Link to Your US House Representative:
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Diagram of How to Build a Solar Powered Desalinization Factory |
There has been a LOT of Groundbreaking Engineering into building Desalinization Plants that use Solar Power to Pump the Seawater out of the Ocean and use MEMBRANE PURIFICATION to actually remove the salt... That's the same Reverse Osmosis Technology that is used at the Drinking Water Machines you see in front of Liquor Stores...
Solar Oven by Humboldt State University's CCAT |
Maybe they just don't know...
Link to Your US Senators:
Link to Your US House Representative:
Here are 20 Simple Ideas to make the world a better place to live...
1. We ought to build a giant solar power desalinization plant in Southern California. Convert Seawater into drinking water, salt and electricity. It would use solar reflectors to boil seawater and create steam. That steam would be used to drive turbines and create electricity. When the water cools it condenses into pure H2O and salt. The water would be sold to people for drinking, washing, watering livestock and watering plants. The salt could be sold or returned to the ocean if there are not enough customers... Camp Pendleton near San Diego would be an ideal location. Southern California is in need of water. There is a current proposal to use pipelines to move fresh water from the Sacramento River to be used by farmers and residents in SoCal. An alternative would be to just get the water from the ocean... There is an engineering break thru using solar power to pump the water out of the ocean but using membranes to do the purification. That's the same technology that is used in those drinking water dispensers you see out front of Liquor Stores.
We should also stop watering lawns in California. It's a cultural norm that is not practical in a state that is suffering drought. What if it became fashionable to have rock gardens or cactus? That's what they do in Arizona...
2. Convert human fat into electricity using exercise bicycle power generators. The kinetic energy created by people pedalling can be converted into electricity by using an alternator, diode and battery. Many people use stationary bicycles for exercise and these currently unused sources of power could be used to create electricity. People could sell the electricity to the power company.
3. We ought to cut spending at the Department of Defense and use the money for valuable projects. Simply stop the wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Africa and all those secret locations. Bring the soldiers and the weapons home. We currently waste a vast fortune on wars that accomplish nothing. We could spend the trillions currently wasted on Medicare for all, infrastructure, teacher's salaries or school supplies. Remember that the US Military has not DEFENDED the USA since 1945. We have only invaded other countries... Often, our invasions cause disaster. For Example: When we helped Saddam Hussein become President and then blew up Iraq. Not a brilliant idea. Then we left stockpiles of weapons that were stolen by ISIS, Arming Terrorists. If we had just stayed home we could have saved six trillion dollars... The War in Afghanistan is impossible to win. Why not "Declare Victory", bring the troops home and have big parades?
4. We ought to legalize and tax marijuana nationwide. Release all cannabis prisoners. This would reduce government spending and increase VOLUNTARY taxes collected. The prisoners could spend their time working for a living and supporting their own families. That would reduce the costs of welfare and food stamps.
5. We ought to impeach Trump. He is taking the country in the wrong direction. His agenda is to cut taxes for the rich and reduce pollution control costs in corporations. He wants to increase drilling for oil, gas and coal mining. That causes more pollution. Burning fossil fuels causes global warming. Climate Change will make large parts of the USA uninhabitable. The Gulf Coast and the East Coast will have hurricanes every year. The destruction will become more than we are able to repair.
6. We ought to fund basic research into clean energy projects. Better electric cars, solar energy, wind energy and wave/tidal power plants. Better batteries... Better air conditioners... We are fighting for our lives. This should be funded like The Manhattan Project of World War Two or the Moon Landing.
7. We ought to reduce the amount of electricity used. Marijuana farms often use grow lights indoors to simulate sunshine needed for plants to grow. We could simply move all farms outdoors. These indoor farms often use stolen power that is unregulated. I have seen explosions at the Humboldt Bay power plant due to unforeseen surges of electricity use. The criminals tap the power on the street side of the power meter to avoid paying for electricity. That makes the power companies guess about consumption and how big transformers need to be. Another way to reduce demand is to teach people that transformers consume electricity even when not being used if they are connected to the wall outlet. We should teach people that a power strip with an on/off switch can cut their bill.
8. We ought to reduce the amount of gasoline used by commuters by moving the office closer to home. Every day people commute to work and if corporations moved the location of office buildings to residential locations, we would save gas, increase time spent away from work and increase happiness of workers. For Example: Silicon Valley and San Francisco have many jobs for people that create software. The tech corporations have headquarters where the employees work. People drive many miles thru traffic jams to get to those headquarters. A better plan would be to split the corporate headquarters to many different locations in the suburbs. The people could co-ordinate their labor using the internet. The price of housing in Silicon Valley is very expensive in comparison to towns in the central valley. People should pay attention to commute time as an important factor in selecting a job. Currently people pay attention to pay rate, benefits and child care when selecting which job to take. They ought to have a choice of shorter commutes as well. It's an insane waste of time to drive to work. Riding the bus is much more fun.
9. We ought to change the EPA from Enabling Pollution Agency to Environmental Protection Agency. Under the Trump Administration we have seen a reduction of enforcement of laws prohibiting corporations from polluting the environment. Scott Pruitt wants to cut the costs corporations pay for ecology. And in a bizarre twist, he wants to change the rules for scientific research to prohibit health studies that protect the privacy of the people studied. HIPPA requires health information to remain private in any study of people's health. He also wants to prohibit reports from scientists that do business with the EPA while allowing reports from people hired by lobbyists. This would shift the reports in favor of polluting companies.
10. We ought to outlaw assault rifles. We outlawed machine guns and hand grenades in 1934. There is no need for assault rifles. NRA members often say that they need guns for hunting... So, we ought to allow rifles but not assault rifles. NRA members often say we need guns to protect our families... So, pistols can protect our families. We do not need bazookas, rocket launchers or anti-aircraft guns... We ought to protect our citizens from insane gunmen with assault rifles. Las Vegas, Columbine and Florida would not have been a mass murder without absurd firepower. Remember, when you have a gun in the home there is an increase in the chances of a gun accident. Suicide, shooting a family member during an argument and kids playing with guns actually increase the danger at home. NRA members say that we need guns to defend ourselves from the government. In a "Police State" the government keeps the people enslaved by first, taking away all the guns. They point to the USSR as an example. However, the police and US Army have vastly superior firepower and any defense of liberty by We The People is doomed to fail. Remember WACO and Ruby Ridge?
11. Police ought to stop murdering black men. Not only is it morally wrong to commit murder but it costs the taxpayers a lot of money. There is very little murder of white people by police but the culture of the police force seems to encourage murder of blacks. We ought to replace metal bullets with rubber bullets in all of our police forces. Rubber bullets do not kill people but they do cause a suspect to fall down and become easy to handcuff.
12. Remove corporate money from politics. Individual real people should be allowed to contribute to candidate's election fund but artificial "people" like corporations should be prohibited. They are only used to allow rich people to exceed limits of how much money anyone can contribute. This leads to what is in effect bribery. Politicians do what they are paid to do... pass laws that benefit the rich at the expense of the middle class and poor. What we have now is one dollar one vote not one man one vote like the founding fathers wanted. PAC (political action committees) are another way to allow rich people to exceed limits.
13. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients decide what drugs are beneficial treatment. There is a body of medical research that says some illegal drugs help people with mental health problems. For Example: Terminally Ill people who fear their own death could be given psychedelics to ease their fear. That would be compassionate... What is gained by prohibition? The patients are going to die anyway... We simply do not know enough about health benefits to make an informed decision about medicinal psychedelics. We ought to learn.
14. Make companies that sell addictive opioid drugs pay extra taxes to fund treatment for patients that want to quit using their drugs. They caused a problem and profited by it... they should pay to clean up the mess.
15. We ought to take action to defend our elections. The Russians interfered with our election in 2016 causing Trump to win. Without Wikileaks, Trump would have lost. We also should stop using the electoral college. Majority Rule is a better system. Twice we have had the loser in the Presidential Election serve as President. Both times were disasters.
16. Free birth control and abortion for all. No one should be forced to give birth to an unwanted child. Choice should be available to anyone including people who cannot afford it.
17. Outlaw fracking. It causes drinking water pollution. The only people who benefit are the stockholders of oil companies. Water pollution causes health problems... real people get sick...
18. Outlaw ROUNDUP herbicide. It causes cancer. This chemical is widely used in the farming of California's central valley. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma is killing real people who work on the farms.
19. Close all Nuclear Power Plants. They create Atomic Waste that stays Radioactive for thousands of years. AND POISONOUS... The waste has to be stored safely and guarded to prevent terrorists from building a "Dirty Bomb" using the Depleted Uranium. Vast salaries will be spent on Armed Security Guards and warehouses.
20. Teach "Critical Thinking" in High School. Knowing when someone is lying to you is a valuable survival skill.
Introduce students to "Logical Fallacies" so they will be able to recognise them.
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POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have in Common? Donald Trump=GUILTY, Pete Novarro=GUILTY, Rudy Giuliani=GUILTY, Sidney Powell=GUILTY, Kenneth Chesbro=GUILTY, Stewie (shot himself in the eye with his own gun) Rhodes=GUILTY... Jenna Ellis=Guilty, Scott Hall=Guilty, David DePape, attacker of Nancy Pelosi's husband=Guilty, 4 Proud Boys=Guilty, 23 Oath Keepers=Guilty, Allen Weisselberg=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty...
and Over 1,000 QAnon Freaks that Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King...ANSWER:
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... Trumpanzees!
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Original ART for Sale!
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Rainbow Colored Peace Sign 15 OZ Coffee Cup for sale:
The One Mile Recreation Area in Chico, CA
Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug...
I walked out to the center of the SYCAMORE POOL and took two photographs... one looking Upstream and another looking Downstream... These photographs were selected by UC Berkeley as and example of the WPA Construction during the 1930s...

One Mile Recreation Area in Chico CA
Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics 15 OZ Coffee Cup

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan
American Indian "Coloring Book Art" Image
Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug
Line drawing of a Man with Stars in his Eyes
wearing a Headdress... on a swirly background...

American Indian Coloring Book Art
Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug
by gregvan
Diamonds and Rainbows Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug.
The background was designed by a Javascript Program that Calculates the Color of squares in a HTML Table...and a Diamond made out of Circular Rainbows...

Diamonds and Rainbows Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan
Rainbow Spiral Pyramid Two-Tone Coffee Mug
Both a Digital Tie Dye image- mirrored and Power Beams coming out of Magic Pyramids - the Mirrored script letters say: Rainbow Spiral

Rainbow Spiral Pyramid Two-Tone Coffee Mug
by gregvan
Flying Saucer over The Rugged North Coast Two-Tone 15 OZ Coffee Mug
Photo of Trinidad (near Eureka, California) and a Drawing of a Friendly Alien waving at YOU from inside his Flying Saucer... Silly Black and White Line Drawing...
Link to a Google Image Search
for all my artwork!