Let's stop giving money to Israel. They just use it to buy weapons and kill people. It's an insane waste of money... And we've been giving 4 billion a year for decades!

Massive Anti-War Protests in Israel. Great! NET & YAHOO is INSANE! Those people far away ought to solve their own problems! or not... WhatEVER...

Did you notice that the country of Israel is currently at War with Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Iran...  basically, all their neighbors... That would be like the United States being at war with Canada and Mexico at the same time! Whee!

The Democratic National Convention is OVER & the "FREE GAZA" Protests Were Totally Pointless: On the last day of the convention, the "Free Gaza" Campers started protesting out in front of the Israeli Embassy. That makes sense because obviously the Democratic party have nothing at all to do with the war in Israel...  duh... and taking the protest to the people that are causing the problem makes more sense... 

Then...The People Inside the Convention Had a SIT DOWN STRIKE! Demanding that they be allowed to Speak! and the Democratic Party Said: Shut The F*CK UP!

A Week Ago I Said: Attention: "FREE GAZA" Campers - DO NOT GO TO CHICAGO. Any Protest Will Help Trump Crown Himself King... NET&YAHOO Does Not Care What You Think...

Remember: It was Joe Biden That Gave Israel $1 Billion 
Dollars Worth of Weapons... NOT KAMALA!
Here's a MAP to the
The Israeli Embassy in Washington DC
a MUCH BETTER Place to Protest!

Insane Actions by Netanyahu is NOT Kamala's Fault. Go Protest Somehere Else... NOT Chicago During the Democratic Convention...  Try The Israeli Embassy in Washington DC

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