Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

CE5 Protocol - Extraterrestrials: COME ON DOWN! - a Movie about Inviting Aliens to Make Friendly Contact... by Dr. Steven Greer and Mark Sims (of the Harmonic Convergence - ET Contact Event)

Great Movie: "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun"

It Documents The Real Effort to Make Friendly Contact With Aliens... The Exact Opposite of the US Government and the Mainstream Media.

Interview with Dr. Steven Greer from the Movie CE5

This Movie was Remade as a Fiction "Docudrama" Called "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" Starring Richard Dreyfus, Teri Garr and the 

Devils Tower...  AND... 

J. Allen Hynek, The Real Man Who Worked as the Head of Project Bluebook... the US Government Investigation of UFOs... and The Man that Coined the Term "Close Encounter" - of Many Different Kinds... He's The Pipe Smoking Man in the Last Scene of the Movie when the Spaceship Lands... 

and Technical Consultant... 

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Dr. Steven Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) in 1990 to create a diplomatic and research-based initiative to contact extraterrestrial civilizations... He Wrote the CE5 Protocol... and is selling it as an app (for $9.99) ... or as a Camping Trip (for $399.00) in remote locations where small groups of people gather together Outdoors at Night, meditate and film UFOs Flying by... 

I have not Bought any of his Events or Apps... 
I have never seen a UFO...

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I Did Participate in the Harmonic Convergence 2020 lead by Mark Sims, a Greer Fan, who held a global ET Contact Meditation online for Thousands of Volunteers to Go Outdoors at night, look at the stars and Chant "HU" for 20 Minutes...
This was a FUN Event - Relaxing and Spiritually Awakening... However, I Did Not Make Contact With any Extra Terrestrials... 

In November 2012, Mark had a “spiritual awakening” while attending a CE-5 Ambassador Training retreat in Borrego Springs, CA led by Dr. Steven Greer. To learn more about this experience, watch this video of Mark telling his story (2013.) The Video is about Halfway down The Webpage... 

This experience changed his life dramatically and has led him on a new path of spiritual discovery and purpose (Mark had been an atheist his entire adult life until this event).

We are Endlessly Bombarded with Propaganda that Frames the UFO Question as One Of DEFENDING The EARTH from HOSTILE ALIENS... Trump Actually Created The Space Force in order to Kill Aliens that were supposedly Invading Earth in Flying Saucers... and... Biden has NOT Defunded the Space Force... and we all have seen Movies and TV Shows of Earth People Battling Aliens... "Independence Day", "Alien", "Predator", "Mars Attacks" - but Very Few Movies Like "Earth Girls are Easy" or "ET" 

They are Using FEAR to Help them Sell Defense Contracts to the US Government... by Shouting "Danger-Danger Aliens Attacking!" 

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another Movie: All about the GNU Software Foundation and the World View That Giant Corporations are Holding Software Ransom... Like: Farmers are Not Allowed to Repair their Tractors Etc... Because the Computers That Run Those Giant Harvesting Machine have Proprietary Software... 

Hackers for Freedom - Trailer

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My Digital Paintings of Ezekiel's Wheel - UFO or Magic Mushrooms? The Bible is just one of many Ancient Alien sightings in written history texts...

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel's Wheel was Piloted by a Four Headed Creature...
The head of a Man, an Ox, an Eagle and a Lion
In the Bible there is a description of a UFO. 
Or was he tripping on Magic Mushrooms?
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel said: The Heavens Opened and I Saw Visions of God

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan - Flying Spaghetti Monster
Tales of Flying Carpets in Arabia?

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - and the Science Fiction Story "Alien Socket Wrench" by Gregory Vanderlaan

 Feel Free to Copy and Paste these Images into Your Own Blog, Webpage or Social Media Post... OR... Use this art to Manufacture Decorated Gifts... Like Coffee Cups, T-Shirts or Buttons! I DID: 

Link to My Webstore:

Grey Alien - FREE Coloring Book Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42

Flying Saucer With a Friendly Alien by gvan42

800 big brother is watching you flying UFO eyeball - free coloring book by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Impossible Object - alien power source for UFO - gvan42

Alien Writing

Alien Graphics Found at Roswell

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