For Example: Rude Julie Anna... His BRAIN IS FRIED!
Other Republicans are Stupid Because they were "Home Schooled" and Their Teachers Were Poorly Educated... Others Grew Up in the American South... NOT Famous for the Quality of the Public SKOOLS... Imagine how Difficult and Confusing Life Would Be is You Couldn't Read or Write... and Arithmetic was a Mystery unless You Had a Pocket Calculator...
Lady GAGA Says that God Makes No Mistakes... BUT... Yo Mama Coulda Made a Buncha Mistakes! What If She was a Drunk and a Trailer Park Meth Monkey? Smoking Tobacco While Preggers? Then You are Very Likely to Vote Republicriminal!
Remember: It would be totally RUDE to Make fun of a Person Rolling Around in a Wheelchair... For Example: Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott... It's all a Part of God's Plan that a Tree Branch fell on Greg's Back and Made Him a Cripple... It's as if God was Punishing Him for a Lifetime of Doing EVIL... Instant KARMA?
and It's No Surprise that tRUMP was able to Fool the Poorly Educated Rural Racists... a Fast Talking New Yorker speaking to A Bumpkin...
and tRUMP was Selling HATE... and Someone to BLAME... Just Like Hitler's "Our Problems are All the Jews Fault." tRUMP Blamed Blacks, Mexicans, Women's Libbers, Gays and College Graduates... and that Message was Cheered by Uneducated White Men... whose Lives were Falling Apart... back in the 1950s a Man Could get a Factory Job and Buy a House for His Wife and Children... and If We Just could Travel in Time to Those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear... Before Civil Rights, Before Women's Lib, Before Gays Came out of the Closet, Back when we Just DEPORTED Mexicans when the Harvest was done... and Back when a Man Could Get a Good Factory Job even if He Dropped out of High School to Take Care of his Pregnant soon to be Wife...
Well... Guess What Retardo! Time Travel Does Not Exist... We are NOT Going Back to the 1950s...