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April 5th Anti-Trump Musk Protest, Washington DC - Nationwide Event at all the Usual Places... Resist! Impeach and Convict Mad King Donald!


On April 5, 2025, we’re mobilizing to stop the MAGA assault on our country and Constitution. Across the nation, we’re taking to the streets to defend our freedoms, our rights, and our future. When those in power try to silence us, we rise louder. When they attack our communities, we fight back—together.

4/5 protest

“Hands Off!”, New Nationwide Protests on April 5 Against Trump and Musk

The main demonstration will be held in Washington DC and will be led by Indivisible...

Flush Trump protest sign

What will the April 5th protests actually be protesting? (okay, hear me out...)

Movement Brainstorm

Obviously the answer is "um... f*cking everything" because everything right now is horrible. But there's SO MUCH to protest that I'm worried that protests are being diluted and protesters' messages are easier to ignore when they're not specific and goal-oriented.

Serbia is protesting in the hundreds of thousands over 15 deaths from a railway station collapse. I know that we have a lot more to protest, but at least Serbians have a specific event, linked to a specific grievance (government corruption), with specific desired actions (justice & accountability).

On one hand, I worry that if we choose just one thing to focus on, it might feel like we're ignoring or dismissing all the other terrible shit that's happening. But I also think that having a unified message, along with a specific demand, could help us by pointing us toward a target, and hopefully give us momentum to make other changes later.

I don't know exactly what that should be, but I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. I do think that:

It doesn't need to be the most damaging issue right now. It's more important that it's obvious, easily understood, and easy to unite behind.

It should be something that's infuriating to everyone who's not deep MAGA. It would help if it menaces something uniquely American, that we experienced growing up in the US.

It needs to have an implementable remedy, a real action that our elected officials can either push for or ignore (to their electoral peril), or that can be implemented by others.

Right now I'm thinking either (large-scale) the removal of Elon Musk from any governmental position, or (larger-scale) the dismantling of DOGE, or (smaller scale) a bill forbidding the sale or use of federal parks by any individual or corporation. I think these would all be popular, easily messaged, and have a specific demand.


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