How I Meditate. I Ask a Question With Every Breath... Inhale "Who?" Exhale; Inhale "What?" Exhale; Inhale "Where?" Exhale; Inhale "When?" Exhale; Inhale "Why?" Exhale; Inhale "How?" Exhale; Repeat... Repeat... Repeat... I'm Looking for Answers...
and now for something completely different...
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Eight Way "GO" Sign - Traditional "STOP" Signs are Octagons but... That's Too Negative for me... |
The Power of Three...
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Pentagon Rainbow 5 |
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My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA. <--- Click Here to Read More
I Was Born March 19th, 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We moved to Los Gatos - 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood...
Then I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Then I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job. <--- Click Here to Read More
FYI: Los Gatos is about 50 miles South of San Francisco on the edge of the mountains between San Jose and Santa Cruz.
Starting when I was in first grade, President Kennedy Challenged us to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. We were trained in school to become astronauts or rocket scientists. NASA and Lockheed. Eventually I did end up designing computers that flew on USAF jets. So my early dreams were fulfilled. I always wanted to design Spaceships but Communications Equipment on USAF Jets is as close as I got...
...and... during the late part of the 1960's I got to participate in Anti Vietnam War protests. We were successful as eventually the vast majority of the American People grasped the concept that the war was Pure Evil. Nixon ended the war AND ended the draft. Saving countless American lives, including Mine. Thank You! Richard Nixon,.. and Joan Baez, Jane Fonda, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Daniel Ellsberg and millions of unsung heros...
I had the opportunity to go a Grateful Dead Concert High on LSD. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT!
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Original Painting on My Little White Truck |
In 2001, I started college at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California studying Computer Information Systems. I originally wanted to get a degree in Computer Science but that major required TWO semesters of Calculus and was designed to study Hardware and I felt more interest in Software. I was a senior returning student as I was 47 years old. Most students were in their 20's but three of us had gotten into AA and changed our lives around and had decided to attend college. I asked an AA member I knew in Chico how to get college loans and she taught me the system of applying for FAFSA online at the public library's computers. I quit my job at WREX plastics.
When I started College I voluntarily stopped smoking marijuana. It's really easy to quit. I realized that it would be impossible to learn computer programming and get stoned at the same time. I decided that learning was more important. Parts of the schoolwork was incredibly difficult to understand. Especially Oracle's Structured Query Language. I had to take that class twice in order to pass it. Calculus was very difficult also. I managed to pass that class but never understood why anyone would want to use calculus ever. As it turned out, I never used calculus in any class or in real life. Someone said that without calculus the atom bomb and atomic energy would have been impossible to design. So maybe calculus is not just difficult but actually evil...
My experience with smoking tobacco shows the difference between drugs that are actually addictive and drugs that are not. Tobacco is addictive and it's really difficult to quit because I felt pain when I did not smoke. With marijuana, I just wished I was stoned... I have a great sympathy for the people that took the Doctor Drugs and got addicted to painkillers... I meet a lot of them at my NA meetings.
It was easy to avoid Marijuana as a student in Arcata, California because everyone I knew was a student in the computer science department. In general, nerds don't smoke dope. Arcata is in the geographic center of the illegal marijuana farms of the Emerald Triangle. Some say that 90% of the weed in the USA is grown in the North west corner of California. Humboldt, Mendocino, Shasta, Siskiou, Trinity and Del Norte counties are famous worldwide for Marijuana farming. Southwestern Oregon too. It's the same locations that Bigfoot is said to inhabit.
In my Art History Class at Humboldt State University... I Drew Pictures of all the Famous Artworks... as a Study Guide... We were Required to Remember the Names of the Painters of Famous Paintings... and then...
I Drew a Picture of the Lady Sitting next to me... It Never Looked Like my Classmate but... It turned out to Look Like Grace Slick... so I emailed it to the Official Jefferson Airplane Website and they Posted it online... and Said Thanks! I was So Honored! <--- Click Here to Read More
Elizabeth Warren has some GREAT Ideas: Tax the Rich... Prison for Corporate Executives that Break The Law... Legalize Voting for ALL... End Corporate Welfare for Oil, Gas and Coal AND DEFENSE Companies...
Instead of having two systems of Justice, One for the Rich and a Different One for the REST of US... Why not have Equality? The Executives at Wells Fargo might have NOT DONE the CRIME if they knew that Prison Awaited them... What about the Makers of Oxycontin? They caused thousands of deaths... What about Cigarettes? Millions Died...
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Elizabeth Warren Two Cent Wealth Tax - It Just Makes Sense - Fund America |
Instead of having two systems of Justice, One for the Rich and a Different One for the REST of US... Why not have Equality? The Executives at Wells Fargo might have NOT DONE the CRIME if they knew that Prison Awaited them... What about the Makers of Oxycontin? They caused thousands of deaths... What about Cigarettes? Millions Died...
As We All Learned by Reading the Book: "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" the Secret Trick to Life is: Pay Attention and Notice Reality... The Universe Does Not Change Due To Your Believing Lies... NOPE... Awaken!
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I Do Not Smoke Marijuana... I Do NOT Care if You Do. It is Insane That I'm asked to Pay for Law Enforcement and Incarceration... We Truly Need a Taxpayer Revolt! $40,000 a Year Per Prisoner to Incarcerate a Farmer, Dealer or Reefer Puffer? What a Waste!
I Started Smoking Weed ay 14 Years Old and Used it Off and On for 50 Years. I Smoked None During my First Marriage, I Smoked None When I went to Humboldt State University to Study Computer Science and I Quit Smoking about 5 Years ago When I Got Put in a Mental Hospital for Cannabis Psychosis... I Smoked One Pound of Oregon Legal Weed over an Eight Month Period and Experienced Events That Did Not Happen But I Believed They were Real... It's Difficult to Make Wise Decisions When Hallucinating...
I Have Found that I Get a LOT More Done When I Don't Smoke Weed. For Example: I've Recorded a Hundred Music Videos... and When I was Smoking Heavily I Recorded Ten... and Many were of Poor Quality... I Can Sense the Lack of Swinging Rhythm when My Brain was Retrieving What notes To Play When... and Having Difficulty...
YOU should Make Your Own Decision... I'm Glad I Did Smoke and Did Experience Many Wonderful Times... Rock Concerts, Sex, Food, Mountain Climbing, Watching TV and Movies and White Water Rafting... ALL Excellent Things to Do While Stoned... However, Going to Work Stoned Caused me to Make More Errors... and as a Designer of Computers, errors are Extremely Important.
It is Pretty Damn Obvious that Nixon's War on Drugs was a Total Disaster... Designed to Give Law Enforcement a Tool to Arrest Anti-Vietnam War Protestors... a Convenient Way to Silence Dissent... No Free Speech if You are Locked UP!
And a Convenient Way to Harass Black People... Especially Activists...
Please Campaign Online in Favor of Legalization of Medicinal Psychedelics. Write to Your Senators and Representatives. Or at the Very Least, Like and Share this Post. There is Absolutely No Valid Reason for Doctors to Be Prevented from Prescribing Certain Medicines... If You Can think of a Reason The US Government Should Continue to Behave Insane, State it Here... Now... Go Right Ahead...
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"Remember: Be Here Now." is a Great Book by Ram Dass.
It's a Unique Work of Art Combining a Written Autobiography with an Explanation of Hinduism Done in Rubber Stamped Art. Unlike any Book Published Before or Since...
His Sequel "Still Here" is Excellent Also...
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