GOP BUYERS REMORSE: DJIA goes down again... Stock market loses money... The Excitement over Trump's election vanished on December 4th when the reality of having an idiot for president sinks in...

PATRIOTS ARISE - American Flag T-Shirt for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Plenty of Room to Add Your Own Slogan, Saying or Manifesto! - All Royalties Donated to Charity 

American Flag T-Shirt for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan - Plenty of Room to Add Your Own Slogan or Manifesto! - All Royalties Donated to Charity -

GOP BUYERS REMORSE: DJIA goes down again... Stock market loses money... The Excitement over Trump's election vanished on December 4th when the reality of having an idiot for president sinks in...

Moscow Mitch - doesn't like what he sees in the mirror

Every time I see this turtle looking mf. I think this SOB is the poster child for Kentucky. They have been reelecting this crook for years while he sells America down the goddamn river. These politicians go to Washington next thing you know their multi millionaires. They don't get to be multi millionaires on their salary's they get that from big pharmaceutical and insurance and medical lobbyist. Yep their making a killing off lobbyist and big interest. But Kentucky and America don't say a damn thing about going after them and their bank accounts that are full of bribe money. That's nothing but treason.

Ram Dass Meme - Training

Life's tough and confusing right now for me, no doubt about it. Maybe it is for you too. Yet, in these challenging, pain filled moments, I see a chance to grow and change. Like Ram Dass said, everything, even the hardest parts, are pushing me to understand more and to change. If we're here to deal with past actions and their effects, then I want to face and learn from as much of it as I can. To become the instrument he describes above.

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

Republicriminals are Evil - Let's Beat the GOP Nationwide - Throw OUT the Old White Men - Cartoons and Memes - gvan42

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