Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

YEMEN: Trump Has Gone Insane! He has started bombing the Houthis but is leaving the Blowfish unharmed! What's up with that?

Trump has gone insane! He started bombing Yemen but No One Knows Why... Just for fun?

On 2/14/2024 I Wrote:

I'm Glad the USA is Bombing Yemen. Crazy Islamic Terrorists are Trying to Sink Cargo Ships passing by... WHY? Are they Sad that Cargo Ships Never Stop and Unload in YEMEN? Jealous?

Everybody SING! Just Like That Old Beach Boys Song... 

Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN
Oh Bomb Iran... Yes Bomb Iran... 
Ya Got Me Rocking and a Rolling...
Rocking and a Reeling... BOMB IRAN!
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN

Original Video...
Bomb Bomb Bomb - Bomb Bomb IRAN - Everybody SING! Just Like That Beach Boys Song...

and Don't Forget to BOMB YEMEN! The Hooties Have been Behaving Crazy... but We Ought to Forgive the Blowfish... It's not Really Their Fault!

We have been having a LOT of Problems with Islamic Terrorists... Perhaps the Best solution would be to 

US launches strikes in Iraq and Syria... 

US Bombs Yemen...
Iranian-backed Houthi militants, who control swathes of Yemen, have used an array of sophisticated weapons - including ballistic missiles and “kamikaze” drones - in their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea in support of Palestinian militant group Hamas in its war with Israel in the Gaza Strip.

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