Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Police Murder Solution: MASSIVE LAYOFFS Do We Really NEED to Employ Madmen to Beat People to Death? Wouldn't We Be Safer if We Laid Off Half of the Police Nationwide?

We Could Reduce Government Spending Currently Wasted on CrazyLaws® What if We Spent Our Money on Something Useful? Like: School Teachers, Books or Free School Lunches? 

F*CK the Police Spray painted Graffiti on a BUS... Star is Photoshopped to replace the Letter "U"
F*CK the Police Spray painted Graffiti on a BUS... The Star is Photoshopped to replace the Letter "U"

Why shouldn’t the police
That beat that poor man to death NOT be tried for murder 1? I don’t get it. Wtf is wrong with these people? They KNEW they were being recorded! These men are NOT serving and protecting us. They are targeting people and killing them. I grew up across the street from a sheriffs deputy who became a city detective. The am on the corner was a police captain that made chief. Neither one of these men EVER fired their service weapon, let alone shot someone in the back or someone holding an object that wasn’t a gun. You had to literally point a gun at them or another to be shot. And yet, no one has an explanation. Police use to be paid a lil over min wage, unless they were in a command position. Now they make good money and yet perform like vigilantes, guys that were getting drunk in the saloon to at were rounded up to form a posse. There is so much hatred in this country that we are not going to be the utopia of freedom that so any have sought. Why don’t we shot off immigration to the NORTHERN border? Then we can declare war on those people too. Make ‘em ALL illegals. We can’t run the resorts or the farms etc without their labor, so why are they deemed illegals? Why can’t they simply apply to emigrate here? Why are they forced to either sneak in or claim asylum? Why?

Police Going Crazy in the Forest - Evicting Earth First Tree Sitters in Freshwater CA - Ecology Protest

Police Going Crazy in the Forest - Evicting Earth First Tree Sitters in Freshwater CA - Ecology Protest

and Yet The Police FAIL to Arrest Donald Trump... They "Magically" Can't ENFORCE THE LAW When the Suspect is Rich... CORRUPTION!

DOJ: #DoYourJob #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP #OutlawCrime #EnforceTheLaw

 DOJ: #DoYourJob  #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP #OutlawCrime

Contact the DOJ:
Here's the Link to Email the 
Department of Justice.  

They Won't Enforce the Law 
Unless You Remind 'em:

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I Don't Smoke Weed but It's INSANE to Spend Taxpayer Dollars on Law Enforcement and Incarceration. - When We Tax It, It's a VOLUNTARY Tax That I Don't Pay...

Hey, Government Representatives! Ever Think 

about Behaving SMART With Your Laws? Huh?

Oh, That's Right... The Alcohol Industry and 

Big Pharma are Bribing the Senators... 

Make the Safer Drug Illegal! 

Protect Out Profits!

Legalize the Kind Herb! Royalty Free Images 
to Use in Your Own Blog, 
Webpage or Anti-Social Media Post
FREE MARIJUANA LEAF ARTWORK by gvan42 - Royalty Free Images to Use in Your Own Blog, Webpage or Anti-Social Media Post  - Gregory Vanderlaan

1600 wide - marijuana green leaf 420 gvan42 purple64ets
Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That 
WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

FREE MARIJUANA LEAF ARTWORK by gvan42 - Royalty Free Images to Use in Your Own Blog, Webpage or Anti-Social Media Post  - Gregory Vanderlaan
The US Patent Office States Marijuana is a 
Medicine... That's why it's PATENTED... 
#6630507 They Also Patented the Light Bulb 
and the Telephone... 

Brace yourself for the video of Police officers Beating Tyre Nichols to death; that video will be released to the public at 6pm this evening.
The blueprint for equal justice under the law has just been established by the Tyre Nichol’s case: No longer should it take months or years to bring justice to victims of police officers’ brutality. Police officers should have a duty to intervene when they see their own officers displaying brutality.
So here you have swift justice where you have 5 black police officers displaying brutality against another black man. IT ONLY TOOK 20 DAYS To bring justice against these BLACK police officers, not months or years, as what has been the case where a WHITE police officer is involved. And all those other cases had a video showing the brutality to a black American citizen from non-black police officers.
We definitely still need police reform at all levels of government; WE NEED REAL REFORM in the police Dept., yet the Police Unions don’t want reform in their union contracts. they want to police under immunity. The Legislators in Congress failed to pass the George Floyd Reform Act, this is where we could have had reform at the Federal level. Our fight - America’s fight for equal justice and a stop to Police Brutality continues. Please remember for change to happen we need peaceful activism and peaceful protests.

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