, 2021 will be the date of Spring Counsel. This is an open circle on the land and will honor traditional processes that encourage equal voice to all participants. Seed Camp will be June 21st – June 30th

The 2021 50th Annual Rainbow Family of Living Light Gathering will be held July 1st – 7th, 2021

Prayer for World Peace July 4th Sunrise until Noon in silent mediation.

Vision Counsel will be held July 7th until consensus is reached.

Clean up will be July 8th and will continue until all concerned parties are satisfied every effort has been made to disappear any evidence we were even here.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ 

No Bonfires this Year? Smoking in Designated Areas Only? We Just Don't Know... Supposedly There is a Danger of Burning Down The Forest... Says the USDA... WE SHALL SEE! 

"ML" On Facebook Says: "No one will know exactly how it will play out till it plays out! There has been plenty of rain, but sometimes it takes more prayers for rain! We have had multiple Nationals in the area with same vibe! It's always worked out!"

"MT" Said: "Kitchen fires and those fires being maintained are exempt. The careless tossing of lit cigarette and other turntables on the ground randomly was always discouraged but ignored to the point of paying people just to pick up cigarette butts. This behavior will cause total shutdown of the working relationship between rangers and firefighters alike. The LEOs will use any excuse to complain to big brother. Don't give them one."

Report on 6/26/2021:
by Steve Duncan
1 river, 2 creeks and 9 springs with snow melt --- every thing is green, lush and in full bloom. The trees and rocks are awesome and the site is at 10K. Day temps are at 80 degrees with nights being cool at 50 degrees. There have been daily rains that have been a blessing to the gatherings and the southwest region.
Easy walk in from bus village and handi-camp which are up front. Plenty of family on site (1500 and growing) and they are helping everyone get set up, volunteer energy is incredible. Dispersed camping is vast, too many good spots to choose from because the area is huge and well preserved.
Entire region is under a stage 1 fire restriction and accommodations are being worked out with the forest service in efforts to allow fires, additional road access and other site specific desires are daily discussions.
People are working hard through the day, sharing in all ways with the evening time being full of good spirits, drums, guitars, singing and various lighting to include solar and LED. Kitchens are setting up and people are sharing food and dinner focus together. Later at night there is a calm hush with the whispers of nature speaking their truth, the air is smoke free fresh and stars are winking brightly with a vivid moon lighting the trails.
------ Daily updates on the website and communications are being relayed continually as everyone is doing their part to help get family home and to provide a safe, healthy and happy experience.
PSA: LEO's have fresh energy as well and are active patrolling along the road into the site as normal, a few are new and the old guard is just happy to be gathering again. Some are weirdos and some are super friendly. None of them are cool with marijuana, nudity or illegal acts and they are writing tickets. Be aware.
Marijuana is illegal in all the National Forests regardless of local and state legal views. Please read the Rap 420 and share this knowledge with the family.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

My Memories... 

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To Me, it is Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I’m in the Band… 

A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Tales of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...

Thousands of people go backpacking for a couple of weeks… Every year during the end of June and the beginning of July… The location is different every year but it is always in a National Forest… It’s an intentional temporary village…

This is a description about my trip to The Rainbow Gathering in California 2004… I wrote this to help me remember…
Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE. 

Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

How To Become Aware! 

You Can Do This Anytime, Anyplace... 


Look around you.
Find 5 Things you can See.
4 things you can Touch.
3 things you can Hear.
2 things you can Smell.
1 thing you can Taste.
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