Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

QAnon has Taken Over the US House of Representatives... They Have NO PLANS to Actually Make America Great... ALL Effort will be on Blaming Democrats for Everything... Including Trump's FAILURE to Overthrow the Government on 1/6/2021 and Crown Himself King...

QAnon Takes over US House - meme - gvan42

Sadly, The Exorcism Kept EVIL OUT for 
Only Three Days... and Then The 
"Slaves of Satan" Elected tRUMP's Puppet...

Now: "Investigations" of the FBI, DOJ...
In an Attempt to Make Crime Legal 
for tRUMP

Kali 42 animated GIF by gvan42

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This part Below was Written on 1/6/2023
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Exorcism at the US Capitol 1/3/2023. Was WILDLY SUCCESSFUL We UNWelcomed the GOP House Members. Madness Has Devolved the GOP into a Pack of Rabid Monkeys!

We Held a Group Mind Meld in the Comfort of Our Own Homes... We Simply Turned on C-SPAN, Turned OFF the Sound and Chanted, Beat Drums, Burned Weed and Focused our Cosmic Telekinetic Energy to the Cleansing The US Capitol of EVIL...


Invite Your Friends and Post about your Experience Mocking the Mindless Vegetables of the Republicriminal Party... 
These People SUCK! 

Contact Your Representative and Tell 'em What to Do to ACTUALLY Make America Great...
If you don't tell 'em Your Opinion they
Will Continue to be Puppets of the Super Rich!

If you Can Attend...
Surround the Building and Blow Whistles, Beat Drums,  Dance, Chant. Burn Sage and DRIVE EVIL OUT!
meme: Exorcism at the US Capitol 1/3/2023. Surround the Building and Blow Whistles, Beat Drums,  Dance, Chant and Drive the EVIL GOP House Members OUT...

Most House Members Will Use the Underground Train from the Rayburn House Office Building to the US Capitol... A Great Place to MEET and GREET! 

140 Db personal Alarm
When You Meet, Why Not Set Off a 140DB Personal Alarm and Point it in their Direction... Just to Freak Them OUT! 

When Not at Work on the House Floor, Members often Relax in their Offices in a House Office Building... Find Out Exactly WHERE Your Representative's Office IS and GO VISIT... They Would LOVE to Meet in Person and Hear Your Free Advice About What They Should DO at Work... Here's a Link!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and Now for Something Completely Different.
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Here's a Non Lethal Sonic Weapon That Creates an Extremely Loud 8 Hz Sine Wave... Below the Range of Human Hearing, it Causes FEAR and INSANITY... 

Made from an Old Analog Synthesizer, a Car Radio Bass Amplifier, Two 18" Woofers and My Pillows!  Simply Turn Up The Resonance in the VCF Band Pass Filter, Push the Hold Button and Play a Note... Then adjust the Center Point of the Filter Down, Down, Down until it Goes to The MADNESS FREQUENCY... FUN! SAFE! 

Remember to Wear a Diaper When Playing this as It Causes You (and the Audience) to POOP YOUR PANTS!            
Non Lethal Sonic Weapon - 8 Hz Sound Wave - Causes INSANITY in the Enemy - gvan42
I've done this with an SH-101 Synthesizer on the Banks of the Potomac in Alexandria... Pointing the Speakers at DARPA and Washington DC... 
SH-101 Synthesizer on the Banks of the Potomac in Alexandria... Pointing the Speakers at DARPA and Washington DC...

and... at No Extra Charge... ALL THE AUTOMOBILE BURGLAR ALARMS Will Go OFF! Why Not Go Over to The Pentagon Later and Freak Them OUT! No Possibility of Starting a War... They'll Be Defending the USA from Space Aliens Flying in UFOs... 

Can't Go to the US Capitol? There's an Exorcism at Mar-A-Loser 1/3/2023 as Well... Trump is Demonically Possessed. Drive OUT "He Who Shall Not Be Named" 
Exorcism at Mar-A-Loser 1/3/2023 #Trump5150 is Demonically Possessed. Drive OUT "He Who Shall Not Be Named"

Thousands of Patriots Join Us To Dance, Beat Drums, Burn Sage and Chant... 

0 EXORCISM AT MAR-A-LOSER ---- Drive He Who Shall Not Be Named OUT --- meme - gvan42

Link to a MAP of Where Mar-A-Loser IS!


Allen Weisselburg=Guilty, Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  Kelly Meggs=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and Over 900 QAnon Freaks Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King... 
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... 

Free Coloring Book Marijuana Leaf by gvan42

Hey Congress! Let's END CrazyLaws® LEGALIZE MARIJUANA NATIONWIDE! The Brittney Griner Case is an Obvious Example of How CRAZY LAWS 
Harm People... 
Why Not WAKE UP?  & Stop Doing EVIL.
Write To Your Rep at the Link Above and Tell 'em What to DO! They Won't Know What You Think Unless You Contact Them... and They'll Simple CONTINUE DOING Whatever They are BRIBED to Do... By Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

 I Deactivated my Twitter Account... This Just Isn't Funny Anymore... Stock Market Tip: Sell Tesla Short. It's Going DOWN... That's Easy to Predict!

The Mirrored Ball of Winterland - FREE Coloring Book Art by gvan42

The Mirrored Ball of Winterland - 

American Indian with Headdress - FREE Coloring Book by Greg Vanderlaan - Blog Labels:  Trump, art, evil, California, protest, idiot, war, disaster, fail, psychedelic, freedom, free, question authority, book, cosmic, fraud, music, ecology, question, global, failure, magic, election, insane, crazy, trippy, mushroom, liar, Donald, quest, #DumpTrump, Eureka, republican, Impeach, visions, vote, GOP, people, video, power, gvan42, loser, corruption, lsd, authority, #ImpeachTrump, Russia, corporate, fire, reality, climate, white, 2020, CIA, EPA, great, President, murder, vanderlaan, money, peace, USA, change, rainbow, campaign, marijuana, NRA, humboldt, American, fake, #BogusPotus, news, arcata, brainwashing, coronavirus, fun, liberty, nuclear, pollution, song, Putin, hippie, house, warming, madness, TV, death, history, guns, love, NSA, revolution, Family, facebook, guitar, #DitchMitch, FBI, corrupt, Congress, bogus sanity, Sanders, Chico, hippy, police, #runaway, absurd, economy, waste, legalize, solar, Republicans, Russian, World, life, coloring, mkultra, obama, rich satire, senate, wall, crime, lie, #MAGAKiller, America, March, cannabis

Rainbow Gathering 2023 - July 1-7 in a National Forest In the northern Appalachians, including and between the Alleghenies and the White Mountains National Forest, New Hampshire, USA.

Links to Popular FaceBorg Groups... 

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To Me, it is Woodstock with Amateur Musicians and I’m in the Band… 

A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Tales of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...

Thousands of people go backpacking for a couple of weeks… Every year during the end of June and the beginning of July… The location is different every year but it is always in a National Forest… It’s an intentional temporary village…

This is a description about my trip to The Rainbow Gathering in California 2004… I wrote this to help me remember…
Rainbow Gathering Photograph by Gregory Vanderlaan 2004 California

Thousands of People chant OM. This photo was snapped just before I decided it was time to put away the camera and experience the event… Yes, it’s important to remember to LIVE LIFE instead of DOCUMENTING LIFE. 

I contacted my Newly Elected Representative in the House and said: 
Sorry, Kevin Kiley... Due to MADNESS of the GOP You won't be Sworn In on January 3rd... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will get accomplished in the FAILED REPUBLICAN HOUSE... I See That You People Had SIX Votes to Choose a Speaker and FAILED EVERY TIME! Evidently the QAnon FREAKS have been Successful in DESTROYING AMERICA... Please Resign and Go Get a Real Job.

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