Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

POLICE SHOULD STOP MURDERING AMERICANS. Really! Just Quit Your Job if You Have an Urge to KILL, KILL, KILL! Do Something Useful With Your Life!

Many TV Shows Make COPS Seem Like "Good Guys." PROPAGANDA? Brain Washing? Mind Control? Hypnosis Designed to Make You Forget About Reality. COPS ARE A DANGER.  AWAKEN!
Many CHP Cars at an Earth First! Tree Sit - No Traffic Problems Noticed by the Public
Many CHP Cars at an Earth First! Tree Sit. 
No Traffic Problems Noticed by the Public.
Why Are They There?
To Help MAXXAM Corporation
Cut Down Old Growth Redwoods.
Star Added to "FTP" Bus Graffiti - FaceBorg Community Standards
"FTP" Does Not Mean
File Transfer Protocol
in This Instance...

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My Gift to the World: A Free Coloring Book: Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends. Color with Felt Pens or Pencils... ALL FOR FUN!

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For Example:

The Heroin from "The French Connection" was Stolen by the Police and Sold on the Streets of New York City... Classic War on Drugs FAIL... The Movie Failed to Tell the Entire Story...

 December 1972 — The police department discloses that around 200 pounds (91 kg) of heroin, much of it seized in the French Connection busts a decade earlier, has been stolen from evidence lockers over a period of several months and replaced with cornstarch by someone who signed in under false names and nonexistent badge numbers. Several detectives were suspected of complicity in the thefts; in 2009 Brooklyn mobster Anthony Casso, serving 455 years in federal prison, intimated that he knew who had stolen the drugs.[34]

US Patent for Medical Marijuana
US Patent for Medical Marijuana

What IF we secretly fed Cannabis Cookies to Evil People? Would they Change their Minds and become Good People? Is This The Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome?

For Example:  Lobbyists that Bribe Corrupt Politicians and Help Pass Laws that Hurt the Public but Benefit Corporations? Like Pollution Regulations... Would AWAKENING HELP?

There are fancy Hotels near the US Capitol Building that have a Lunch Buffet that is Popular with "Suits".  A person wearing a waiters uniform could place a tray of cookies on the Buffet... Intoxicating Congressional Office Workers, Lobbyists, Businessmen and maybe even Senators and Representatives...

Then an appreciation for Ecology might overgrow the desire for Stockholder's Profits or Bribes. Could Happen! There is a restaurant IN the US Capital... What IF an actual employee distributed Cannabis Candies? There are MANY different edibles... Why NOT?

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Trump: Worst President Ever: 1.11 Million Americans Died from Coronavirus. Stock Market: Largest Loss of Money in History. Massive Harm to Americans Caused by Trade War With China. Job Losses. Huge Lines at Free Food Giveaways. Increase in Homelessness...

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law 
Caused Today's Budget Deficit...


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