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RFK Jr. Doctor QuackenFreak! - He will increase the deaths of Republicans in the USA. If you're stupid enough to vote for Trump, you're stupid enough to believe his Medical advice!

RFK Jr. Doctor QuackenFreak!

RFK Jr Demands the Right to Get Polio! Freedom! Disease! Early Death! I'm Freaking Crazy! Brain Worms for ALL!

RFK Jr demands the right to get polio! Freedom! Disease! Early death! I'm crazy!

The owner of the media platform called social 1776 says:
I’m the bad man because I speak the truth! I’ve been sounding the Alarm on vaccines for years way before CV19 hit but now that the crossing of the lexicon has happened the line is drawn in the sand it’s do or die time! We are all being given a choice taking the Mark of the beast vaccines or face life in prison and forced into death camps. You simple small minded people who have no vision think that I’m crazy but who told you about what is happening now before it happened I did and others who have eyes to see. You idiots called us crazy conspiracy theorists. So you snicker and laugh and take your kill shots I hope you enjoy that slow agonizing death.
“ In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” Mark Twain
- Notebook, 1904
The answer to 1984 is 1776

keywords for further research: RFK Jr, insanity, brain worm, crazy, disease, vaccine, polio, covid-19, death, Trump, idiot, Health and Human Services, Madness, Danger, CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, DARPA, EIEIO, Joe MAMA!

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