TrumpNiks® Think I Get My News from CNN & MSNBC. WRONG! I Watch Democracy Now, Free Speech TV, RT, PBS, BBC and Pirate Television. I Read Mother Jones, The Atlantic, Daily Beast... and Google News... Google KNOWS ME and Serves Stories I'm Interested in... SO... I Unplug FOX, CNN and MSNBC... It's All Corporate Brainwashing designed to Attract Specific Demographic Targets... and I'M Tired of Being a Target for Marketing...
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MEME - Republicans are the Paid Puppets of the Ruling Class - Off With Their Heads! - Joke: Disclaimer on File With the Facebook Brain Police* |
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington OPPOSED MONARCHY and That's What the GOP is Selling. CZAR Donald the Insane...
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The Majority of Americans Are Democrats.
JW Said: I disagree. I readily agree republicans are in the minority, but I think independents have become as large or larger than professed democrats. I know I stopped calling myself a democrat after 2016.
I Replied: We DO Need a Three Party System: Democrat, Green and Libertarian. No Need for The Irrelevant Party at All... GOP=DOOMED...
JW Said: And, to make things work, RCV ranked choice voting, so people won't be fearful they are throwing their vote away for a candidate they really like, but fear has little chance against the BIG TWO.
I Said: What is RCV? - I voted for Mike Bloomberg in the Primaries and Joe Biden in the Election. NOW... #ImpeachBiden so we can Have #KamalaPOTUS
JW Said: RCV = ranked choice voting, , , you don't know about this? It's become quite popular. Let's say we have three candidates running and you really like #3 but are concerned the odds are too small, so you vote for #2 because you think #1 is worse. If #3 does NOT get the required number of votes, your ballot would automatically go to the #2 candidate. Not just die.
I Said: I've heard of the Idea but didn't know the Acronym. It Makes Sense... FYI: TMA Causes Communication To Fail... There is No Real Need To Encrypt This Conversation... TMA=Too Many Acronyms...
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Increase Taxes on The Top 1% and Cut Taxes on the Bottom 99%. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WORKS!
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The GOP is Popular With Old People... and TIME WILL REDUCE THEIR NUMBERS... Young People Vote Democratic.
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IDEAS: Minority Rule Cannot Last in America. It never has.
The Insurrection Was Put Down. The GOP Plan for Minority Rule Marches On. How Republicans are breaking democracy.
Inside the Republican Plot for Permanent Minority Rule
How the GOP keeps cheating its way into power—and may get away with it again in 2020...
IDEAS: The Supreme Court Might Kill Voting Rights—Quietly.
Conservative justices seem poised to use complex, technical doctrines that will likely sanction all manner of state voter-suppression measures.
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Impeach Amy Now - meme - gvan42 |
Kathy Hannun wants to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by making geothermal heat pumps mainstream.
Remember Her? Veselnitskya’s Trump Tower Coverup Linked to Secret Russian Chemical Weapons Program... DARK MONEY...
White People Acting Crazy: the same spokesperson shared racist content online, including pointing the finger at China for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic—the same vitriol advocates say has fueled a horrific surge in violence against Asian Americans. In a Facebook page associated with Capt. Jay Baker of the Cherokee Sheriff’s Office, several photos show the law enforcer was promoting T-shirts with the slogan “COVID-19 imported virus from CHY-NA.”
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Is it possible to become enlightened without ever having been homeless & losing all of your  possessions?
Yes... What an Odd Question... I don't see ANY relationship between Enlightenment and Homelessness... at all... A Good Plan is to Not Love Money So Much That You Do Evil In Order To Get More... For Example: Taking a High Paying Job Working at a Defense Contractor Designing Weapons... vs Taking a Lower Paying Job Designing Equipment for the US Postal Service... That's what happened in My Life. I Was Much Happier NOT Designing Weapons. and I Lived Indoors The Entire Time. and Owned a Car... and an electric guitar... Believe RIGHT LIVLIHOOD is Important.
I Liked Visiting Seattle. I Ate Marijuana Cookies and Drank Strong Coffee and Rode the Monorail to the Space Needle... Then Visited the Interactive "Experience Music" Pavilion... Dedicated to Jimi Hendrix and Curt Cobain... a Fabulous Adventure!
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