Remember October 7th. The day that people from Gaza started a war against people from Israel. That turned out to be an astonishingly stupid idea...

on October 7th, 1,200 people died in an attack at a techno pop music concert... And then in Revenge, 40,000 people died in Gaza... And now Israel is blowing up Lebanon... And Yemen... And maybe Iran... Remember! Do Not Start A War! Duh...

One thing is for certain... None of those dead children will grow up to become Islamic terrorists... And none of those dead women will give birth to Future Islamic terrorists... So when people complain about genocide and the killing of women and children... Future Generations will thank Israel... 

Remember October 7th. The day that people from Gaza started a war against people from Israel. That turned out to be in astonishingly stupid idea...

I believe that if you wrap a towel around your head... It traps the heat from the brain inside of your skull... And this causes crazy ideas... 
I believe that if you wrap a towel around your head... It traps the heat from the brain inside of your skull... And this causes crazy ideas...

and as soon as he was dead... He stopped preaching hate... And behaving like a nut job...

2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel... 

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