Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump's Plan: Do Nothing and let Obama Era Policy Keep the Country Running Great. Then Claim Credit for Good Times.

Distract the citizens with bizarre tweets and speeches promising that everything is going to be great backed by cheering audiences... This Show Looks Good on TV and gives the illusion that everyone is wildly happy. This plan will work until the first actual crisis and then Crash and Burn in a ball of fire.

Do Not Be Fooled by the Show. Watch what he is doing in the shadows while you are watching the wrestling tweet video... Did you see that there are massive Impeach Trump Protest Marches Nationwide? Did you see that he has slashed the Environmental Protection Agency's budget so corporations can pollute more and pocket more profits? No money "wasted" on keeping water clean downstream from their factories. Did you notice that the Keystone XL pipeline is now being built? Email the Donald and express your rage...

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