Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

POSTERS for Sale: Psychedelic Art & Coloring Book Drawings! - Zazzle Gregvan - All Royalties Donated to Charity...

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Embroidered Slogan Hats for Sale: "Black Lives Matter", "Arrest Trump", "Lock Him UP", "9/11 Justice", "Make America Think Again" - OR ANY WORDS YOU WANT... and Buttons, T-Shirts, Playing Cards etc...

Black Lives Matter Hat Zazzle Gregvan

Most Popular Embroidered Hats - Zazzle Gregvan

Popular Embroidered Hats for sale Zazzle Gregvan

Main Page Zazzle Webstore Gregvan

Buttons Zazzle Gregvan Webstore

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T-Shirts Zazzle Gregvan

While I'm Working on my Webstore, I've got the TV News on...  and Once Again, Those People Over There are Behaving Crazy! Thankfully They are Way Far Away... Around Here, Life is Pretty Good... I Keep on Telling Those People Over There to STOP BEHAVING CRAZY... YOU ARE RUINING YOUR OWN LIFE! but they never listen... and so their lives continue to be a disaster... 

Did You Notice that the GOP/QAnon House of Representatives REFUSES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT? They are Taking ZERO Action that will benefit the People of the USA... All Efforts are Revenge... and Their #1 Priority: MAKE CRIME LEGAL FOR TRUMP... 

Jim Jordan & Freaks have Started an Attack on the FBI & the DOJ... WHY? Because those Organizations are Arresting Criminals Like Donald Trump... and The REST of the Corrupt Republican Party... SO MANY have already been Arrested and Found Guilty... The Solution? Lock 'em UP!

We are Going to Need a LOT More Prison Cells for the Republicans that are Planning to Start a Civil War... Let's FREE All the Cannabis Prisoners so there are empty Jail Cells for Corrupt Politicians and their QUACK ANON Followers... 
QAnon Shaman: I Was Duped meme
Whatever Happened to the QAnon Shaman? We Never Hear Anything about him Anymore... I Guess he's enjoying his LONG PRISON TERM... One Thing is For Sure... He's NOT Causing Any More Trouble... #LockHimUP #ArrestTrump #ArrestTrumpNow

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Trump: Worst President Ever: 1.11 Million Americans Died from Coronavirus. Stock Market: Largest Loss of Money in History. Massive Harm to Americans Caused by Trade War With China. Job Losses. Huge Lines at Free Food Giveaways. Increase in Homelessness...

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law 
Caused Today's Budget Deficit...


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