Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Reason I Teach American History on the Internet Is... I hope to AWAKEN People. For Decades I Have expressed My Opinion in Public and the Majority of People Said "You're Wrong, Greg!" and then Ten Years Later the Majority CHANGED THEIR MINDS and They Say "You're Right, Greg!" I Hope to Speed Up the Process of Global Awakening...

and Teach a Larger Audience by publishing my Ideas on Fourteen Free Internet Platforms. For the Good of Humanity. My Opinions can be used to make people THINK... and once they start THINKING, They QUESTION the Lies told them... It Takes TWO to make a Lie Effective... the Teller of the LIE and the Believer of the LIE. I often see Blatant falsehoods posted by TrumpNiks... It's my Civic Duty to do a FACT CHECK and Publish TRUTH. "Think For Yourself and Question Authority."

eBook: AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS [Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country, Not Even Once] by Gregory Vanderlaan

Chapter Zero. Ever since VJ Day (Victory in Japan), All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex. One time there was a Need to Defend the Country and The Military Failed Completely. Civilians took down the Airplane in Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001. Frankly Speaking, Can't We Buy Total Failure at a Lower Price?

I'm Inspired by the Books Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. In the later books Ender's Brother and His Sister Debate Concepts over a Universal Publishing Network. They Move public opinion towards Doing Good. Dr. Victor Koman and I are Doing a Similar Debate. He sometimes Publishes Lies and I Sound the Alarm. "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire." It's a Classic TrumpNik Technique to State Two Sentences that are True and one that is False and hope the public doesn't notice that they are LYING... Then Gullible Fools Believe  things that are not TRUE but advantageous to the Causes of Right Wing Whack-Jobs. I do not understand what the advantage is to being a "Sucker." How does it make a person's life better to believe INSANE Theories That Make no Sense? I remember My Uncle told my Aunt "You Can't Get Pregnant on the First Time..." and they named the baby Ken.  

What really motivated me was when my Brother mentioned that in High School American History class they DO NOT mention the Vietnam War. The school system just does not want to get into arguments with Parents about that subject so... IT JUST VANISHED! I assume that people that believed the Vietnam War was a Good Idea don't want their Children to be told "Daddy's Wrong." Did you ever notice that after that war there was ten (10) years of PEACE? The American public smply opposed any more BOGUS WARS.

What is really TRAGIC is that People Volunteer to Join the Military... and then they come home dead... or with PTSD... or Blind... or missing their Legs... I interviewed about 500 Veterans that were applying for Welfare and Food Stamps when I worked at the County... Their stories were amazing. However We DID HELP THEM! One thing they all agreed upon was - "DON'T VOLUNTEER FOR THE MILITARY." They felt abused by the Lies told them and the Pain and Suffering they received at the Hands of the US Government. When they came home they realized that the MISSION WAS FAKE. The Real Mission was to sell Weapons, Helicopters, Trucks and Bandages. Corporate Profit for the Military Industrial Complex... 

Anti-War Protest March in Eureka, California Absurdist Theater Performers as a Widow with a Baby Buggy and a GITMO Inmate... IMPEACH!
Anti-War Protest March in Eureka, California
Absurdist Theater Performers as a Widow with a Baby Buggy
and a GITMO Inmate... IMPEACH!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

US Army VX Nerve Gas Accident Killed 6,249 Sheep near Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. Rancher Paid $376,685 for His Loss. [US History They Don't Teach in School]

The Dugway sheep incident of March 1968 made visible the military’s covert attempts to test and stockpile millions of dollars worth of chemical weapons...

Sheep Killed by US Army VX Nerve Gas Accident in Utah at Dugway Proving Ground

Let's Teach History in School. ACCURATE HISTORY. The GOP is Fighting to Outlaw Truth... Fight Back! Post Accurate History Online... Forget the Alamo... Remember the History of Slavery in America... 

How to Build a Non-Lethal Mobile Sonic Weapon that Creates an Extremely Loud Sound Below the Range of Human Hearing... and CAUSES FEAR and TEMPORARY INSANITY in "The Enemy" - and Makes Them POOP Their Pants!

Take a Portable Analog Music Synthesizer and Drive Two 18 Inch Woofers Mounted in the Trunk of an Automobile... Turn UP The Resonance on the Band Pass Filter and Turn the Knob Controlling the Center Point Down, Down, Down, Down, Down until the Frequency of the Note is Beyond the Range of Human Hearing... Target Frequency=8Hz... and... at No Extra Charge... ALL THE AUTOMOBILE BURGLAR ALARMS Will Go OFF! Why Not Go Over to The Pentagon and Freak Them OUT! No Possibility of Starting a War... They'll Be Defending the USA from Space Aliens Flying in UFOs... 

Sonic Weapon Built into the Trunk of a Car - Two 18 Inch Woofers - gvan42 - meme

End Welfare for the Rich. We Do Not Need Anything Lockheed or Boeing Makes... It's a Total Ripoff of the Taxpayers... #France1789 

Paying Lockheed and Boeing for Unneeded Weapons is Corporate Welfare... I Know about this because I worked as a Defense Contractor in the 1980s... We Built Stuff for the Air Force... and CHARGED a Lot... Hey, FREE MONEY! Why Not???

Well, I'll Tell You Why Not... It's Morally Wrong... Creating Machines that Cause Death for Corporate Profit is EVIL! and The Hippie Chicks Won't Like You... I Switched Careers and Became a Designer at the United States Post Office... and Felt Good About Myself.

HEADLINE: Lockheed Martin Corp. and Boeing Co. received about half of an initial $2.3 billion in increased, accelerated payments the Pentagon provided contractors to help companies’ cash flows after the Covid-19 pandemic erupted in the U.S.

The initial infusion was included in $13 billion in regular, periodic progress payments paid to the companies, according to newly released defense figures.

QuackAnon Says: Trump's Coronavirus Is a Bio-Weapon Invented by the US Military and Deployed to Harm China. But It Got Out of Control. BLOWBACK. Fort Detrick, Maryland...

MEME - do the vulcan instead of shaking hands. Live Long and Prosper. self portrait of Gregory Vanderlaan

Supposedly, Russian Media Outlets are Blaming the Coronavirus on the United States. Conspiracies pushed by Kremlin-linked sites allege the epidemic is an American bioweapon.  ARE THEY WRONG? 
Remember When Ronald Reagan Sold ANTHRAX to Saddam Hussein?
Remember Project MKULTRA? 
Remember the FBI's CO-INTELPRO?
Remember NSA's ECHELON? 
Who Murdered Martin Luther King?
Who Really Murdered JFK? BOBBY?
After SO MANY LIES... Where is Truth?

NO ONE Really Knows What they Do at Fort Detrick, Maryland... Except... Some Buildings Have Been Buried in Concrete In Order To Keep Whatever is Inside from Getting OUT!

Blowback is a term originating from within the American Intelligence community, denoting the unintended consequences, unwanted side-effects, or suffered repercussions of a covert operation that fall back on those responsible for the aforementioned operations.
Fort Detrick, Md., was created in the middle of World War II and became the center for America's biological warfare efforts. But that role shifted in 1969, the government says, to focus solely on defense against the threat of biological weapons.

Then called Detrick Air Field, the science and research facility housed four biological agent production plants.

Anthrax was considered the most important agent. Simulants were tested, and one bomb was readied for production in 1944. One million bombs were ordered, though the order was canceled when the war ended in 1945.

During the 1950s, the biological weapons program was among the most classified within the Pentagon. There was an emphasis on biological agents for use against enemy forces as well as plants and animals.

The Army says no biological weapons were used during the Korean War, though such allegations were made by the Chinese and the Koreans.

Growing Protests: One plan at Fort Detrick in the late 1950s was to use the yellow fever virus against an enemy by releasing infected mosquitoes by airplane or helicopter. Detrick's labs were capable of producing a half-million mosquitoes per month, with plans for up to 130 million per month.

MEME - Echelon Spy Network - gvan42

It Just Won’t Die: Russian Claim That Virus Began As U.S. Bioweapon...

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