Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Oklahoma 2025? What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band! Held every July 1st through 7th at a Different Location in a National Forest...

It's a backpack trip for up to 20,000 hippies... Many people bring in a lot of equipment to build kitchens to feed the hungry... Giant bonfires... Drum circles... Healing rituals... Barter trade circles... And a lot of people with guitars... Big fun!

10,000 people chant om at the rainbow gathering

Here's a Review of the 2024 Gathering... It's OVER... Hopefully We have Learned Something about Wise Site Selection, The US Forest Service, Whining Locals and Fire Danger...

Up until Now We have depended on the First Amendment to the US Constitution... and the Right to Peaceably Assemble... Well... That Right Just Vanished and the US Forest Service Simply Prohibited People from Gathering at the Original Location near Janesville... With Threats of Arrest and Trespassing Tickets... 
Eventually Someone from The Rainbow Gathering People and the Forest Service Chose a Different Site and The Gathering Happened... With NO WILDFIRE EMERGENCIES...

Next Year We Ought to Choose Wisely... and Select a Location Without all the CrazyTalk® Drama!
Report From The Land Says EXCELLENT GATHERING!
Howdy Folks..Welcome Home the 2024 Annual Gathering
Jim St John
To everyone who isn't at the 2024 California Annual Gathering...
It's actually a really good Gathering, considering everything as well!!!
Everyone is being great on fire safety!
Clean up is going good as usual.
Everyone is looking out for each other.
Forest Service is being chill.
People of all walks of life and places in the world are Gathering.
A really, really good amount of people are Gathering.
"Ignore all rumors of cancelation"?
Holy moly, not in any way did the Gathering get canceled.
Peace and love.

NEW LOCATION! Near Beckwourth, CA,  Highway 70... Phone: 530-487-4636 for Latest Info & Driving Directions!...  as of 7/1/2024 9:48 AM The Road is NOT BLOCKED by Law Enforcement... Come On Down!

Howdy Folks..Welcome Home the 2024 Annual GatheringJoanee Freedom
There is zero infrastructure as of June 29th so come prepared to be self sufficient. Bring Water! Water infrastructure will take time to prepare. Bring your own water needs for several days.

We’ve got a new gathering site in the Plumas National Forest, California. Here it is:
Entry is easier from south at Beckwourth. 
Ready now to post to all points of light... 
From Beckwourth, Ca:
if coming from West State Route 70 turn right onto Beckworth Genesee Road a.k.a. forest Service Rd. 111
follow for. appx 9.7 miles, then stay right to follow paved road, road turns into 177/ 26N70/milford beckwourth rdfollow for appx 4.5 miles, then turn right at 4 way intersection towards “frenchman lake” gravel road 28N01go roughly 1.3 miles to Welcome Home and Parking
From Milford, Ca:
Heading North on 395, turn left on to Milford Grade road. (between 41 and 42 mile marker)
Heading south on 395, turn right on to Milford grade road.
Set odometer to zero at the base of Milford grade road
at 1.3 miles keep right to continue on paved road
at 2.3 miles continue straight onto dirt road.
at 5.5 miles you will drive over a cattleguard and keep left at the Fork toward Black Mountain Lookout.
6.4 miles continue straight.
immediately, after, at 6.5 miles keep right at the fork.
at 7.1 miles continue on gravel road to the right
at 7.9 miles you will come to a bridge. Continue straight.
at 8.9 miles keep right, Immediately after turn left towards Beckwourth
at 12.7 miles continue straight (past penny Pines rack fire plantation )
at 16 miles turn left at the intersection on to 28N01 and continue until 17.3 miles - welcome home.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~Many People Have Ideas of How We Can Do Better... Being Blocked by the US Forest Service is NOT GOOD at All... It is Possible That We Will be Blocked EVERY YEAR...
We do have a Year to Figure this Out as theCurrent Site Near Beckwourth is Open to the Public... Bring Water & Food...~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Updates on the gathering July 1st...Karin's Rainbow Gathering 2024 news and ideas...

Hey family,I know this is a confusing situation for everyone including folks on the land. The changes happen hourly. As fast as we get information, it becomes outdated. I understand your frustration in not understand what is happening. Folks on the land have the same frustrations. Keep reading for directions to the alternate location.
On June 26th, the USFS issued a closure order for the gathering. Information from the forest service
has been inconsistent and contradictory. Although Spring Council reached a consensus to go the first site up Janesville Grade Road, when people where threatened with citation, most people voted with their feet and left.

Getting into the original site is challenging as there are intermittent forest service roadblocks that will prevent you from getting into the site.

As of early this morning there are still 50-60 people on site. Some of my lovely family are working on getting their gear out of the gathering. Some of my lovely family are planning on staying for the gathering July 1-7. I do not know what the USFS will do today to the folks on the land. I hope they are safe.

If you want directions to the original site above Janesville, check my blog post from June 18th, the Howdy Folks.

Jason CorbettAdmin 
In this moment of pause I’d like to share some extremely long winded thoughts about the continuing transitions on the land over the last few days.
The result of what seems to be uncoordinated and miscalculated actions from the local law enforcement and Forest Service authorities has lead to something that is bordering a humanitarian crisis under the efforts of protecting the health and safety of the area being gathered in. For the moment it seems that gatherers have found a way to contain people coming in from across the continent at a new site on the other side of the mountain. Hopefully going forward, everyone from both sides can make careful decisions about how to contain the gathering with safety and health as priority, but this closure that happened seems to have had an effect that directly contradicts the goal of health and safety for both the locals as well as people gathering.
There were husbands whose wives and children went to town to get a hotel, swim and clean up only to find they couldn’t get back to their families. A mother and 17 year old daughter trying to get back in were dropped off by a local driver, got stuck in the woods on the outside of the barricade were told by LEO’s after dark that they couldn’t come in and to just walk back down the road. They ended up sleeping in the bushes overnight in near freezing temps exposed to the elements with no gear. Untold stories of people on the outside with camp gear and animals on the inside being told by the LEO’s that they could try to come back in a couple of weeks and may or may not find their belongings if they return. When they ran everyone off yesterday, they were telling everyone that they could not participate in cleanup and to just get out. One person had guns pulled on him while trying to go back for his partner who had a broken ankle and was threatened arrest if he didn’t leave without them. Kitchens told to leave their gear and get out or risk arrest. The LEO presence at noon was extremely intimidating. Some LEO’s were telling kitchens that if one person took the ticket, the rest of them could stay for 48 hours without risk, but communications and proceses have changed by the hour and so no one has been able to have any good faith in what they’ve been told by the authorities.
No one knows what has been going on within the ICT (Incident Command Team) side of things this year, but one thing is clear - the whole law enforcement’s response seemed to be completely disorganised. Rumors are that the local forest service told the ICT to stand down and that they would handle the gathering on their own and just force everyone off the mountain using intimidation tactics. Who’s knows what’s actually been going on, but it seems to have created a whole lot of chaos, and actually raised the risk of injury to both gathers and everyone involved.
I want to add that although some gatherers have mistrust in the ICT because they usually hand out tickets for various things, in my opinion they are a necessary element of the Rainbow gathering experience - a vital presence for organisation and education around environmental impacts, local concerns and vehicle management. This year it is clear that without their presence, the communication and teamwork completely falls apart. Most of the yearly guys that work on the ICT are easy to work with, familiar with the ebb and flow of the gathering and it really helps maintain some organization and teamwork.
For the past week or so, the normal ICT presence seem to be all but non existent. A couple of the familiar faces came through briefly a few times and communicated that they were not facilitating the actions that were being taken. They related a few messages including the forest closure and a rumor that folks had 48 hours to disperse, but that was about it. As far as the local LEO’s communications went, everything changed by the hour. They would tell gatherers that the night shift team wasn’t aware of the orders that the day shift team had and vice versa. They said they needed to wait for orders from Reno that never came. They said there was a barricade, but then they would have no presence at all for hours on end. It’s important to note here that it’s all but impossible to predict or know exactly what is going on within the LEO elements and that sometime what gatherers are being told is half truths and intimidation tactics to manipulate responses. There are familiar faces and relationships between gatherers and federal ICT but the local LEO element changes from year to year.
Rumours abound as all gatherers know. But you can count on things of this nature to stay fairly static even with the phone game that happens on the land. When the closure happened, there was paperwork with a signed closure by the Plumas National Forest Supervisor, and map of the closed area presented to two or three people on the road. The closure was set to start the moment it was handed to gatherers at 12:00 noon on the 26th. The LEO’s that presented it said that gatherers would be given 48 hours to gather their belongings and leave, and for people in town to come collect their belongings. But that was not part of the signed closure nor was it honoured as a verbal commitment. A few hours later people coming and going were told that at 9PM they were closing the road and no one would be allowed in even if they were only coming in to collect gear. At one point, they communicated that if folks were willing to sign an agreement to help the forest service cleanup the site, show ID and licence plates and give a signature, they’d be allowed to help in cleanup without risk of fine or jail time. That promise was never mentioned again after the initial communication. The next morning crickets for a few hours, a presence around noon for a couple hours, then crickets again for a couple of hours - then a heavy presence on the road with no one getting in for any reason until the 28th at noon when they came in with heavy intimidation tactics telling everyone they had an hour to get out or get tickets with the 5,000 fine and up to 6 months jail time.
There is a fire ban in place since around the 23rd. Gatherers do their best to self regulate for safety. I don’t need to go into detail here about how gatherers have a long history about only having very contained community fires here, or that gatherers this year have actually been very excited about the idea of having propane gatherings and learning how to adapt, but it seems that the response from authorities in this case was not very well thought through. In the presence of a fire ban, stopping gatherers from bringing in propane was a really bad move. Most gatherers will not leave before they are completely satisfied that there is no trace left of their presence on the land. The cleanup process is a time consuming meticulous process that cannot and will not be neglected. But people have to be fed in a sanitary way. Without propane to cook with, boil water with and use for cleaning and sanitising cooking gear and utinsels, the only option is fire. Closing the roads from propane and other equipment, as well as letting people rescue loved ones was a really bad move by the authorities. The fire risks, health risks and risk of harm or injury being exposed in a strange place without resources or support is at mich greater levels now for both gathers as well as local resources and communities at this point.
One takeaway from my perspective is very clear. No one on the road (parking lot etc.) should be communicating with LEO’s in any way. For the safety of everyone involved, there absolutely needs to be clear and consice communication between gatherers and decision makers on the LEO side in a very open way inside the gathering within the circles that gatherers typically communicate and make decisions through. It may seem awkward, but in the past those types of communications and organisation efforts have been very successful. In the scenarios that are happening this year, chaos has ensued on all sides and risk levels have gone up for everyone involved. This stopping through briefly by the LEO’s and communicating with a couple familiar faces doesn’t serve the safety and health of either gatherers nor local communities. There needs to be thorough dialogue and enough effort to cover all concerns and tie up loose ends. There IS enough time and resources to make this happen from all sides. It doesn’t take that much effort - just some careful thoughts words and a little bit of time.
At the moment there seems to be a new location. Only time will tell if both sides can take this opportunity to take a breather and try to make calculated, thoughtful decisions moving forward. People on both sides are exhausted I’m sure. But now it’s a split gathering. The risk and chances of exposure and injury have risen exponentially. Let’s all pray that those who gather at the new location can go to extreme efforts to have as minimal infrastructure and impact as possible so that after the Prayer for Peace and silence on the 4th are over, a lot of folks can rally and go up the mountain to rescue our family that is stranded and abandoned up there. They need healing and help, and if all goes well, maybe the authorities will let enough of us up there that we can facilitate a very quick and adequate cleanup of whatever is left and get them off the mountain.
This Rainbow thing is a necessary expression of the human condition IMO. The skills that are shared and the bonds made at Rainbow gatherings are something that comes deep from within the human spirit. Local communities often meet gatherers with fear and misunderstanding before the gatherings, but then go away with a sense of awe and wonder in how the thing expands and contracts, then disappears without harm afterwords - often warming the hearts and opening the spirits of the locals that do become involved. But the reality of the thing is that people will come from every corner of the continent. It cannot be stopped or slowed down. Gatherers are not hippies and druggies. They are every day tax paying human beings from every walk of life that come to see family and loved ones, cook food together and experience some of the last natural and beautiful places left. Folks need to start dropping the term hippy, and dissolve the typical misunderstandings of this thing that happens. The Rainbow gathering is an unstoppable movement. Over that least 50 years it has spread to every corner of the earth. The untouched natural pleaces are becoming islands. They belong to everyone and anyone that chooses to enjoy them without injury. The more people that visit and become intimate with these places, the more they’ll become protected from the waves of industry that destroy them. This thing that they call Rainbow is possibly the only way in which humans can take expression in this process across the Earth with little to no impact. They don’t build sidewalks, or bring tourism, leave permanent structures, impact or exploit resouces.
If there is anything that can be learned from the relations happening now between gatherers, locals and law enforcement, it’s that communication is key. Containment of the gatherings in one place, with health and safety as the number one pririty, teamwork between all sides with communication, safety and careful deliberate decisions as number one priority is absolutely crucial.
So far it’s been a ride. An intense but necessary learning experience for all sides. Perhaps over the next couple of weeks, the communications can become part of the healing. The local communities can realise that gatherers are only concerned with the safety and health of the humans involved as well as the land that they gather on and everyone involved can come away with a better understanding and a better connection to these beautiful forests. Nothing happening here is new to the Rainbiw family. It’s all part of the magic that happens. The adaptability and the connection, and the resilience of humanity in its rawest forms is what is happening. Let’s hope that moving forward, after this brief pause, everyone involved can choose their words more carefully, make better decisions and try to navigate what’s left of this transition without injury.
Thoughts and prayers to those left on top at the original site. My heart is with you.

Rainbow Family Links
Scott Greenlee
ok - my take on things as of 4 hours ago - i spent the time saying hello to old friends and talking to as many as i could - sorry its proably gonna be long and i speak for only myself
needs- waterline ,bleach ,lime , propane , trash bags ,twine - usual stuff that is needed to set up and run a gathering
not gonna lie , the site is rough compared to many we have used before but on same tokin i got there couple hours after it was anounced and left couple hours ago , so they bearly broke ground , brother bear picked it this year and it may very well end up being a parking lot nationial depending on how many show and how far they spread i would guess 400 ish are there now and even as were driving out more were arriving
it seems as if it well also be a split gathering as people are on other site picking up there gear and doing clean up and some may stand there ground.
there were no road blocks but they are deep there , seemed to be ok and civil , most would answer questions , most drove slow , most were patient with hippies in the road and dogs. there was one incident with them that i am unsure of the outcome of which i felt was unfair. and that was when the regonial folks came they changed some baoundries based on some new maps from the natives , there was a kid digging shitters and they jacked him up as he was now digging where he wasnt suppose to be , was told he was detanied but unsure of out come
the vibe is pretty good over all , some people are a little bummed about the other site and having to rebuild , some bummed because they would of rather stood there ground and everyone dived on the fire sitution. i mention the fire situation because almost everyone was in agreement that it was the familys own fault that they give they feds the ammo to move them - ill explain -
it was cenused to use propane by the family on the ground due to all the issiues with fire scares , the feds placed a fire ban - 3 camps refused to listen and said they are individiuals and would take the ticket . that being the libary and dirty kids , i was never told the third . the real issiue was with the libary , supposedly he was asked about 10 times by family to put his fire out , some unnamed elder ran off screaming fire , drew a crowed of people who thought there was a fire and then because it was a fire for some expresso machine caused a rift -i am told that the brother was very well set up , with tanks of water and was beyonf being safe with everything at anyrate someone tried to force the fire out , made it worse etc etc etc and ended up being a brawl . the problem in that is the people were dived on how it should of been handled , this was the main incident that the feds used to shut the other place down as well as local pressure on them my opion is this -. the bottom line is the family concensed to the no fire only propane so the brother was wrong , now that aside - the peace keepers should of stayed peaceful , no one should of left screaming fire , i dont have much opioin on the person putting it out by force as i was not there for that and weiter that step was needed , everyone said the fire set up was completly safe with 100 gal tank ,contained etc etc . and then there has been gatherings when 2 or 3 fires were allowed despite the ban . all that said it was at least partial the reason for the move. i think the brother had every right to make his individual choice , however i feel that the people that showed up as the peace keeprs should of kept the peace and when the brother was firm in his choice allowed him to talk with the feds and family fire patrol and see if they wer willing to make an exception , if they wernt then accept his consquences then and there and any further as time progressed . by the peace keepers trying to do the right thing with out using the right reasorces it was turned from an individual problem to an everyone problem , rather than an individual reaping his rewards or sowwrow the group instead got it . anyway , you all be the judge and lets all learn from this so we as a whole can be better ... the truth of the matter is the younger folks are stepping up in all branches , us old folks must accept change but the younger still need to accept the lessons , teachings and wisdom of those that came before them .thats just food for thought
camps that i saw present and status when i left
handicamp - were almost ready to feed
green and purple -almost ready to feed
farrie camp -small camp
aloha -small camp
welcome home ( sorta )
lovin oven ( spot was marked ) not built
"group kitchen " -didnt actually talk to these guys as it came together right as i was leaving , but told that the rements of the other kitchens on this site were all pitching in together for a movie
kv -saw some there but not set up
trade circle - sorta set up
drum circle sorta set up
granola funk ? millies ? - looked like granola funk to me but i didnt see the ones i know from that camp and just enjoyed there music as i passed - set up
calm - i listed them there as i saw people from them there , were not set up
good side of things -i saw very little booze, saw two people with a can of beer in there own camp , everyone echoing we love you , hugs bumping knockles shaking hands and sharing , the kid vibe is strong i always love seeing our future ,lots of dogs which for me is always good but its also on my bad things list do to irresponiable people , everybody willing to councel about receant events , feds were mellow , everyone being very fire aware , a bad seed was walked off the land
the bad - i was there not long and i had to burry someone eleses shit twice , picked up a few just tossed water bolttles , saw many dogs off leash / with leash which leads to first problem mentioned , it may be a parking lot gathering, no swiming area , the burn area , a bad seed beaing there in the first place ( but was handled at first site and carried over to seconded and handled again ), the resource branck of brother bear came through after the site was agreed upon and took more away from all , in truth it didnt effect anything to much but i personaly felt that was rather unfair after the place had allready been burned , allready been used as a fire camp and allready unwillingly seattled on by the familly , most of them were super nice and had jokes when i spoke with them while they did it , i dont falt them they were taking orders.
thats my take on things , its all nothing more than my thoughts that i decied to share to help anyone that happens to read it - loving you all family be safe in what ever choice you make
Rainbow Family of Living Light and Love
Rick Meadowbrook
Having been to 17 Rainbows (1978 on), having grown and evolved like hopefully all human beings, and having learned from both study and the Native tribes I work with, I have come to understand that how the Rainbow Gathering dealt with the Tribes and Native peoples of this land this year has been deeply disrespectful and hurtful, and I believe beneath the Rainbow Family who collectively profess love and compassion for All. It's time for a change.
To make that change in a real and historically meaningful way, I felt that the Gathering seed camp should have ideally come to a consensus and agreed to leave the initial Gathering site on the traditional tribal lands, and offer a heartfelt apology to the tribes whose wishes and words had been largely ignored and disrespected.
I understood this would be a huge ask. Thousands of people prepared all year. Scouts and others worked hard and counciled long into many nights to get this far. Tools and tents and blankets were gathered. Kitchens had been rounding up supplies, vehicles had been tuned and repaired, C.A.L.M./MASH had been gathering herbs, medications, and bandages. The preparation went on and on, i know.
Given the untold thousands of hours of work and preparation and high hopes for the anticipated love and communion with brothers and sisters, I still believed it was time for Rainbow to hear a higher calling from the Spirit and act in alignment with the vision of the Original Gathering. The original Gatherers had a profoundly beautiful and powerful vision of Peace and Love for All in Nature. The intention was the highest but it carried within it a flaw - ignorance. After 50 years, that ignorance can no longer be excused or ignored. It is time to live up to the original vision and reset Rainbow's relationship with the Indigenous caretakers and inhabitants of this land that many call Turtle Island.
Most of us older folks - and younger too - grew up deeply ignorant of the hundreds of fantastically diverse, rich, and beautiful cultures and peoples that populated this land for tens of thousands of years before colonization by white Europeans. Our enforced ignorance was not by accident but by design. The government and dominant US culture had no interest in teaching its children of the unmitigated genocide and vast, continent-wide land theft it perpetrated century after century upon the Native people. We were taught historical and romantic fantasies about a dinner, a few tribes, a few "heroic" battles, and that yes - "it was kind of sad, but history marches on" - and the survivors are somewhere on reservations - poor but happy making handcrafts for tourists or acting on TV.
We were taught nothing about the countless massacres, the State payments for proof of killing in service of openly stated goals of "extermination," the many, many "Trails of Tears", the countless removals, the total destruction of food stocks and sources, the forced religious conversions, the legal slavery, torture and imprisonment, the indentured servitude, the starvation, the hundreds of broken treaties, the desecration of sacred places and ancestors' burial sites, the kidnapped children, the boarding schools of forced indoctrination, torture, and death, the forced sterilizations, the denial of basic human rights and religious ceremonies, the forced relocation to cities, the government induced poverty, the denial of health care, and the culturally-mandated invisibility.
The above is what we WEREN’T taught and DIDN’T know. But 50 years on many of us know this now. And we know that dismissing the words and demands of the Native people who lived - and live – with those depredations visited upon them by the dominant culture that most Rainbows were born into and benefited by- is dead wrong, and it's time to turn it around.
At the level of most basic values Rainbow and the tribes should be in alignment, not opposition. I believe Rainbow wrongly transferred its "we go where we go, no permit for us" attitude towards the Forest Service onto its relationship with the tribes, which makes no sense. The government is coming from a rules-based law enforcement perspective while the Native voices emanate from ancient cultures and spirituality flowing from an unbroken, living relationship with the Earth we can only hope to begin to understand.
The local tribes and many bands of Maidu, Pit River, Washoe, & Paiute were massacred in their villages, hunted like animals, forced onto a "Trail of Tears" where over half were left to die of starvation and exposure, had 95%+ of their land stolen, treaties broken, and experienced physical and spiritual insults we will never know about.
And then Rainbow shows up with an attitude of disrespect, saying "we know you don't want us here but we're gathering on your land anyway?"
How is the core of that attitude truly different from that of the colonizers who just 150 years ago also completely ignored their prayers and wishes? Is this 2024 or the mid/late 1800's?
I believe that if the Gathering - out of respect – could have come to consensus to leave the land where it was clearly not wanted – it could have lead Rainbow into an entirely new, healthy, and reciprocal relationship with the Native peoples of Turtle Island. There were big articles in the LA Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and other major media outlets all over the US about the Gathering ignoring the tribes' wishes. What if there were articles instead about Rainbow humbling itself and respecting the wishes of the tribes?
It isn't 1972. The Native people all over the country have blown their breath upon the embers of their cultures they hid away for safekeeping during centuries of violent (and legal) oppression, and those embers have burst into flame. This tribal renewal has awakened many white people who seek to change the historical narrative of genocide and oppression by becoming allies to the Native people in whatever way they see fit.
Isn't it time for the Rainbow Gathering to move from an outdated attitude of arrogance based on ignorance into the positive flow of history where the Indigenous are not only respected, but looked to as wisdom keepers on how to live in right relationship with Creation, so that all the precious, threatened life on Earth may live and survive through these unprecedented, dangerous times?
This can happen. We can change history for the better and begin to create harmony where dissension and disrespect now live.
The above is what I hoped would have happened a week ago but didn’t. The Forest Service acted and forced the main gathering onto another site. At present I don’t know what the Indigenous of that area feel or have to say about it. But I believe my main point is still valid.
Rainbow missed its initial golden opportunity but is presented with now another. If people are still at the original site they can voluntarily leave and together with those at the new site consense upon a statement that both acknowledges past disrespect and apologizes for it, with a heartfelt pledge to do its best going forward to respect Native protocols requiring permission before considering any future gathering sites on existing or traditional tribal lands.
Resetting the relationship with Native people won't happen overnight. Rainbow doesn't have a good reputation in Indian Country. But if Rainbow were to humble itself and create such a statement, word would spread that the Gathering has begun to grow into its professed ideals and decided to finally respect the Original voices of this land.
From what I've experienced, Indians don't care much about what you say, they care what you do. They've heard hundreds of years of honeyed words bitter when tasted. Leaving the land they already asked Rainbow to leave would have been - and still can be - a first step. It's a step that would take effort and create hardship, but what beautiful things might someday be born of that?
Rainbow now has the opportunity to use its words and actions to paint into reality the vision of harmony that the unified yet distinct colors of the rainbow present to the whole world so beautifully.
This is a dream - I hope not just my dream, but a dream worth dreaming. And a prayer worth praying.

Barry Plunkr Adams
Howdy folks, I b parked @ "front gate" of 2024 Gathering north of beckworth Calif (hwy 70 turn north beckworth-geneesee road... Turn left round 10 miles mostly paved road...)
I am parked @ front gate so folks see a gathering individual with a gathering vibe... I have volunteered here off and on 52 years or so of gatherings, other places...
LEOs sit across the road during this day and will for duration.. so far no aggression by LEOs, no shakedowns.... Mellow so far . Likely to be this way... Thru gathering..
As some know I am "origin" gatherer.
When folks turn on this road, I waved them in, folks slow, stop for a moment - many I know from other gatherings - I greet with
"Gathering up the road about a mile, slow bumpy road... (1st day here)..
I say pls go slow, park on left side of road facing road, Welcome Home! They drive on in... folks I know I spend a minute or so... I ain't walking any too good so I sit in Van talk out window...
Right now, and forth until after July Fourth.. going to be working things out with parking, etc....
This Site is in a beautiful area...
Site itself is "workable"... Tomorrow is usually Seed camp-set-up flows on to the 1st.. lot of stuff already done.. shitters, kitchens, water lines... Arrived today on this Site so for folks arriving "hands who have joined in" - as Diamond Dave raps "lend a hand...."
If, then I mention rough site, yeppers, needs creative, adaptive efforts... one of finest qualities I have observed over the Years..
I am 79 now.. body is body -- don't walk so good, more than a few characters on board here now -- usuals -- Felipe, Marty heartsong... others.. older and younger
. A man who I have known since he was little is home now -- gone to get his family - known his mate since she was young -- their parents gathered with me.. love them love them grew up Gathering...
I am here @ gate.. pardon on watch.. when other folks come along and volunteer here I'll roll in.. or in morning . Feds get here later in morning... Not many.. lack of funds ( perhaps) or busy @ border, a pipeline leaking?, and fires .... Not aggressive, known some for years..
Now after 11 pm LEOs driving thru coming out . Round 6, 7 vehicles . In round 9.. coming out...
keeping track.. ever worked front gate you know seek to keep a count, of LEOs...
Mite b a couple more, seems like.. reckon their maybe a loop or something -- from 4 way.. mostly paved only about a mile to parking.. a Rainbow Handicamp area has been designated...
Rainbow Handicamp has many elements... Handicapped people, assistants, shitter diggers, entertainers, kitchen people who serve food, etc.. I spend a lot of time alone, sometimes depressed, sometimes living along... Having people to share their good vibes, even others, is a quality of these Gatherings. .
I wrote out 1st Invitation to 1st Colorado Gathering, in Rainbow Oracle,how to blow minds and influence people, etc .
July 1st 1971, on bank of Feather River in Feather River Canyon..
.interesting here . Near Quincy...
Yeppers long trail.. folks still rolling in... people in pickup got stopped by Leo nite shift hddng back to motel I reckon.. pickup had license plate light out .. cause to stop... Searched for molly, meth, dark stuff..
Not liked, enjoyed by folks at gathering... maybe a few... Very few folks would attempt to bring dark stuff to a light gathering ... Every event with folks dark seeks a way in .. solidarity vibe with most folks gathering don't want dark stuff coming or around.. hoping message has gotten out after 52 years... ding..
This is a long rap.. still at gate ..I don't leave a gate to only ICT Leos.. first person a folk coming home outa b a friendly...
All LEOs out now.. pickup was stopped LEO said not looking for green, herb.. pls don't flash a stash.. heads and feds, cops and squats... Etc...
All these years since Sept 66, when got out navy .. many things happened ... A few of Veterans, in 1969, Welcomed Home who had been in Vietnam and all those in Vietnam, on land, those in the Vietnam Zone..
I was NSA Navy on Guam... Small gear in the killing machine long distant death.. fuked for life . But..
Reckoned, met Veterans like Harold, Chuck, Tony Angel, etc .. Veteran.
We rode into Seattle, Portland, San Francisco And looked for Veterans out of the War.. some with blood still on their hands, actions seared in their minds... guarded hearts... Welcomed them home, asked them to come into mtns.. there just be . Iffn want to get up and help chop wood, carry water, dig shitters... help one another...
And as Garrick says writes spoke today to ICT Leos..
When returning Veterans like me and Peace Activists like him agreed to seek a Peaceway to live on Earth really was birth of Rainbow... I agree.. him and I and others met found common ground... In 1969..omword ..
I, and others who come home, as I others call it, is an expression of seeking unity togetherness, learn how to be with one another, find peace ways of living on the Earth ..
And, gathering begins in hearts and minds, agree to be brothers, sisters, they, friends...
I walk best I know how, what I call Rainbow Peaceway with Justice ..
I don't take land, hold it against all energies, fight struggle against govt, FS, etc...
I gather peaceably on public lands . As a Rainbow Peaceway I find creative ways to turn the feds and cops energies to a way where they are friendly eyed... put your gun away no need for it today I am not a threat, not to be feared
Enjoyed I'd hope.. and creatively over these years.. circling around circling around dancing around until people win thru to gather again.. Rainbow Peaceway is respect of one another . As John Lennon sang Imagine all the people living in a new way ..
When I learned of certain definite concerns of tribals of 1st site folks landed on to prepare for potential gathering..
Other than the closure order . .. tribals concerns barely shared with gathering folks . .. learning of such on day closure went into effect . I complied . these concerns are very real.. best not widely know if known at all...
Distrust of strangers.. I empathize.. after years of struggle I comprehend the probs of tribals finding even minimum trust... If I had known I would have not gone to this Site...
Then, FS in trying to stop impede etc..the gathering... Left themselves with little options except to help find this Site here....having wild folk ... hippies... Rainbows on roads, in towns, in campgrounds .. oops . And, an offered Site without conditions of PERMIT... Other years..west Virginia 2005.. maybe .. offer of alt site from where folks landed to gathering site came with condition of Sign Permit or else...
Struggle for rights for peaceable assembly on national Forest took a giant step.. by complying with leaving from prepping Site for actual Gathering 1 to 7 of July shifting to offered Site by FS... Is was is a Rainbow Peaceway move... I we are Peace people.. I we seek to find ways to step back without aggression yet maintain constant flowing evolution vibration.. achieving gathering Homesite for those people who seek what I call Rainbow Peaceway with Justice...
Well it's one am June 30 2024..
Amazing here front gating.. folks arrived awhile ago..
Rarely do I find myself time, vibes to chronicle a HipStorian, Story sharer for many years . A a rare opportunity while at front gate..
It may not be a huge number of folks, not a biggie for me, however quality gathering it seems developing . Controversy confusion aside.. even a rough site workable however kick ass creative efforts by willing people working with one another and this Site will become homey...
Bedtime for me . In morning before Feds arrive I'll drive up the road ask anybody not busy to volunteer as greeter at front gate.. this stage of gathering front gate can be only you or a few . Gathering is on, hope you enjoyed some of this rapping. .
Hope to see at home one day and or see you in my imagination on the 4th of July in silent quiet prayer petition for Peace on Earth with the Earth and all people.. I vibe as my natural spiritual brothers and sister and they them . Love you all respect
Barry Adams, plunkr, montana

Rainbow Gathering OM Chant 2004 California
What IS The Rainbow Gathering? For Me, It's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band... It's a Week Long Backpack Trip for Thousands of People...

Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE.
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The US Forest Service Has Blocked Access to Site near Janesville, CA - DO NOT GO THERE! ... Call 530-487-4636 for Latest Info... 
1st Amendment Right to Assemble VANISHES... Whining Rednecks Shut Down Rainbow Gathering in California... US Forest Service Simply OUTLAWS Camping in a National Forest... I believe that NO MATTER WHERE the Gathering is Located, Some WHINER Will Complain to their Uncle at the Forest Service and NO ONE WILL HAVE FREEDOM... It is Possible that We will Never Have a Rainbow Gathering Again... That Only TICKETED Events Will be Allowed... Burning Man, Dead & Co at the Sphere in Las Vegas... 
First Amendment Fundamental Freedoms:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The Right to Assemble has been Repealed...

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Headline: Rainbow Family ordered to leave California forest within 48 hours or face fines... U.S. Forest Service on Wednesday ordered hundreds of individuals to clear out of Plumas National Forest within 48 hours — or face fines and jail time, saying the unsanctioned camp known as the Rainbow Family gathering threatens public health and safety.

More than 500 members of the Rainbow Family,
dubbed the “largest non-organization of non-members in the world,”have settled into an area about 5 miles north of Antelope Lake Recreation Area in Plumas County over the past several days, forest service officials said. “The Rainbow Family of Living Light is a loose-knit group of people who gather annually on a national forest,” according to a forest service website. “They describe themselves as having no leaders and no organization.”

Plumas Forest Supervisor Issues Forest Closure Order over Rainbow Gathering Incident

Quincy, Calif., June 26, 2024 — For the protection of natural, Tribal and cultural resources, concerns about fire danger, public health and sanitation, and upholding permitted special uses, the Plumas National Forest has issued a Forest Order prohibiting anyone from being in any portion of the Indian Creek Headwaters Area and Road Closure Order on the Mount Hough Ranger District.

There is an unauthorized group use incident currently located in this area, approximately 5 miles north of Antelope Lake Recreation Area in Plumas County, just south of Lassen County.

“The Forest is concerned about the 500 plus individuals already dispersed camping in a concentrated area. We are always willing to work with any organization or group interested recreating on the national forest. There are existing and projected impacts on natural and cultural resources and other authorized uses. Our priority is maintaining public health and safety and the appropriate stewardship of public lands and natural resources,” said Plumas National Forest Supervisor Chris Carlton.

The Forest Order is effective today and will be evaluated daily to determine the appropriate time to lift the order to resume general public use of the area.

Forest Service regulations require that all noncommercial group use, defined as activities that have no entry or participation fee charged nor the primary purpose being the sale of a good or service and activities, being conducted on National Forest System lands that involves 75 or more people, be authorized by the Forest Service through a special use permit for noncommercial group use (36 CFR 251.54).

For more information about the Unauthorized Noncommercial Group Use Incident, please visit
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Heads UP Report about What It's Like!
COLD AT NIGHT - Fire Permit Required.
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Howdy Folks..Welcome Home the 2024 Annual Gathering
Elizabeth Rose 

Cold nights (32°-40°)
Warm days (80°-90°)
Abundance of mosquitos
Beautiful main meadow
Several other meadows
Several kitchens
Filtered water in place
Busy forest road in the beginning with big heavy trucks driving too fast - be mindful of them
Roads are doable from the biggest of full size buses to the smallest of cars
Fire permit are a VERY REAL THING. Physical copies required. Very nice print shop by the Susanville Walmart (with a fresh batch of super cool stickers they didn't realize were for us)
REMEMBER: while California is a recreationally legal state, the National Forest IS NOT
Be smart
Be safe

Be prepared to cook on propane. YES EVEN PROPANE REQUIRES A CALFIRE PERMIT. Get a CalFire Permit at any USFS office or online at 

June 24th Report:
Oliver Smith Howdy Folks..Welcome Home the 2024 Annual Gathering

Just spoke to someone on site, here's a brief update: Gathering is happening, he reiterated - IGNORE ALL RUMORS !!!
It is happening at the announced site. Any nonsense posted that it isn't happening is fictional. Any nonsense that it could be diverted elsewhere is also fictional. Water is not an issue (the stream is flowing enough to require a bridge), and parking is abundant.
However, please be advised, the FIRE BAN IS BEING OBSERVED (!!!). All kitchens are running on propane (!!!). Main supply is providing fuel, but any kitchens en route should bring propane burners (!!!) - not the small camper variety, but the "big-burner" kind that can accomodate a 10Gal pot - as well as tanks (5gal). He says the upshot is it's easier to cook on Whether you want to bring a propane "fire pit" is up to you, not exactly woodsy vibes, but could be nice to have on cold nights. Extra batteries may be useful, considering flashlights may be the only non-natural light available.
Also, THERE ARE MOSQUITOS, so if they like you then bring repellent (I use it, but I also bring sage smudge to keep them out of my tent) and whatever else you use (citronella candles, light-traps etc).
Other than that, it's going well, a small gathering so far. Bring your peace, bliss and light. Love is one and all that jazz. See you on the other side. Loving you!

Howdy Folks.. Welcome Home the 2024 Annual Gathering
David Smith 

No matter where the gathering is, people will cry their rivers. Gatherings are only held on national Forest property. The only resistance is because the people resisting are not in charge and making money. Federal lands are set aside for use by the people of America. The government hates us because we have no leaders and do not obtain permits. We don't pay the kings tax to camp on the kings lands. If areas are so sensitive etc, then maybe land grants should be applied for. The secretary of interior is responsible for the federal lands. The secretary of interior is native American. Lands should be easy to reclaim if local indigenous tribes filed for the lands. But most likely, even filed would not be approved.

Rainbow Gathering Fact: Since the Right to Assemble is Guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution, anyone that is UNHAPPY about the Gathering Happening Near where they Live may simply Contact their Senator and Congressmen and Get the First Amendment Repealed... 
I remember that the Giant Bonfires Were a Lot of Fun in Utah and the Small Campfires kept us Warm at night but... I do not Remember any Fires at all in California, Idaho or Pennsylvania... So Maybe this Year Will be Great! We Shall See... 

Here is a LINK to a MAP of What is Burning Today in California...

What IS The Rainbow Gathering? For Me, It's Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I'm in the Band... It's a Week Long Backpack Trip for Thousands of People...

Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE.


Howdy Folks..Welcome Home the 2024 Annual Gathering
Carla Bulotti Newbre 
Update on native outreach and local public relations efforts:
I went to the town meeting in Susanville last night, as I have in the past. Usually, these meet and greets go a long way to dispelling fear and anger among the local populace.
This year is very different, for many reasons. I was an hour late, so I do not have the whole picture, but I will do my best to convey what I heard. If I have any of it wrong, I am open to correction. No doubt others will have different perspectives and come to different conclusions, as well.
The meeting was attended by about 40-50 people, about an equal balance of rainbows and locals. There were about 8 or 10 people from the Maidu tribe, and about 10 cops. The cops did not participate, but stood around looking cop-like. There were locals friendly and open to us, and locals who were not. Mostly, not.
There is opposition to the gathering being where it is, as there always is. But to me, this year is very different. There is reason, and much of it not only valid, but needing to be conveyed. There are ethical dilemmas in this for me, and I would hope for everyone coming to the gathering.
First of all, please be aware that this area of the county has been devastated by wildfire, with many repeated evacuations, homes lost, and communities disrupted. Folks are still traumatized and terrified of another one happening. The site chosen for the gathering remained untouched by the last fires and the locals call it “The Island” with great reverence, both indigenous and settlers alike. Fire bans and fire plans notwithstanding, the fire danger in California is real, and these fears cannot and should not be quelled. We should all be terrified of that spark being set off.
Second, there was the usual misinformation spread by rumor via Facebook and the Forest Service and from folks from the past who do not like us. Rainbow folks did their best to correct misinformation and explain how we do things in a good way.
They did not want to hear it. They just wanted to tell us to go away.
Much of this position was in support of the Maidu people, whose ancestral territory this is on.
For me, this was the central issue. Efforts had been made by the tribal outreach project to connect with the Maidu and get their input, but timing was not optimum, and from what I have heard, there were mixed feelings among them from the start of these conversations. However, the people from that tribe who came to the meeting had one message:
“Go away.”
Their view is that nothing we do can prevent or mitigate or repair the damage done to a sensitive area—sensitive both environmentally, spiritually, and archeologically. They cannot tell us where the sensitive spots are, because as we all know people can be yahoos and if these spots are known, eventually someone will go there and do something damaging.
And I cannot argue with them. These are their beliefs.
Rainbows tried to tell them it was impossible, the people are coming, there is nothing we can do. They simply said,
“Un-invite everyone.”
For me, several ethical dilemmas arise, the chief one being, “Should I stay or should I go?”
I personally wish another spot in California had been found. It was not, though much effort has been spent over 40 years to find sites for the Annual gathering. For many reasons, California is difficult, and more so since climate change.
From me, there is “no shame no blame” to the folks scouting or counseling or doing outreach We all have done our best with the information we had at the time.
But the location has been announced, and the river of people is flowing, and will soon arrive. I have no doubt it is a good location for the gathering in terms of gathering needs. I also have no doubt that it is a very bad location for the gathering in terms of local residents’ needs. I don’t think there is much that can be done to change that. We can try to be kind, and listen, and not react when they lash out at us in anger and fear—because they are doing that—but we cannot change their view that we should not go there.
I cannot personally un-invite anyone, but as I have been one of the California folks passing on information from and about what’s happening on the ground, and posting the invitations written by others, I am now in the position of telling everyone that I believe we should not be there. And although I cannot un-invite anyone, I can invite everyone to consider where they will be for their prayer on the morning of the 4th.
We are not wanted, and our presence there will be hurtful to folks no matter how well we pull this off. Everyone needs to make their own decision on this. Again, no shame no blame, anywhere. It is what it is.
And while “Ignore all rumors of cancellation” is still and always a thing, likewise, maybe folks might choose to go to other prayer circles on the 4th, considering the strong opposition of the indigenous people who should have say over the use of their traditional lands, and are now at the mercy of the Forest Service and the U.S. government. To many of them, we are no better than the colonizers who came and took their land by force.
So, am I going? At this point, I feel a responsibility to be there simply to do what I can on any possible front for harm reduction. It is a huge ethical dilemma for me. And by definition, an ethical dilemma implies no clear choice of what is best to do. It is a judgment call.
I cannot advise anyone on what to do. Follow your conscience, follow your heart.

Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California
Tiny Flashlight You Can Wear Around Your Neck to Illuminate the Nighttime When Walking around in the Dark.

Remember to Bring Toilet Paper and Plenty of Food.

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A reminder to everyone, especially new attendees: be aware that Gatherings take place in National Forests, where federal laws hold sway. Cannabis is illegal on federal land, regardless whether it is legal in the state, and the cops very much enforce federal law in the National Forests.
One method that the law employs to harass Gathering attendees, is to pull over their cars as they approach the gathering, and then run the drug dogs past the vehicles. They cannot legally pull you over for no reason whatsoever, though, so do not give them a reason.
Expired tags, burned out tail lights, etc are classic reasons that the cops can pull you over. Another big one is if anything is suspended from your rear view mirror or otherwise impedes the driver's view of the road - that includes dream catchers.
So in addition to making sure your vehicle is 100% legal, also make sure to remove dream catchers or anything else that gives the po-po a pretext to search your vehicle once the K9 - who just "accidentally" happens to be there - sits down next to your car. I talked to a gazillion people at the Colorado Gathering who had to make a court appearance DURING the Gathering (at a special tent that the authorities set up down the road just for this reason) and who got big fines imposed, mostly for weed; many of them were pulled over because of something hanging from the rear view mirror. And for crying out loud, do not light up as you approach the Gathering - that is automatically probable cause for a vehicle search if they smell it or pull you over for anything else.
I post this in the interest of spreading information, not to scare anyone. The vast majority of attendees have no negative encounters with the cops; let's keep it that way for you as well.

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A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Memories of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band…
Thousands of people go backpacking for a couple of weeks… Every year during the end of June and the beginning of July… The location is different every year but it is always in a National Forest… It’s an intentional temporary village…

This is a description about my trip to The Rainbow Gathering in California 2004… I wrote this to help me remember…

Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE.

I made it to the 2004 rainbow gathering in beautiful Modoc National Forest of California. I got there July 1st before sunset and left July 6th in the morning. On July 1st, I hiked in a minimum distance and slept outdoors near the giant lava rock. At that point I was upset because I smelled burning clutch when I parked my mom’s car in the sagebrush. It turned out that the car in front of me was the source of the smell but I did not know that then. I drove over from Eureka and had a pleasant trip but I did drink 3 GIANT Pepsi-colas and was wired on caffeine and sugar…

I chatted with my fellow campers and we got along great. They told me the layout of the area and informed me about bears, cats and other local conditions. No problems with the animals. Then I went to sleep. I woke up and was cold and stiff from sleeping on the ground. It was a full moon and I walked all over looking at the sagebrush meadow. Another nap and then at dawn I went back out to the car and got supplies, more clothes, raincoat and water bottles. I walked back in and visited many campsites and chatted with locals… getting a clue about where it was all happening.

Got directions for a short-cut to the main circle… followed those directions and wandered around lost for a while…I really enjoyed the quaking aspen groves up on the mountain. I visited Bread of Life kitchen and listened to people blowing shofars and singing Christian sing along songs.

I visited a Jewish teach-in about the history of different tribes. On the main path, a dreadlocked man was playing bagpipes… including some Arabic harem music…Then I wandered down and stopped at Ram Dass’ tent. I spent 8 hours there. Many people came to chat with him personally but I never felt the urge to do that. This tent was on the main path and right next to the information booth so there was a constant flow of interesting people to look at. A couple set up a therapeutic massage clinic right next to me. They did a lot of healing and it was fun to watch people get better. We smoked some grass. They had a sign hung up advertising their massage clinic and many people stopped to ask me detailed questions about it. This turned out to be funny to me because I was just an innocent by sitter and had no official connection with them. And I didn’t know any of the answers to the questions… Some 20 year olds were next to me and they were loudly begging for “zuzu”. After an hour of listening to improbable stories about their time machine that ran on “zuzu” and their need to save their invalid aunt, I asked someone to tell me what a “zuzu” was. It turns out to be secret code for candy or chocolate… I had filled my backpack with LOTS of snickers bars and M&M candy to share with fellow campers so I threw a package of M&M’s at them and there was much cheering…

Info Tent… right next to Ram Dass’ tent…

Then I went out behind Ram Dass’ tent to enjoy the sunshine and get away from the crowds. This was the first time that I had smoked marijuana in a year and I was feeling strange and kinda creepy… It appeared to me that I had smoked too much… I could see the giant tents way off in the distance and they looked like alien spaceships that had landed. I found out later that one was called “simply wonderful” and the other was a Hare Krsna tent.

I enjoyed the sunshine and the paranoid effects of the grass wore off…
The sun set (amazing colors) and I went into a wooded area and played fetch with a dog. There were a LOT of dogs this year and they ran around loose at night. This one brought a stick up to me and dropped it at my feet. We played for a very long time and after I was totally bored he still wanted to play. I kept on telling him that I was not going to play anymore and he kept on trying to get me to play. This experience of inter-species communication was very powerful to me. The grass made everything seem so intense and I had just read a book at school called “A Language Older than Words” by Derrick Jensen that was all about inter-species communication. My ecology class studied this book in detail. We would read a couple of chapters, write a page of analysis and talk about it in groups. So my experience with the dog was strangely significant. Later that night I was eating a stick of summer sausage and another dog came to visit. I fed him some of the meat and we had a good time dining together. He also wanted to stay and eat forever but I was able to get him to go away when I conclusively “proved” that there was no more meat. (I put it inside the backpack and he believed that since he could not see it, it was gone)…

Then I went down the trail in search of drums. This year, there were many drum circles- none could be considered the “main” one. I danced with some people playing a Hare KRSNA beat and waving glowing cyalume lightsticks. I had two super bright LED flashlights (tiny-keychain size) that I tied to a short piece of twine. I could spin them around and make circles of blue and green light. Big fun to dance with. I was slightly concerned about temporarily blinding people because they were so powerful… I also wore them as a necklace and they automatically lit up the trail right in front of me as I walked along. It made the forest look like an underwater scene… blue and green light bouncing around and mixing to form ever changing illumination. Then I visited a tent where a man was telling GURU stories about Hanuman and Lord KRSNA. There was a fire inside the tent and 20 people listening. It was warm, comfortable and I stayed there for a couple of hours.

Main Circle and Simply Wonderful Tents.

Note the Beautiful Rock Formation above.
Then I went to the “Chai-Tea” kitchen and played the drums until dawn. I had my TEAK STICKS and tapped out rhythms in complementary patterns. My wife bought me those teak sticks and they are very lightweight, extremely loud and simple to play. Tick, Tick… Tock… Tock-ta-tic-tic-tic….. I have found that it is possible to make a sound that is similar to a cricket and that makes me feel like I’m a part of nature that is playing in the band. I ran out of drinking water and was saved by a refreshing cup of tea. Truly a miracle. At that time I had not found the source of drinking water and was truly concerned about it.

Then the sun came up and it was time to sleep. Early morning campfire scene.

About noon, I went out to the car for supplies. On the way I stopped for a cup of coffee. VERY strong coffee. At the car I played guitar and sang for an hour. One person was getting stuff from his car and stopped to listen. He wanted to find hot springs near the gathering that he heard were really good. A friend of his just happened to be parked next to him (coincidental meeting? Celestine?) and he complained to her that the noise of the drums kept him awake all night. I confessed to being one of the drummers that interfered with his sleep… I did that! I made that noise… They went away together to find the hot springs (romance?)… I wandered way up on top of the mountain to find the bathroom. This gathering had a huge quantity of people and the tents seemed to go on forever. Eventually, after a very long walk I found the slit trench bathroom… Then I located a wonderful source of drinking water at the “Warriors of the Light” kitchen. I made my way towards the main circle where they were serving dinner but arrived too late. Not a problem because I had plenty of food, candy and water. I also had a large amount of tobacco and shared it with anyone that asked. I was attracted by the sound of the “marimba tent” and went up there for a while playing the teak sticks and a borrowed drum. I smoked a lot of grass for the entire rest of my time there. I did not have any more paranoid effects, just endlessly stoned. Especially the chocolate syrup topping that went onto breakfast waffles… heavily laced with grass…

I ended up playing the drums at the “DunDun Village”. I took some action photographs of the synchronized dancers. The all-female dance troop was so erotic that I did not take any pictures of them. They seemed so sexy that I felt that it would be impolite and voyeuristic to use a camera. I just respected their feminity by taking home memories instead of photographs. Eventually, I spent the night playing drums around a campfire there. They had fire dancers performing at night. They had torches doused with camp-fuel (white gas) that they spun around their heads. One performer accidentally set herself on fire and rolled around in the dirt to put it out. During breaks in their show, I did my LED dance of blue-green circles. Same dance as they did, but high tech. I got a positive reaction from the audience. “GO BLACK LIGHT MAN, GO !”

The word was passed around that the morning of July 4th was to be silent. No talking or drumming at all. Then the sun came up and it was time for sleep. I woke up July 4th in the late morning. I met a fellow that I had played drums with and felt compelled to sing him a song that I had learned the night before. The lyrics are: Om mane padme, Om mane padme, Om mane padme OM. (repeat) The jeweled lotus is blossoming, deep within our soul, The jeweled lotus blossoming is our highest goal. He thanked me for the song but reminded me that we should not talk that morning.

I wandered on down the path towards the main circle and ran into a person from Arcata. Bart Orlando from the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. He was demonstrating his solar oven. We communicated using hand gestures and I walked over to the main circle. It was about 11:30 AM and we held hands and chanted OM for a half hour. I could not stand up for the entire time. It was a unique event. 16,000 people holding hands… Then a parade left “Kiddee Village”, the clock struck NOON and we all cheered. I had to find shade and relaxed under the quaking aspens near the Marimba tent.

Many people came and went. Here is a photo of a maiden playing with a ribbon toy…

A fellow gave me the last half of a marijuana cigarette but I had had enough. So the next group of people set down, and I gave it to them (two couples, about 40 years old). They thanked me but said “We won’t actually smoke that “shake” right now because our HASH is better”. They stayed for a long time and it was funny because the ladies got into a detailed conversation about home-loans and re-financing mortgage rates. One of the guys made fun of her for bringing in “Babylon ideas” to the gathering. Often the outside world is referred to Babylon… I guess that is a reggae/biblical reference to capitalism… We had a great time chatting in the shade.

They showed me a knife that was made out of a deer bone. It was sharp enough to serve as a letter opener, butter spreader or cheese cutter but it’s hidden significance was… no metal… easily smuggled past metal detectors/xray equipment… The lady that owned the knife explained that she lived in a dangerous city and wanted it for self defense but refused to be hassled by police with metal detectors. I guess I will not be flying on an airplane any time soon since such a simple weapon can totally defeat homeland security efforts.

Some people walked by dressed up as cats on stilts…

An oboe player sat nearby and played middle eastern tunes.

Then we admired a lady that had a KORA. It is a west African 21 string harp used by storytelling singers. She was a tiny oriental lady with a lovely wrap around dress and BALLOON HAT.

I woke up and went to dinner at the main circle. We ate great vegetarian food and I put a dollar in the Magic Hat to help fund the Rainbow Gathering.

I relaxed near the giant rock outcropping and watched the sunset. The stars were especially bright that night. I saw the constellation Aries the Ram. (I THINK) I pointed it out to some people I was sitting with and we all could see the outline of a giant goat with curly horns standing on the top of the mountain. To find this constellation, follow an imaginary line made by the last two stars of the big dippers handle. They point directly at the Ram’s head. Also that night there was an electric parade… people walked by on stilts with their bodies outlined in lights… I spent the night at the Marimba tent.

Drumming at the Marimba tent… in the afternoon…

They had two marimbas (covered by blue cloths in above photo) and the leader would teach a volunteer how to play a simple bass line on one while he improvised on the other. They were not in use during the day of July 4th. That night, they were both played…

They also had a complete drum set with cymbals, violin, gypsy dancers, 10 conga drummers, acoustic guitar and ME on teak sticks. I was amazed at how loud the bass drum of a drum set is when you are sitting very close. It was like getting kicked by a mule in the chest.

A lady had a red LED flashlight and we both played with our lights on the white parachute that formed the top of the tent… wiggling the lights in time to the music… making a psychedelic light-show… her doing red, me doing blue and green…

mix all three and every color of the rainbow is possible… RGB…

At dawn, I went to the Warriors of the Light tent to get water and sleep. July 5th was spent walking out. I would walk a little, rest a lot, walk a little, rest a lot. I met a guy from Chico that said he was a mural painter and that he owned “The Palms”. (a large farmhouse in rural Chico that is a rock and roll/art commune) I showed him my computer art (prints of my websites) and we had a good time talking about our experiences in Chico.

He took the picture of me standing in front of the giant lava rock.
(my campsite on July 1st)

The fellow in the foreground of that picture offered to sell me some magic mushrooms but I declined. The other fellow has a grass pipe on a fishing rod that he dangles out onto the trail… hoping for someone to fill his pipe… “fishing for weed”

I spent some time near the “CALM” medicine tent and drew a pen and pencil sketch of it. They provide general medic services for free.

Photo of the CALM Medic tent…

Then I walked out to the car and had dinner, played the guitar and slept soundly inside the car.
Picture of the Sunset on the last night…

I listened to AM talk radio and ran the heater… It gets really cold up there at night. The next morning, I tried to drive away but the rear tire dug a big hole in the sandy dirt. STUCK! I jacked up the car and filled the hole with dirt, let the car down to compress the dirt, jacked up the car to add more dirt and eventually, was able to get out. We had to park in a field that was covered with sagebrush and very difficult to drive thru. Major hassle getting in and even worse getting out. Driving home I saw about 20 wild horses running free…

I drove home stopping only for a giant hamburger in Redding and a swim in the Trinity river. Many road construction delays and unbearable heat in the Trinity Alps. That dip in the river was so fantastic… I drank so much water I got high… So, how was your summer vacation?

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Rainbow Gathering Idaho 2001: I went to the gathering with a goal in mind. I wanted to play my guitar and sing in public. Yes, mission accomplished. Part of My Autobiography...

I was Living in Chico, California and working at the plastics factory when there was a layoff, my wife suggested that I borrow the car and drive over to the gathering. My friend Mike Jensen wanted to go and so we checked the oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid and water and set out on a classic American road trip. We made it as far as Reno the first day and slept by the side of the road.
Normally I'm creepy about just pulling off and sleeping because there is the possibility of being hassled by the police but Mike soothed my fears and we spent an uneventful night there. Then on thru Nevada to Winnemucca and a turn North to get to Boise traveling thru the High Desert. Boise is a very beautiful town in a fertile valley. The directions printed from the website recommended going an extra 50 miles out of the way thru Sun Valley instead of taking the shortest route because the
road was supposed to be difficult to travel. We drove thru the Sawtooth Mountain Range (stunning beauty) and finally saw the tiny sign directing us to the Gathering.

About a mile down the dirt road, the car stopped running. All it needed was 15 minutes rest and it started right up. We had been traveling fast for hours and it was over whelmed by the demands i was putting on it. Many people drove by offering help. I was upset but Mike calmed my fears and sure enough it was fine.

Another 5 miles down the dirt road there was a fork with a sheriff... he directed us to the left and gave us a piece of paper telling us that it was an illegal gathering. Mike wanted to ask him a bunch of questions but I just wanted to go and avoid police contact... We found parking and walked in with our few belongings and set up camp. Went to sleep.

Mike was interested in finding "Serenity Ridge" (a 12 step AA/NA meeting-we met at Mom's AA in Chico and were both interested in the program at that time) ... and so the next day we started our search...

On a side meadow there was a sculpture made out of branches that formed two interlocking three sided pyramids. One with the pointy end up and one with the pointy end down. It formed a three dimensional star... Like the "Star of David"... On the path we saw "Dun Dun Village". They were doing drumming and synchronized dancing.

I ran out of water and was getting really thirsty. Mike suggested that I ask the nearest people for help and "Just bliss out"... It so happened that the people not only had fresh clean drinking water and a glass, but the had herbal tea... I was very grateful... not only for the physical help I got but for the knowledge that my needs were going to be taken care of for the rest of the event... I gave myself permission to "just bliss out"...
Then we went to the main campfire and danced to the drums for hours... actually all night long... It was cold up there in the mountains of Idaho and we only had sleeping bags, no tent... If we left the campfire, it was uncomfortable, so, why NOT stay and enjoy the unique experience of 30

The next day I went over to the "Relaxation Station" near the entrance and sat there all day long. I played my guitar and sang for all the newcomers to the gathering. A man wearing a silly "Dr. Seuss" hat sat down with his guitar and I taught him how to play "Uncle John's Band" by the Grateful Dead. We played it for a very long time... It seemed to him to have an odd chord sequence but after repeated instruction, we got it down. Fortunately, I had brought my hand written songbooks and the lyrics/chords to hundreds of classic rock/folks songs were in them... We had a fine time at "Relaxation Station" a place where newcomers were encouraged to stop and rest after their long journey... A lady was telling fortunes with Tarot Cards... we had beverages, food and anything else that a weary traveler could want... Grass, music and shade...

There was a fellow that was playing a trick on passers-by... he had a piece of foam that looked like a concrete block. he would ask the stranger to help him lift it because it was so heavy, then he would "accidentally" drop the block on their toe... They thought it was going to hurt them because it appeared to be a very heavy object, but it actually was very light... The "OH NO!' experience turned into silly laughter when the passers-by realized the joke... He did this to about 15 people during the afternoon I spent there... ahh, simple minds easily amused by cosmic theatre...

The next day was July 3rd and I walked over to the main campfire... Playing my 12 string guitar and singing loudly to the assembled thousands of people. Mostly "Iko Iko"...

ONE DAY WE ALL NOTICED A GIANT RAINBOW IN THE SKY. IT WAS CAUSED BY ICE CRYSTALS IN THE CLOUDS BEING DIFFRACTED... My wife calls this phenomenon a "Sun Dog"... It stretched for over half of the visible sky and stayed there for hours. You could tell something was happening because the people in the meadow all of a sudden started pointing at the sky... In our campsite under the trees I could see the main meadow and saw hundreds of people spread out for a mile stop what they were doing and point...

The people camped next to us were 20 something years old and they had long involved conversations about their careers in computer businesses in the Midwest... they also talked about their body piercing and the trouble with infections/who to go do the piercing that had clean tools
etc. I sat with them for and afternoon and sang them songs. One of the fine things about having my handwritten songbooks is that the people I play for can select which songs to sing from the index. Often they would exclaim "That's my favorite song!" and so we would sing it... It helps because they often don not know the words and can read them while we are singing...

I had to leave the gathering before the big July 4th celebration because my wife had bought tickets to a concert in Clear Lake, California. I took the shortcut road home and it was fine. The directions to the gathering recommended going the long way because of high winds... IF YOU ARE DRIVING A BUS WITH A VOLKSWAGON VAN WELDED ON TOP... But my little Honda car went smoothly.

I drove home alone and Mike stayed there at the gathering and found his own way home... as it turned out he stayed there for a month and got a terrible ride home in an old bus with bad brakes...

On the way home I experienced a light rain shower in the High Desert of Nevada. I stopped the car and walked around the in rain... It is so very rare to have rain in the desert so it was a happy time. I also watched fireworks as I was approaching Reno from the east.

Back at home we packed the car and camped out at a state park near Konocti Resort. Saw Dan Fogelburg and danced it the bar to a local band... Overall, a fine trip that was an unexpected blessing... I was so fortunate to get laid off at the Factory (for a week)...

Read More of My AutoBiography at:

Classic Rainbow Spiral ART
More at Google Image Search keyword: gvan42

Free All Cannabis Prisoners and
Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter

Pennsylvania Rainbow Gathering Memories:
I was driving around the East Coast of the USA on Vacation and...
My hitchhikers said the Gathering was at the intersection of 6 and 666 in Pennsylvania. I drove there by myself and was greeted by a man that said "Welcome Home, Brother". I parked and walked in carrying a backpack and sleeping bag... no tent... so the entire time I was sleeping in random different locations... When I arrived at the main campfire circle I noticed that the Gathering was located on a creek and so I wandered downstream to find a nude swimming hole... There by the creek side was a sweat lodge and a group of bathers. I went swimming and waited for the opportunity to go into the lodge. By this time I had been approached by someone's child who recommended that I not smoke tobacco during my time at the Gathering... I took that advice and soon was feeling the withdrawal symptoms from my addiction... A group left the sweat lodge and I went in... a person asked me to leave as there were two couples that wanted a private sweat and I was a fifth wheel... I got angry because I had no knowledge of a queue waiting for the sweat lodge... and I was freaking from the tobacco "JONES"... I left after arguing a bit and later got to sweat with many other men... The sweat was very therapeutic and helped with my nicotine anxiety. I wandered up to the main circle and met a fellow that manufactured plate glass xylophones and wooden marimbas. I borrowed one and played at the main circle. Then went over to a stage near the entrance and joined a group performing there. I was not wearing any clothes... It's the one time in my entire life that I have performed on stage nude... We mostly played songs like "JINGO" by Santana... that classic beat...
And the song "Infinite Sun"

We are all one 'neath the Infinite Sun,
forever, forever, forever...
I will never forget you,
I will never forsake you,
forever, forever, forever...

Later that day I met some women and retired to their blanketed campsite for a back rub... One was named Terri and we became friends... Traded phone numbers... She decided to leave the Gathering Early because she wanted to go to the Bob Dylan and The Dead concert at RFK Stadium in Washington DC.
I selected to not go because the Gathering was a better event... In my opinion...

On July 4th at the main circle I found a bowl of Peyote unattended... It had a sign saying Sacrament, Help Yourself... and I did... For the entire day I ate small bits of Peyote... Just a small amount and then wait a half an hour, then another small amount and wait... after about 12 hours I had eaten a LOT and truly got the Mescaline High without barfing. The flavor of Peyote is quite bitter and many people find it to be so bad that they barf... I prefer the slow, steady approach.

I wandered over to a stage made out of hay bales and enjoyed the music. There was a cable slide built into a tree and I rode that often. How it worked: there was a steel cable leading from a platform about 15 feet up in a tree stretched tautly to a stake in the ground... A person sat in a leather seat that was attached to the cable by a freespinning wheel and chain... Jump off the platform and ride the cable to the ground... whee! swing the seat back up the cable for the next rider... That was an amazing ride, home made by Rainbow Gatherers just for our own amusement... Thanks!!!

Then I started dancing with a lady that had coarse brown hair... we became friends and were kissing on the ground when she suggested we go on stage and sing for the rest of the tribe. By this time I was very high on Peyote. She gave me a choice of three songs to perform... the names of the first two songs were incomprehensible so I selected Kumbayah, the third choice. We did go onto the stage and sang for the rest of the tribe... by that time she selected to go to her campsite and we parted ways... I located my sleeping bag and found that another lady was in it... I told her to not worry or leave and we slept together like spoons...

In my reading about the Native American Church, one of the things that happens is that a person high on peyote meets Mescalito and is taught their song... then they perform it for the tribe... My experience was similar... I felt as if the woman with the coarse brown hair was Mescalita and we did perform my song...

A couple of days later I drove home and went out on a date with Terry. We had a fine time and she and her girlfriend wanted a ride to an Ashram in rural Virginia. So the three of us went to visit Dar San Singh near an army base on the Potomac. We could hear the explosions of the warriors practicing with their weapons. The sound provided contrast for what was happening at the Ashram.
The Spiritual Study of Indian Religion.
I didn't quite grasp the message of this GURU (mainly because I could not understand a word he said-heavy accent, talked quietly) so I and the Terry's girlfriend came back to DC and I dropped her off at her house.

And THAT's how I spent my summer vacation...

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My trip to the Rainbow Gathering in Utah after I retired from work. 2014
Since I had time on my hands and money in my pocket... it was a perfect opportunity to go camping with 10,000 hippies in the woods.

I drove my Ford Windstar Van with the bed in the back to Chico and picked up my friend "Rainbow" Mike Jensen. We drove for two days to thru Nevada and Utah to Salt Lake City where we went shopping for groceries. The clerks were very helpful and in General the Mormon People were kind to us. I drove past Park City and turned off the main road just before Heber City. I had gotten the driving directions from the website and we traveled a long way on dirt roads into the Utah wilderness. I parked in a field and we relaxed for a day in order to get acclimated to the high elevation. A camper who parked next to me was complaining that he had forgotten to pack Bungee Cords and he was upset as that was an essential part of his backpack. I had a few extra that I gave him and in his gratitude he gave me some Marijuana. I was at the gathering for 5 minutes and already stoned.

Mike was excited about going to the main part of the gathering and he packed up his backpack and hiked down the trail. I wouldn't see him for 3 days. I spent the night sleeping in my van on the mattress. The next day I simply relaxed in the parking lot and enjoyed the sunshine. Then I packed my own backpack and walked on down the trail. I did not take my camera as it was low on batteries and Mike had my batteries in HIS backpack. It was exhausting to hike due to the 9,000 foot elevation. I only made it half way to the Welcome Home Tent on the first day. I did take a blissful ride in the back of a pickup truck with a pile of other campers thru the sunny forest... Then I camped out in a location that had many mosquitoes... not a lot of fun... I put my sleeping bag over my head to prevent getting bitten and endured the night.

The next day I walked on down the trail resting often... Including next to the campsite of the Lady Nicknamed "Hitler" who was drinking a lot of booze and loudly arguing with everyone... Eventually she would be arrested by the police for stabbing another camper with a knife... I walked on by without talking to her and arrived at the "Welcome Home Kitchen". I would stay there for two days and nights... smoking weed, singing songs and Tending the Campfire...

I was given the opportunity to focus my attention. Here is what happened...

While at the Welcome Home Kitchen, the Fire Tender wanted to go to another kitchen and trade a cooler filled with coffee for pizza. He asked if someone would watch the fire while he was gone. SOMEONE had to be there... I volunteered. I Said "I'll be here. I'll be the responsable adult. I can do that, I have done that."

he said "Great" and Left with the cooler filled with coffee.

So I took over and made sure we didn't burn down the forest. I also collected wood, placed it carefully on the fire arranging the logs so that they would burn without causing a lot of smoke AND I invited arriving people to help themselves to a cup of coffe or clean drinking water... and to take a break and relax around the fire.

This is a classic way to focus attention as the placement of logs on the fire is very similar to Zen Gardening with sand...

So, during this time... I asked for a Really Big Idea... I had attended Rainbow Gatherings before and I wanted each visit to be different. It's pointless and boring to keep on repeating experiences... so, this time I wanted to get a really big Idea...

and here it is: A SolarFire powered Desalinization Machine. Use a driftwood fire to power a steam engine. Use the force from the steam engine to drive a water pump. Pump seawater thru a pipe in the fire and into a long black pipe with a reflector that focuses sunlight on the pipe. When the water boils, it expands in volume... at the end of the pipe, steam will be billowing out with a great deal of force. Use that force to drive an electricity generating turbine. Collect the steam and let it turn back into a liquid... The result is Pure H20, NaCl and Electricity... all valuable and sell-able.

Clean safe drinking water is a big problem. We could use the collected steam for drinking, bathing, livestock, gardens... AND making Ice for a really great Scotch on the Rocks.

To make this practical, the location of the machine would need to be near a big pile of driftwood. On Agate Beach in California, I have seen a pile of driftwood that covers the entire beach for about a half a mile... In other locations, use whatever resource is available. For Example: In Saudi Arabia it would make more sense to burn oil or gas...

So, during my meditation I Got my really big idea...

Later, the fire tender returned and his mission to get pizza was successful.

Much later I was sitting by the fire and another Rainbow Gatherer approached... He said mockingly: "Have you been sitting in that same spot for two days?" Which was true, I did spend a couple of days at the Welcome Home Tent.

I replied: "No, I also worked as the fire tender... That gave me an opportunity to Focus My Attention... [said slowly] Focus... My... Attention... "

The fire tender was listening and he nodded with understanding... Later we ended up hanging out together and he was a fine fellow... He was also very interested in being in the Cleanup Crew... I assume he got paid a lot in valuable stuff left behind.

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Long ago I was playing the drums with some Buddhists at an anti-war protest march... I asked them why we were playing such an odd rhythm... They said that it requires that you Focus Your Attention... It's true... That experience was quite different than bang out a 4/4 on the big bass drum... I also did that at the same protest, our goal was to get George Bush the Father to remember that we didn't LIKE his war... and there were people playing the drums 24 hours a day in Lafayette Park to remind him... His only choices were to listen or flee...

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We walked from the Welcome Home Kitchen to camp at The Big Shady Spot at Main Meadow. At high elevation, sunburn is a major problem so our campsite was the very best!

A group of musicians were relaxing in the shade and I played my harmonica. I actually lead the group doing the song "You Are My Sunshine". A six year old girl was demanding the attention of the adults and I played that song for her, everyone else sang along... Big Fun...

I saw a group of people congregating in the Smaller Shady Spot at Main Meadow and I wondered... "What are those people doing?" Then they all came over to our campsite... A Lady asked me if she could teach a healing seminar at our location... I said "SURE, have fun. I was wondering what the crowd of people was for, and was considering walking over there but you came over here..." and she said: "Sometimes Mohammad goes to the Mountain and sometimes the Mountain Comes to Mohammad." Her name is Sonya Sophia and she taught a seminar of Self Help - Acupressure. We put pressure on locations of out body by tapping lightly with our fingers while she told us reassuring statements and we would all repeat what she said... Like: "I Love and Respect Myself." It was a good seminar and I enjoyed it so much that I took her business card and attended once a week internet sessions. Here is a link to a youtube video of her teaching at a Rainbow Gathering...

That night I attended the GIANT BONFIRE and danced. Some campers brought a laser lightshow.
I tried to get the people to play along with the Drumming Beat [Boom, Boom, Chick] from Queen's "We Will Rock You" but no one wanted to play that beat... Everyone liked "Jingo" by Carlos Santana...

When it was time to leave I found that Mike had mover the Van to a much closer location. Thank You Mike! I never got acclimated to the high elevation and hiking was exhausting.

He also volunteered me as an ambulance driver to take two teenagers to the hospital at Heber City. When we arrived, we took the girl to the nurse and then delivered the couple to the Salt Lake City Airport where her uncle had a ticket home waiting for them... They basically had taken too many psychedelic drugs and were tired, lost, broke and needed some help.

Mike spent some time reading out loud from the book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand at the gathering and in our motel rooms.
History: What it Looked Like in 2022...
Main Circle July 4th Colorado Rainbow Gathering

Gathering Colorado 2022 - newspaper photo

Many People put a Lot of Effort into Building Kitchens to Cook Food and We All have Giant Communal Meals... Others Build Giant Bonfires... Many People Bring Musical Instruments... Drums, Guitars, Flutes, Harmonicas... Others Teach Classes in Self Healing... Some read Tarot Cards... Whatever it is That Interests YOU is what Happens at the Gathering... Some Trade Hand Made Crafts, Crystals or Tie Dye T-Shirts... Some People Take Psychedelic Drugs and Marijuana but Alcohol is Only Allowed in the Parking Lot... AA & NA Have Meetings... Some people do Fire Dancing with Flaming Kerosene Balls on the end of short Chains... People Work Building Slit Trench Latrines and Clean Water Delivery Systems... Others work as Volunteer Doctors and Nurses... Rangers from the National Park Service are there in case you have an Emergency they Can Radio for a Medi-Vac Helicopter...

I like bringing Extra Food to Share... Especially Small Bags of M&M Chocolate...

And on July 4th at NOON There is a Group "OM" Chant Holding Hands... 

Site specific RAP 107:

This area is absolutely beautiful. Please do everything in your power to minimize your personal impact and to have a safe and healthy gathering.
There may be many animals in the road or crossing the roads—elk, deer, antelope, cows, and sheep. You are entering their home. Please respect their need to be left in peace. Slow down and enjoy them, look around at the countryside that is their backdrop.
Greater sandhill cranes have their breeding grounds in the area. Please stay away from nesting sites if you come across them, and talk to someone at Info about flagging the areas as sensitive.
There are boreal toads that will sing you to sleep at night. To protect their habitat, please stay out of streams and wet, marshy, or willow-y areas.
Even though elk calving season is officially over, there are still random calves being born. They do not move from their birthing place for two weeks. Please take every care to avoid them, and to move away from them if you do see them. They are very vulnerable at this age.
There are a lot of standing dead trees onsite. They are called “widow makers” for a reason. Make sure your tent in not at risk.
Remember that drinking water directly from the source can lead to Giardia. Filtered is water available all over the site. You can fill your containers at the tap, or from the large jugs at the kitchens. Don’t touch the thing to the thing.
Sun exposure at high altitude is a risk. Wear sunscreen, broad brimmed hats, etc. Mosquitos are abundant.

Finally, leave no trace. Pack it in, Pack it out. We love you!

This promises to be an especially great Gathering this year!

Remember: Cold at Night. Go a Few Days Early to Get Acclimated... Bring Warm Clothes, Sleeping Bag... Bring Plenty of Food and Chocolate! ... Bring a Bag of Tobacco for "Nic @ Nite" --- Bring a Cup to use when they are serving free food! Remember: Sunburn is a Real Health Hazard at High Elevation.

Rainbow Gathering Graphic - Whole Earth from Space

The First Amendment to the US Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So... While Local People & Police May SAY that it's an Illegal Gathering... The First Amendment to the Constitution Always Guarantees the Right to Peaceably Assemble... and That's What We Are Doing!



Although I haven't attended as many gatherings as some, I've been to enough rainbow gatherings to be able to pass along to you these essential truths. This is written in hopes of reaching first time attendees and those who could use a few hacks.
Rainbow has many facets and has the ability to transform lives on so many levels. I like to look at it as a catalyst for self-mastery and development and although it is different for everyone, many can agree with this perspective. The gathering experience has the capability of altering the trajectory of lives. I've seen it happen over and over, my own life included
I came to Rainbow for healing, that was my intention, however, not everyone wants the same thing from their Rainbow Gathering experience. Some come to see friends and family, some to exercise and ensure the constitutional rights of American citizens, some simply need respite from their travels, their busy lives or a number of other reasons. Everyone's definition of Rainbow Gatherings may differ. This is mine and I wish to share with you the things I wish I'd been told prior my first experience.
Number one- autonomy is supreme. Have your own everything, be efficient, keep it simple (remember pack it in pack it out), but have your own space, supplies, extracurricular accouterments, etc. There are so very many important reasons for this. I'll just name a few of the most imperative, for to cover this topic in its entirety is a whole other article. When you have your own shit, you aren't subject to someone else's dominion. For example, you can't be kicked out of your own tent, or you can't be manipulated with food water or party favors, because you have your own. I know it sounds harsh, but trust me on this one. You'll thank me later. Not everyone has the best motives, just like in mainstream society, which leads me to the next thing I wish someone had told me prior to gathering.
Number two- Don't assume everyone that attends is all about "love and light". Like I said before, there are as many reasons that people come to the woods as there are people that come to the woods. That's Rainbow. There's no definitive set of moral or spiritual standards. There is, however, deep tolerance for individual mindset and belief, and the allowance and acceptance of BEING. Find the ones that fit you and build with them.
Number three- If you're not okay tell someone. Walk up to the nearest kitchen, pick the kindest face or soul you can perceive, and simply say "I'm not OK". No matter what it is you will find the help you need. Rainbow can be intimidating and it may seem like everyone is busy making something happen. However, it is full of compassionate souls with the desire to make the world a better place. I can say with almost a 100% certainty that there is someone in almost every kitchen I know of that cares whether you are okay or not.
Number four- Be unapologetically yourself. Own your life, your experiences, where you are on your path or journey. You are a sovereign entity on an amazing planet. It is you're right to BE. NO ONE has the right to diminish or invalidate that.
Number five- Speak your own truth from your own heart. Don't be deterred by blowhard Bobo spouting his imaginary credentials of how he's been to 3 world gatherings 15 annuals 37 regionals ran 3 kitchens brought 50 pounds of rice and 30 pounds of beans for 30 years blah blah blah blah. No one, no matter their "accolades", has the right to try and shut you up. We all got here the same way, from a woman's body. Who cares what Bobo did before, what matters is what we are all doing now.
Number six- Know that a red flag is truly a red flag. If someone makes you uncomfortable, get the hell away from them. It doesn't matter what amount of supplies, drugs, popularity, whatever they have, there are hundreds of others in the woods happy to share without trying to bully your energy.
Number seven- Immerse yourself in Nature. In my experience, the deeper into the Woods I go, the more magical and profound is my reality. Don't forget water and a flashlight.
Number eight- Don't accept drugs from some rando. I mean for real. Alot of the negative stories I've heard start off with some dude in the parking lot handing out research chemicals. For free. I'm not fear-mongering, it's just common sense. Everybody ain't your friend.
Number nine- Camp at least within a football field's length of the nearest slit latrine (the "shitter"). I can say with all honesty I have shit my pants at least once at every gathering I've ever attended. Real talk.
And number ten- Sit and participate in a talking circle, any circle. There are numerous talking circles. Spring Circle, Vision Circle, Family Circle, etcetera. In my opinion, talking circles are the premium transformational gifts that Rainbow has to offer. The basic mechanics of a talking circle are this- there's a circle of people, there's a talking object that is usually passed to the left. Whoever has it talks, everyone else listens. It sounds simple, yet it is one of the most awakening activities in which I've ever participated. I am who I am today because of Rainbow talking circles. There I found my Voice. Ideally circles are egalitarian no hierarchy. Your Voice, your words, matter. In a world where humans are disposable, these circles validate in a way that can be permanent and powerful, so please, respect our circles, they truly are sacred.
Rainbow gatherings can be a shock to the system when we first encounter them, and just like society and everyday life, we are bound to encounter a full spectrum of characters. Use the same caution you would use in any other situation. The Miracle is real. It is YOU, and I truly hope your experience at the gathering accelerates your awareness of this fact. ❤️‍🔥👑

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BB asks: As a first time family member of the upcoming gathering, I need to know what items to bring. I will be in my camper van so I have the luxury of more space. What do tent people often run out of that I can bring to share? What fun items should I bring? I have my drum and playing cards, for example. What else?

I replied: Bring Food... Enough to feed yourself for a week... Bring Flashlights! I've always had to backpack in and so I traveled light... Instead of bringing a drum I brought Harmonicas and TEAK STICKS... Very Light Weight... Often it's a Long Walk from the Parking Lot to the Welcome Home Kitchen so... Figure That You will be Bringing Everything you want in One trip.

EF Said: I suspect this gathering will be high elevation and cold. I recommend blankets or warm layers for people who come from low elevation climates and don’t understand how to prepare for cold Colorado nights. Also bringing kick downs for kitchens is always great! Over at Instant Soup Kitchen we can never get enough fresh produce, dried fruits and nuts and nut butters.

Inside the Marimba Tent - California Rainbow Gathering 2004 - gvan42

As some folks have asked about clean/sober space and meetings in the woods. SereniTea Ridge is indeed focalizing our camp for the annual gathering! We could use all the help we can get, so if you’d be interested in camping/connecting with us, please let us know!

SereniTea Ridge at the Rainbow Gathering - meme

Preamble For Serenitea Ridge:
We are a fellowship of men and women who share our strength, experience, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from the disease of addiction.
We come together every summer at the National Rainbow Gathering to share our vision of peace, love, and healing for our Mother and for us, her children. We realize that we know only a little and that more will be revealed if we are willing to place our trust in spirit. We hold 12-step meetings in our camp twice a day, at Rainbow Noon and Dark Thirty. All are welcome, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or drug of choice. Any person in recovery is welcome even if your recovery is not chemically-related. Because of the nature of our sensitivities, we ask that Serenity Ridge and Brew HaHa Tea Kitchen remain chemical-FREE. That includes caffeine and nicotine. We ask that you respect our serenity by respecting these requests and join us as we share this life in recovery.

Words of Advice:
The gathering is going to be in high elevation. That is a given. There is always a hike in. Some yrs as far as 4 miles although it has been less in the last several yrs. This is primitive camping. There are only slit latrines with little privacy. No portapotties. Please be prepared for these obstacles. If there is a medical emergency it could take time to assess care. This has always been the nature of the gathering. For our new family we welcome you but be aware this is not a festival.If you come before 7/1 then you are at seed camp. You must be prepared to be self sufficient and pitch in.Everyone will help as much as possible but be prepared for cold weather and maybe a fire ban. Our focus is building a community in the woods where we as a family are self sufficient as we prepare for our silence and prayer on the July 4th. It's going to be epic, even if it isn't easy.

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Photographs and Story of My Journey to the Rainbow Gatherings in California, Idaho, Pennsylvania and Utah...

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Rainbow Bridge in the Sky Photo
I Said: We all saw something like that at the Rainbow Gathering in Idaho 2001... People out in Main Meadow were pointing and shouting as if a UFO was landing... I left our campsite under the trees to see what the comotion was... and saw a giant rainbow in the sky that persisted for about a half an hour... Bliss!

and AP Replied: At the 78 gathering in Oregon, it had rained cats and dogs for days and days. On the 4th after the OM, the very second it went quiet, the sun came out over our huge circle with a rainbow from one side of the circle to the other. That was enough to make a believer of me that something else was at play in those moments!

Welcome Home!

Too bad you can't see this, it's a beautiful
picture of the Welcome Home tent from the 1992 Colorado National

When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow -- Old Native American Prophecy

Rainbow Gathering 2022 Colotado July 1-7

Live Lightly with the Land and People!

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The Saying "Welcome Home" was a Greeting Originally said to Returning Vietnam Veterans... Because They Were In Need of a Friendly Greeting. 

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Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California
Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California
Photo of the CALM Medic tent…
Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California
Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Prayer for World Peace on Interdependence Day (July 4th)

Circle on July 4
Photo from Colorado 2006 (thanks Solace)

The silent prayer/meditation for world peace is the culmination of our attempts to create a peaceful and harmonious gathering. Starting as the sun rises on the morning of July 4th, the gathering will become silent. As people wake up and get ready for their day, most people respect the silence. As people are so inclined they head to main meadow to pray for world peace, do yoga for world peace, meditate for world peace and all sorts of other mellow and silent manifestations of creating the energy of world peace and the healing of the planet.

We hold this peace in preparation for the arrival of our children. The children's parade (meet at Kid Village or Dirty Kid Village a few hours before noon if you have kids and want them in the parade) will come into the center of the circle. Please hold the silence until all the children (even the ones at the end of the parade) have made it into the center of the circle. Our children our are future and deserve our respect. Oming/Auming can start when most of the children are in the circle. PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WIDELY.

At some point before breaking the silence we will om/aum. Not a short 1-2 minute om, but a long drawn out 15 minute or 30 minute om/aum. If we are all focused and om together, not in a hurry to get it down, but to be with it in the moment, we can create energy that will change the world.

Each of us has a crucial role to play in this sacred ceremony that is the core of the Annual Gathering of the Tribes. This is why I and so many people I know go to the gathering, dig shitters, chop wood and carry water. This is why so many people dedicate so much resources and energy to the gathering. Please if you choose not to participate, please be silent and let those who wish to create a sacred ceremony do so.

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Fire Tending Meditation: a way to focus attention.

When at the Rainbow Gathering in Utah 2014 I was given the opportunity to focus my attention. Here is what happened...

While staying at the Welcome Home Kitchen, the Fire Tender wanted to go to another kitchen and trade a cooler filled with coffee for pizza. He asked if someone would watch the fire while he was gone. SOMEONE had to be there... I volunteered. I Said "I'll be here. I'll be the responsable adult. I can do that, I have done that."

he said "Great" and Left with the cooler filled with coffee.

So I took over and made sure we didn't burn down the forest. I also collected wood, placed it carefully on the fire arranging the logs so that they would burn without causing a lot of smoke AND I invited arriving people to help themselves to a cup of coffe or clean drinking water... and to take a break and relax around the fire.

This is a classic way to focus attention as the placement of logs on the fire is very similar to Zen Gardening with sand...

So, during this time... I asked for a Really Big Idea... I had attended Rainbow Gatherings before and I wanted each visit to be different. It's pointless and boring to keep on repeating experiences... so, this time I wanted to get a really big Idea...

and here it is: A SolarFire powered Desalinization Machine. Use a driftwood fire to power a steam engine. Use the force from the steam engine to drive a water pump. Pump seawater thru a pipe in the fire and into a long black pipe with a reflector that focuses sunlight on the pipe. When the water boils, it expands in volume... at the end of the pipe, steam will be billowing out with a great deal of force. Use that force to drive an electricity generating turbine. Collect the steam and let it turn back into a liquid... The result is Pure H20, NaCl and Electricity... all valuable and sellable.

Clean safe drinking water is a big problem. We could use the collected steam for drinking, bathing, livestock, gardens... AND making Ice for a really great Scotch on the Rocks.

To make this pracital, the location of the machine would need to be near a big pile of driftwood. On Agate Beach in California, I have seen a pile of driftwood that covers the entire beach for about a half a mile... In other locations, use watever resource is available. For Example: In Saudi Arabia it would make more sense to burn oil or gas...

So, during my meditation I Got my really big idea...

Later, the fire tender returned and his mission to get pizza was successful.

Much later I was sitting by the fire and another Rainbow Gatherer approached... He said mockingly: "Have you been sitting in that same spot for two days?" Which was true, I did spend a couple of days at the Welcome Home Tent.

I replied: "No, I also worked as the fire tender... That gave me an opportunity to Focus My Attention... [said slowly] Focus... My... Attention... "

The fire tender was listening and he nodded with understanding... Later we ended up hanging out together and he was a fine fellow... He was also very interested in being in the Cleanup Crew... I assume he got paid a lot in valuable stuff left behind.

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