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GOP vs FBI - It will be FUN to Watch the Battle between these Two Evil Groups. The GOP Shouting Loudly: "Make Crime Legal!" and the FBI Stating: "You are Under Arrest!"

We are Going to Need a LOT More Prison Cells for the Republicans... better Release all the Cannabis Prisoners... 

Take a Moment to Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em to DO YOUR JOB! #ArrestTrump #LockHimUP

DOJ: #ArrestTrump - meme - Contact Form - gvan42

I'm old enough to Remember When the FBI put a LOT of Effort into Arresting Anti-War and Civil Rights Activists... They Put EFFORT into Fighting GOOD and Helping the US Government DO EVIL... 

and the Republican Party Has Become a PATHETIC JOKE! Apparently they have become "Slaves of Satan" - Take a Look at Donald Trump... Isn't it OBVIOUS??? Demonic Possession!


Take a break from the Madness... and relax...
enjoy This Animated GIF... Designed to Cause
a Trance!

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