Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Real Reason Merrick Garland Refuses to Arrest Donald Trump.

They are afraid that the Next Time a Republican is Elected President, He Will Have Joe Biden Arrested... As Long as Donald Trump is "Above the Law", they ALL are "Above the Law" and No One Will Ever Be Held Accountable.

meme - The Real Reason Merrick Garland Refuses to Arrest Donald Trump.

Remember: There is No Need for an Actual Crime to be Committed... a Republican President Could Simply Hire an Attorney General to LIE... and Make UP Phony Charges... (Remember the Behavior of William "Chicken" Barr - Notorious Sleazeball)

and you may be Wondering WHO the "They" is... Wall Street! The Super Rich Own the USA and They Own the President, Congress and The Judicial System... That's Why Only "Fall Guys" Go To Prison... 

Sad but True... However! I Still Email the President, Congress and My Local Representatives and Tell Them What I Think!

Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em #ArrestTrumpNow! Before It's Too Late! 
If The DOJ Fails to Do Their Job Until After 1/3/2023 the GOP House Will Start Impeachment Proceedings Against Merrick GarlandChristopher Wray, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Justice Jackson and Nancy Pelosi. 

Here's the Link to Email 
the Department of Justice. 
They Won't Enforce the Law Unless You Tell 'em: "OUTLAW CRIME!"

TODAY Would be a Great Day to 

Link to ALL My Arrest Trump Merchandise:
Arrest Trump Button for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan

SEE? Do Evil, Get Punished. Oath Keepers Found Guilty... So Many Crazy TrumpNiks® Found Guilty. LOCK 'EM UP and Throw Away The Key!

Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  Kelly Meggs=Guilty, 
Jessica Watkins=Guilty, Kenneth Harrelson=Guilty and Thomas Caldwell=Guilty...
Insane TrumpNiks® Going Away for Years! #LockEmUP 
Crazy TrumpNik® found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy - meme - gvan42


Allen Weisselburg=Guilty, Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  Kelly Meggs=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and Over 900 QAnon Freaks Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King... 
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... 

I'm Grateful For Being Inspired to Write and Sing the "Lock 'em UP and Throw Away the Key Blues" Trump's a Danger to Self and Others, Police Code 5150... Music Video!

Hey Congress! Let's END CrazyLaws® LEGALIZE MARIJUANA NATIONWIDE! The Brittney Griner Case is an Obvious Example of How CRAZY LAWS Harm American People... Why Not WAKE UP? Stop Doing EVIL.
Keywords for Future Reading: CIA, NSA, FBI, NRO, DARPA, GE, love, Boeing, Blackwater, Mad Bomber, George Bush, Martin Marietta, Haliburton, NDAA, money, defense, Lockheed, peace, DOD, Pentagon, insane, Dick Cheney, KBR, corruption, profit, Donald Rumsfeld, propaganda, MKULTRA, LSD, brainwashing, mind control, TV News, Advertising, Consumption, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, MSNBC, CSPAN, CNN, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, FaceBorg, Union, Revolution, Assassination, Corporate Greed, Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome, Think Tank, SDS, SNCC, Weathermen, Weather Underground, Abbie Hoffman, Albert Hofmann, Jerry Rubin, YIPPIE!, Rainbow Gathering, Diggers, Question Authority, don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, Carlos Castaneda, don Juan Mateus, Peyote, Psilocibin, Magic Mushrooms, DMT, AMT, Psychedelic Art, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Santana, Steve Miller, Journey, Sly and the Family Stone, Haight Ashbury, 1984, Brave New World, Be Here Now, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Earth First!, ecology, environmental action, Exploratorium, Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Catalog, Zorro, Joaquin Murietta, Junipero Serra, Judi Beri, Darryl Cherney, ... 
and If You Have Never Heard of These Words or These People... Simply Google Them and Learn... 

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