Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump Lied, People Died. Over 1.1 Million Americans Died of COVID-19. IT WAS NOT A "DEMOCRATIC HOAX"...

How To Beat Trump and Make Money At The Same Time! Write a Popular Anti-Trump Blog, Enable Google's AdSense... and Sell Merch on Zazzle... 

ARREST TRUMP AGAIN hat for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
If You Can't Write Your Own Blog, 
Feel Free to Pirate Anything You See Here... 
Classic Content Below! 
Designed to 
Attract Viewers and Change Minds!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Who was the Worst President Ever? Donald John Trump. Remember these FACTS: 

Over 1 Million Americans Died from Coronavirus. The Stock Market Had the Largest Loss of Money in History. Massive Harm to American Farmers and Consumers Caused by Trade War With China.  Trump's Unemployment High 14.7% Biden = 3.4%. Huge Lines of Cars at Free Food Giveaways. Massive Increase in Homelessness... 

Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... HJ RES 40...
house-joint-resolution/40 If a person gets a 
Social Security Disability Check due to INSANITY
They No Longer have to Report That Fact on a 
Gun Purchase Background Check..
Save America From Trump #LockHimUP #ArrestTrumpNow meme
CAUGHT! Trump's Laptop Crime: Who Did He Email America's Secrets To? Trump's TREASON is a DANGER to the USA. #ArrestTrumpNow #LockHimUP

Trump Failed to Build The Wall, 
He Failed to Get Mexico to Pay for It and
It Failed to Keep People OUT!
Trump's Failed Wall
People Just Walked Around the End...

Trump Lost the 2020 Election, Tried to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th BUT HE FAILED!
Biden's the President while Trump's in Mar-A-Loser, Florida... CRYING...

Trump Received Money From Russia for 2016 Election. GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign. 

Why Hasn't Trump Been Arrested and Convicted for This Crime?

Republican political operative Jesse Benton was 
convicted in federal court of funneling $25,000 
from a Russian businessman to Donald Trump’s 
2016 presidential campaign.
Jesse Benton GOP Criminal - Trump Russia Campaign Contribution

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law 
Caused Today's Budget Deficit...

Arrest Trump T-Shirts, Buttons, Hats, Stickers for Sale! #LockHimUp - PLUS - Original ART Neckties, Slogan Hats, Playing Cards etc. Zazzle Gregvan - All Royalties Donated to Charity.

Small Crowd Size Today at Trump Campaign Rally. People are Simply Bored With Him. "He Lost, Lying Doesn't Change That Fact. And I'm Tired of So Much Losing." Says Former TrumpNik® That Prefers to Keep Identity Hidden... Worried About Revenge from the MAGALoser! 
Small Crowd Size at Trump Campaign Rally. People Have Simply Lost Interest in Him.

In 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning on Social Media Works... His Puppet Won! SO... 
Please Like and Share this Blog Post Nationwide! 
Or Write Your Own... 
We Must Beat Trump Like a Piñata  in 2024.
Let's Beat Trump Like a Pinata in 2024.

Remember: Hillary got more Votes than Trump. 
Joe got more Votes than Trump. 
In 2024 Trump will be a THREE TIME LOSER!


Arrest Trump Embroidered Hat for Sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Merchandise for Sale!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Trump Fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 - in 2019 we had a Pandemic - TRUMP = TOTAL IDIOT

Amid warnings from public health officials that a 2020 outbreak of a new coronavirus could soon become a pandemic involving the U.S., alarmed readers asked Snopes to verify a rumor that U.S. President Donald Trump had "fired the entire pandemic response team two years ago and then didn't replace them."
Trump: Worst President Ever - Fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018, In 2019 we had a Pandemic. 102 Million Americans Died.

Hey Republicans! You Don't Have to Be Unhappy Your Entire Life! You Could WAKE THE F*CK UP!
Go Ahead... Get a Clue! It's Much More Fun to NOTICE REALITY That to Live as a Brainwashed TrumpNik® - MIND CONTROL is a Road to Certain Disaster...

DJIA - Largest Loss Of Money in History - Trump - March 2020


On Monday the Dow Jones dropped more than 1,800 points at the open while the S&P 500 fell more than 7%, a massive sell-off that triggered a circuit breaker and halted trading for 15 minutes.

Stocks plummeted once again on Thursday after President Donald Trump and the Federal Reserve both failed to quell concerns over the economic slowdown stemming from the coronavirus, leading to a historic drop for the U.S. markets.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 2,352.60 points lower, or 9.99%, at 21,200.62. The index had its worst drop since the 1987 “Black Monday” market crash, when it collapsed by more than 22%.The S&P 500 plummeted 9.5% to 2,480.64, joining the Dow in a bear market. The S&P 500 also had its worst day since 1987. The Nasdaq Composite closed 9.4% lower at 7,201.80.

Trump Lies Debunked meme video

Trump’s 40 Biggest Broken Promises... 

More pain than gain: How the US-China trade war hurt America.

Trump’s Policy Failures Have Exacted a Heavy Toll on Public Health.

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover... 

The Worst President in History.

Anonymous Person of FaceBorg Says:
A six year old can get their hands on a gun, go to school, show it around and talk about using it, and then does. Meanwhile, there are dozens of books that this child can't get his hands on, because said books are dangerous. This is where we find ourselves???? Why do I get the feeling that this radical condemnation of certain books is mostly coming from people that scream about their 2nd amendment rights?
They are Frightened by BOOKS Because they CAN'T READ.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
How is he not the WORST liar in history? He used to BRAG about sleeping with porn stars, and then illegally had his lawyer pay her off and then claim it was a campaign contribution? He’s about to be indicted for this primarily because he likes to rub peoples faces in his life of crime that he’s never been held accountable for. Every time he opens his mouth he digs himself a deeper hole.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
The complicated thing about polarization is that you can’t always just say you’re both right or you’re both wrong, both of you stop arguing you’re giving me a headache. That’s a cop out. More often then not, one side of the argument or debate is in fact wrong or immoral, but intimidating.
So much so, that nice ways of agreeing to disagree are lost. At the opposite extreme, they plot violence against each other, but those predisposed to bigotry & toxic mal agendas in the first place will also be the ones more prepared for a violent confrontation. The only way to progress is to kindly show them a better way. However long it takes.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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Ron DeSantis' crusade against higher education can now claim the College Board as one of its victims.
After the Florida governor banned the AP African American studies course, prompting widespread outcry from Black leaders, teachers, and education advocates around the country, the College Board, the main body that administers tests for the courses, on Wednesday released a new curriculum that no longer includes material DeSantis had objected to. My colleague Pema Levy said it best: Welcome to Black History Month.
For its part, the College Board claims that it did not cave to DeSantis' complaints, insisting instead that it discovered some students struggling with the "dense" new material. But that's difficult to believe, considering these changes:
The revised curriculum expunges discussion of modern initiatives for equality or racial justice, including Black Lives Matter, Queer social movements, affirmative action, and the push for reparations. The new curriculum no longer features seminal figures in modern Black thought, including Kimberlé Crenshaw, a law professor whose work is foundational to critical race theory and intersectionality and who had been included before.
DeSantis hasn't indicated yet whether he'll accept the revised AP course now that it's been stripped of what the Florida Education commissioner called a "woke indoctrination masquerading as education." But whatever happens in Florida, it's hard to see how other Republicans won't be encouraged by the College Board's move to apparently kowtow to such culture war posturing—particularly those hoping to out-douche DeSantis and Donald Trump for the GOP nomination. Scary times, folks.
—Inae Oh

Neil Green Said:

I never thought GOP would ban abortion and overturn Roe v Wade. Polls consistently show these to be unpopular policies except among Evangelicals.
To my surprise, GOP overturned Roe v Wade. They used a side door to make this dramatic move by denying Supreme Court nominations from Democratic President(s) and fast-tracking nominations from GOP presidents. The result was a packing of Supreme Court with right-wing evangelicals. Once GOP achieved a super-majority, they almost immediately overturned Roe v Wade, a half-century long guarantee to right of abortion. Consequently, GOP legislatures in state after state have restricted right to abortion if not banned abortion outright.
The American public, largely in favor of abortion rights, is faced with a generational problem, perhaps multi-generational. The judges appointed by GOP presidents and approved by GOP Senators, are mostly young and not likely to change their positions for the decades that they will occupy the Supreme Court bench.
I honestly don't know how to resolve this problem in short term, but it's important for citizens to make their opinions known at the voting booth. Even Supreme Court justices monitor voting patterns.

[CHANT] Hey, Hey, NRA, How many kids did you kill today? [CHANT]
NRA chief calls for more guns at school. Arming teachers. Well, that wouldn't have done anything to prevent the Las Vegas Mass Murder... AND... The Florida High school Murderer was wearing full body armor and a helmet... Teachers with pistols would have had no chance to out gun an teenager with an Assault Rifle. AND... Reality shows that the more guns we have the more likely hood of gun accidents... Suicides... and what if an Armed Teacher "Goes Postal" and shoots up students and other teachers? Who will pay for all these new guns? We already can't afford to buy basic school supplies like chalk and books... Who will pay for Gun Training? The real solution is LESS GUNS... OUTLAW Assault Rifles and Raise gun ownership age to 21 and increase background checks.
Remember, President Trump signed a Law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are getting a Social Security Disability Check for Mental Illness would be allowed to pass background checks. That's what Trump's ACTIONS have been... The exact opposite of his words...

I've got the TV News on... and Once Again, Those People Over There are Behaving Crazy! Thankfully They are Way Far Away... Around Here, Life is Pretty Good... I Keep on Telling Those People Over There to STOP BEHAVING CRAZY... YOU ARE RUINING YOUR OWN LIFE! but they never listen... and so their lives continue to be a disaster...
Did You Notice that the GOP/QAnon House of Representatives REFUSE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT? They are Taking ZERO Action that will benefit the People of the USA... All Efforts are to Destroy... Revenge... and Their #1 Priority: MAKE CRIME LEGAL FOR TRUMP...
They have Started an Attack on the FBI & the DOJ... WHY? Because those Organizations are Bothering Criminals Like Donald Trump... and The REST of the Corrupt Republican Party... SO MANY have already been Arrested and Found Guilty... The Solution? Lock 'em UP!
We are Going to Need a LOT More Prison Cells for the Republicans that are Planning to Start a Civil War... Let's FREE All the Cannabis Prisoners so there are empty Jail Cells to Corrupt Politicians and their QUACK ANON Followers...

Trump's Frivolous Lawsuit Fine Was $937,989.39 - Trump undermined "the rule of law" with a string of lawsuits filed to air political grievances. And Then Trump voluntarily dropped a lawsuit against New York State Attorney General Letitia James... SEE? PUNISHMENT WORKS!

Former President Donald Trump and one of his 
attorneys were ordered Thursday to pay nearly 
$1 million for a "completely frivolous" lawsuit 
against Hillary Clinton and others.
Arrest Trump word art Lock Him Up - EVIL - Skull and Crossbones

Defund the Space Force: Aliens in Flying 

Saucers are NOT a Danger to Earth. 

Remember: Extraterrestrials Have Vastly 

Superior Technology and Would Win any War. 

Let's NOT Make 'em Angry!


Defund the Space Force: Aliens in Flying Saucers are NOT a Danger to the USA. Extraterrestrials Have Vastly Superior Technology and Would Win any War. DUH...

CONTACT Your Senators: 

CONTACT Your Representative in the House:

CONTACT Space Aliens!

The Entire Reason Trump Started the Space Force is that 
He Thought He Was Under Attack by Space Aliens! That's a 
Symptom of Schizophrenia. 

We Waste about 10 Billion Dollars a Year on Trump's 
Paranoid Fantasies... 

The Entire Reason Trump Started the Space Force is that He Thought He Was Under Attack by Space Aliens! That's a Symptom of Schizophrenia.

The GOP House Wants to Cut US Government Spending... 
Here's a Way to Save a Fortune!

Save America From Trump #LockHimUP #ArrestTrumpNow

The REAL Reason the QAnon House of Representatives REFUSES 

to Make America Great. Their Plan is...

To Cause America to Go Bankrupt and Then Crown Trump 
King of the World After the Fall of Civilization... He Will 
Rule over the Three Billion Survivors of The Apocalypse...  
and the 1,000 Years of Dark Ages... 

After All: Bankruptcy is a Major Part of the Trump Business 

The QAnon House Plan: Crown Trump Kink of the World after the Collapse of Civilization.
How is that Possible? After Trump Dies his Son Barron will 
Rule... as Junior and Eric Deemed too Dammed Stupid to 
Rule... and a Dynasty of Trumps Will Rule over the Entire 
Earth... for Generation after Generation... 

Arrest Trump Now meme - designed to fit the FaceBorg My Story

Trump Org Found Guilty: $1.6 Million Dollar 

Fine. Allen Weisselberg in Rikers Island Prison 

BUT... Donald Trump Still Not Arrested! 

DOJ: Do Your Job... Lock Him UP!

Trump Org Found Guilty: $1.6 Million Dollar Fine. Allen Weisselberg in Rikers Island Prison BUT... Donald Trump Still Not Arrested! DOJ: Do Your Job...  Lock Him UP!

ARREST TRUMP Merchandise for Sale...  
Promises Made, Promises Broken... 
Lock Him UP!  
tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! 
You May Change the Words on Some Gifts... 
Say Things I Can't Say... 

Arrest Trump Merchandise for Sale! Zazzle Gregvan

tRUMP Liar Liar Pants on Fire Merch for sale Zazzle Gregvan

LINK: tRUMP: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire Merch for sale 


Allen Weisselburg=Guilty, Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  
Kelly Meggs=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, 
Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve 
Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John 
Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul 
Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael 
Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George 
Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, 
Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and 
Over 900 QAnon Freaks Have Been Arrested for 
Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to 
Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King... 
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... 

The Real Reason Merrick Garland Refuses to Arrest Donald Trump.

They are afraid that the Next Time a Republican is Elected 

President, He Will Have Joe Biden Arrested... As Long as 

Donald Trump is "Above the Law", they ALL are "Above the 

Law" and No One Will Ever Be Held Accountable.

meme - The Real Reason Merrick Garland Refuses to Arrest Donald Trump.

Remember: There is No Need for an Actual Crime to be 

Committed... a Republican President Could Simply Hire an 

Attorney General to LIE... and Make UP Phony Charges... 

(Remember the Behavior of William "Chicken" Barr - 

Notorious Sleazeball)

and you may be Wondering WHO the "They" is... Wall 

Street! The Super Rich Own the USA and They Own the 

President, Congress and The Judicial System... That's 

Why Only "Fall Guys" Go To Prison... 

Sad but True... However! I Still Email the President, 

Congress and My Local Representatives and Tell Them 

What I Think!

Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em #ArrestTrumpNow! Before 
It's Too Late! 
If The DOJ Fails to Do Their Job Until After 1/3/2023 the 
GOP House Will Start Impeachment Proceedings Against 
Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, Joe Biden, Kamala 
Harris, Justice Jackson and Nancy Pelosi. 

Here's the Link to Email 
the Department of Justice. 
They Won't Enforce the Law Unless You Tell 'em: "OUTLAW CRIME!"

TODAY Would be a Great Day to 

Keywords for Future Reading: CIA, NSA, FBI, NRO, DARPA, 
GE, love, Boeing, Blackwater, Mad Bomber, George Bush, 
Martin Marietta, Haliburton, NDAA, money, defense, 
Lockheed, peace, DOD, Pentagon, insane, Dick Cheney, 
KBR, corruption, profit, Donald Rumsfeld, propaganda, 
MKULTRA, LSD, brainwashing, mind control, TV News, 
Advertising, Consumption, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, MSNBC, 
CSPAN, CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, FaceBorg, Union, 
Revolution, Assassination, Corporate Greed, Compulsive 
Hoarding of Money Syndrome, Think Tank, SDS, SNCC, 
Weathermen, Weather Underground, Abbie Hoffman, 
Albert Hofmann, Jerry Rubin, YIPPIE!, Rainbow Gathering, 
Diggers, Question Authority, don Miguel Ruiz, The Four 
Agreements, Carlos Castaneda, don Juan Mateus, Peyote, 
Psilocibin, Magic Mushrooms, DMT, AMT, Psychedelic Art, 
Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger 
Service, Santana, Steve Miller, Journey, Sly and the Family 
Stone, Haight Ashbury, 1984, Brave New World, Be Here 
Now, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Earth First!, ecology, 
environmental action, Exploratorium, Stewart Brand, 
Whole Earth Catalog, Zorro, Joaquin Murietta, Junipero 
Serra, Judi Beri, Darryl Cherney, ... 
and If You Have Never Heard of These Words 
or These People... Simply Google Them and 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On FaceBorg: Debi Turner Said:
We all have a job to do now. This is the easy part, the harder parts come later.
Right now, we need to get all of the Democrats on the same page. There is about thirty percent of the population we will never be able to reach. They are so caught up in their hatefulness that they will follow anyone who gives them a license to be that way.
That leaves about 70%, but that is not what we need to be concerned with right now. If we can find unity among Democrats and those that are left leaning, that is where we start.
Joe showed us the way tonight. I call him Joe, not out of disrespect, but because he is one of us. He has been underestimated for his entire career. But that ends today.
Last night, the most common comment among the experts was “unbelievable”. They compared Joe with Clinton in 1996. For those of you too young to remember that speech, the Republicans had tried to take down Bill in every way they could.
That year, he was up for re-election. Bob Dole was a good man. Conservative but fair minded. (In more ways than one, one could compare him to John McCain. They were the last of a dying breed.). When you look at many of Bill’s speeches, he was a first rate orator. In that year, he made the speech commonly called, “The end of big government”, establishing himself as a moderate and disarming any arguments that the well thought of Dole could make. The charges that they impeached him for years later were already fermenting. But by making himself the “Everyman” candidate, he united the party and won easily.
Clinton’s eloquence was never in doubt. But that State of the Union changed the course of the election.
Like Bill, the right viciously critisizes Joe. With his decades in government, nothing they have thrown at him sticks. Biden made it through the primaries and the last two years by keeping his nose to the grindstone, acting like a decent human being, and using every ounce of his experience to make sometimes novel but almost always successful policy decisions that took the devastation Trump had left behind, and healed our many wounds (and those of the world) more quickly than anyone had the right to expect.
Economists have called his policies miraculous (see Robert Reich last week), and the economy has made steady progress every month. Even with a plate full of catastrophes never seen since WWII, he took each in stride and plowed on. Covid was a pandemic that hit our country in many different ways. Biden picked up the failed Trump policies (Trump gets credit for pushing to finish the vaccine but did little to see it through). No one could have predicted Putin’s War, but Biden had the skills to handle it. Can you image any other President handling it better?
I realize I am addressing the converted, but all of this brings us to the problem at hand. And how to solve it.
In tonight's State of the Union, Biden shared the credit for his accomplishments with a large number of people, blue and red That is who he is, but it also leads to our dilemma. After Trump claiming credit for the sky being blue, in contrast, Biden’s modesty prevented the public from giving him credit.
We can make lists of the accomplishments under his belt, but with a public ignorant of how government works, all people know is that they are hurting, and need someone to blame. The one thing the Republicans made stick was in regards to Biden’s demeanor, which stuck because there was some
Biden Is older than we would like (although the right doesn't see the hypocrisy that so is Trump). Obama once admitted during a crisis to how sleep deprived he was. Joe has been looking very tired, although justifiably so.
But last night was a new Biden. Clear eyed, he not only stuck to his script, but seemed to be enjoying engaging the hecklers. He was astonishing!
Watching last night's speech should be mandatory for everyone on the left. Barring being able to tie people down to watch the entire 80 minutes, last night I shared a chunk of it that was the best of the best.
If liberals stand together, the nuisance agenda of the right will die a quiet death. Only the 30% MAGAs will hear it. The GQP's greatest strength has always been their unity. If we cannot imitative that one faction of their being, we shoot ourselves in the foot.
So what is the task before us? We need to put our own agendas to the side for now for the sake of the greater good. For now, the best use of our time would be to be firm when Dems lose sight of the agenda. Stand up and be heard! The little guys and pundits alike. Share lists of Joe’s accomplishments (I will post some memes) and use clips of the SOTU to put forth your points. AOC appeared with Rachel tonight and she obviously (if reluctantly) stuck to the agenda. Joe has made every effort to promote the progressive agenda, but we will have to hold their feet to the fire, as we cannot afford another 2016.
That is all for now. Sounds easy, right? (Of course it isn't.) But if we can borrow this one worthwhile trait of the Republicans, tonight Joe gave us every tool we need for success.

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