Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Unvaccinated People Are Spreading Covid-19 Disease to America's Children. That's a Crime That Should Be Punishable By Death. OH! In a Way, IT ALREADY IS. Those People Are Dying in Record Numbers!

If More Adults Don’t Get Vaccinated, More Kids Will Develop COVID-19.

Fauci says unvaccinated Americans are "propagating this outbreak"

Get the Coronavirus Vaccine - meme - gvan42
and Now for something Completely Different...

tRUMP's Coronavirus is Helping With the Problem of Overpopulation! Now The Vast Majority of Deaths are in People That DID NOT GET THE VACCINE... SEE? Behaving Stupid Can Be Fatal!

and there were a Half a Million Americans That Died from Drug Overdoses... and Really, If you are so Stupid as to Die from a Drug Overdose... We Are All Better Off That You've Gone... Thanks!

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Let's Make Birth Control and Abortion Free and Legal Worldwide... The Troubles of OVERPOPULATION are More than Just Too Many People Living in the Bay Area... It's Too Many People EVERYWHERE! Ever notice that there are Thousands of People walking from Central America to Texas looking for a Better Life? That because they Can't FEED THEIR CHILDREN in Central America or Mexico... The Catholic Church is Opposed to Birth Control and so there are Millions of Starving Children... I've Actually Traveled to Mexico and The Starving Children Really Upset Me... SO... I Never Traveled there Again... 

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Not Surprisingly My Catholic Friend Disagrees...  

MD Said: There is no problem with over population. In fact the opposite is true. Europe has a declining birth rate except for Muslims. The US also almost has a declining birth rate except for Hispanics. In fact the problem is the replacement rate is not sufficient to support the social welfare nets for Seniors. Overpopulation is a myth.

and I Replied:
So You Say... In Fact, Traffic Jams are Directly Caused by Overpopulation... So are High Rent and High Food Prices... Too Many People Competing for Limited Resources... and Climate Change is Caused By Too Many People Polluting the Air... Back when we had a Billion People, You Could Heat your House with Coal, Wood or Cow Dung... NOW, That Behavior Causes Global Warming... Whatever... YOUR Children and Grandchildren Can Share the Misery... Free Advice! Move to the Coast of Oregon... Cool, Rainy and No Problems of The City. 

and Don't Forget The Mormons... They are Reproducing TOO... Senator Mike Lee's Rebuttal of Green New Deal... the “real solution to climate change” is to have more children... He Displays a Painting Of Ronald Reagan Riding a Dinosaur while Firing a Machine Gun... His Hope is that Children are Smarter Than their Parents and They will Figure out a solution... Really!

MD Said: that’s called capitalism. The whole point of capitalism is to create demand has nothing to do with overpopulation. High rent and high prices are again caused by demand and inflation, and they have nothing to do with overpopulation. We have enough food to feed the world many times over, but it’s because of poverty and corruption in political governments and lack of education not overpopulation.

Companies create demand by limiting their products thus increasing their prices for their products. Harley Davidson is famous for this. We do not have limited resources nor do we have overpopulation.

Climate change has nothing to do with overpopulation.

I Replied: A small number of People Polluting the Air is Not Significant. a Large Number of People Polluting the Air is a Problem... Biology/Thomas Malthus. Just Like The Quantity of a Herd of Deer will be Limited by Starvation in the Winter... He published the Principle of Population where he made the observations that the human race would be likely to overproduce if the population size was not kept under control.

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