Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Postponed AGAIN Until May 7, 2025... WONDERFUL! Will they Keep On Postponing FOREVER? I Hope SO... It's a Totally Bogus Plan designed by Trump to Punish Immigrants...

Since Trump is President Again the "NEED" to Hassle Immigrants Has Come Back!!

HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Postponed AGAIN Until May 7, 2025... WONDERFUL!

The deadline was supposed to be Oct. 1, 2021 but the Department of Homeland Security is extending it because Harassing Immigrants is No Longer a Priority since Trump Lost the 2020 Election...

If REAL ID can be further delayed, why is it needed?

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Exorcism at the US Capitol 1/3/2023. Surround the Building and Blow Whistles, Beat Drums, Dance, Chant. Burn Sage and Welcome the GOP House Members...

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DUMP TRUMP or DEPORT MUSK Buttons ( you may change the words! ) for sale at Zazzle Gregvan - or you could change the slogan to "ARREST MUSK", "LOCK 'EM UP!" or "I LOVE SUSAN" that's your freedom to choose! Whatever makes your freak flag fly!

(202) 224-3121
Call your Senators and tell 'em to Deport Musk.


Link to my Newest Buttons - Click Here


Rainbow background and the slogan "Deport Musk" or DUMP TRUMP - you can change the words to anything! What about "Arrest Musk" or "I Love Susan" - write your own Manifesto!

an earlier blog post... asking readers to Protest!

Are we REALLY Going to Have to Get "Real ID" In Order to Fly in an Airplane? Wasn't The Goal to Harass Illegal Aliens? With Trump Gone, Is HATE Still a Priority?

What about "Real ID" Required to VOTE? Just a Rumor or a Republicriminal Trick to Prevent People From Voting?

Required Documents: Birth Certificate or Passport. Social Security Card. Two Official Documents Like a Power Company Bill, Medical Bill with Your Name on it or Rental Agreement.

What if I Have to Fly? NO WAY Will I Be Able to Do All This... 

Please Contact Your President, Senators and Representative and ask Them To STOP THE CRAZY!

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In Other News...

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Annie Oakley Meme about Why it was Wonderful To Have Guns a Hundred Years Ago
Annie Oakley Meme about Why it was
Wonderful To Have Guns a Hundred Years Ago

Absurdist Republican Lies... They Can't Run on their Successful Track Record so... they Lie, Lie and Lie Some More!
Absurdist Republican Lies...
They Can't Run on their Successful Track Record so...
they Lie, Lie and Lie Some More!

The gun controversy by the republicans is to excite those gun owners by telling them that the liberals are out to take "all" their guns away when in reality it is only those "killer weapons" like the AR-15 and equivalent that angry individuals are purchasing and in some cases taking out their anger against innocent men, women and even children. When this problem occurs as frequent as it does today what are we waiting for? The next massacre is right around the corner and "Rambo" is waiting and not very patiently. They do not value your life much less their own. As these tragedies continue to occur throughout America, the republicans think that this is just a way of life in America. BS! It does not have to be this way and many other countries has proven this over time. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 

Republicans often shout DANGER DANGER about Imaginary Enemies... Many are Currently "FIGHTING COMMUNISM" even though Communism Stopped Being a Threat 50 Years Ago... It's a Marketing Trick to fool the Gullible Dupes... 

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Calculus... I passed one semester of Calculus in College and Truly DID NOT GET why it was Valuable... I Said So and "Everybody" said... OH! Nobody Gets it after One Semester... It All Makes Sense After The Second Semester... and... NOPE... I Did Not Take The Second Semester... Not Required for my BSCIS Degree... It Was Required for BSCS... and That was a Major Reason I Selected to get a BSCIS... Bachelor of Science Computer Information Systems... To This Day I Have No Idea What it's good for... 

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SE POSTED on Facebook: 

I still see posts from people who absolutely HATE Dr. Fauci, and I don't get it at all. When I see Dr. Fauci on TV and hear him speak, I find him very soothing. His voice is gentle and kind, and he doesn't trigger stress or anxiety in me like certain other people do when they speak (certain nameless people who happen to be orange). But people act like Dr. Fauci is so obnoxious and annoying, but I don't hear that at all with him. I find him comforting and calming! I don't understand why people hate him so much. I assume it's because they believe that he's telling them what to do, and they don't like being told what to do - but when I hear him speak, I don't feel like I'm being told what to do at all. I feel like I'm being presented with the facts, and then I make my OWN decisions about what to do with those facts. Why are other people so angry at someone who just calmly presents the facts and then allows you to make your own choices? You can do whatever you want with those facts, so why hate the sweet old man who is presenting them? In a way, it's similar to my recent post about people's misdirected anger at "the left" in regards to the Dr. Seuss estate deciding to stop publishing 6 of Seuss's lesser-known books. They're directing their anger at the wrong person! If people are sick of COVID restrictions, they should direct their anger at the people who are refusing to follow guidelines and therefore prolonging the need for those guidelines! They shouldn't be angry at the sweet old doctor/scientist who goes on TV and presents us with facts and guidelines which we are free to ignore if we so choose. Why be angry at him? For that matter, why be angry at ANYONE who simply presents us with facts? We've always been free to ignore the information that's presented to us. Half the population has been ignoring the information about COVID for the last year, so obviously we have that freedom. Why be angry at the people who simply present us with the information? Many of us actually APPRECIATE that information...but if I didn't, I would just ignore it and move on. Being angry at the person presenting the information feels like being angry at the TV news anchor for telling us bad news. It's not the news anchor's fault that the news is unpleasant. Their job is to present us with the news. Fauci's job is to present us with the science and facts. You are free to turn off your TV or to scoff at the facts, but why hate the messenger? 

And on a related note: I've noticed for a long time now that some people have zero empathy for the people who are getting sick and dying of COVID, but I get the impression that those same people DO have empathy for people who get sick and die from other causes, like cancer. But if you mention people getting sick and dying from COVID, they laugh-react or say things like, "Those people had co-morbidities," or "Those people would have died anyway," and, in one recent comment, someone even said, "I have no empathy for the deaths of people I don't know personally." But I wonder if that person would say the same thing about people dying from cancer? It seems like most people think it's sad when someone suffers and dies from cancer, and if it's someone they didn't know personally. So why is it such a joke that people are suffering and dying from COVID? Whatever is causing people to suffer and die, you'd think people would have an equal amount of empathy. But I suppose these are the same people who make a big joke every time there's a mass shooting and people feel sad about the victims and want to work toward making some positive changes to prevent mass shootings in the future. Then, all of a sudden, there are a bunch of laugh-reacts and absolutely zero empathy for the families and victims of the shooting. I guess the lack of empathy is simply a trait of many people on the right. It's interesting that I rarely if ever see such a lack of empathy from the left. You would think that people on both the right and the left would be capable of feeling empathy for people suffering and dying, no matter the cause.

I Replied: Mainly they Hate Dr. Fauci Because He Exposed Trump to Be a Disaster... Trump's Failure to Prevent Coronavirus Spreading All Across the USA Caused His Loss in 2020. American Voters Simply Rejected Trump for the HALF A MILLION DEAD... and If You Think Trump was Sent by GOD... You're Angry to Find Out That He's a Dangerous Idiot... 

Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns. They are an Untapped Source of American Metal That Could Be Used to Make Useful Products Like Cars, Trucks or Washing Machines.

Guns are Killing Over 39,000 Americans a Year... 

In 2017, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 39,773 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC.

and Yet, Guns Serve no Useful Purpose... Many People BELIEVE That Owning a Gun Will Protect Their Family BUT That Belief is FALSE. More People Die from Suicide, Accidents and One Family Member Killing Another Than There are Lives Saved Protecting Your Family From Bad Guys...  

GUNS DO NOT SAVE LIVES - reality - meme - gvan42

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They Won't Outlaw Crime
Unless You Tell 'em:

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SEE? Do Evil, Get Punished. Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers Found Guilty for January 6th... In Other News: He Shot Himself in the Eye with his Own Gun! He was working as a Firearms "Safety" Instructor... Remember: Playing With Guns is CRAZY!

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