Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

FUND THE POLICE. I'm Totally in Favor of Police Arresting REAL CRIMINALS. For Example: TREASON, Insurrection, Murder, Rape, Fraud, Income Tax Evasion, Robbery, Kidnapping, Crazy People with GUNS, muggers, arson, wife beaters, BRIBERY of Politicians and Seditious Conspiracy.

People That DO EVIL Really Need to Be Put Behind Bars... For Example: Donald Trump... #LockHimUP #ArrestTrump

and we ought to release all Cannabis Prisoners... We'll need the Jail Cells to House Crazy TrumpNiks®

Is the Punishment for Treason still Execution? Like it was in the Good Old Days...

Vote for Freedom 2024 - Trump is ANTI-CHOICE - He Wants to Force Women to Give Birth to Unwanted Babies. THAT'S Q-CRAZY!

Remember: Trump Appointed the Corrupt Supreme Court that Overturned Roe V Wade!

Please Share This Meme Nationwide...

Tucker Carlson Says: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump. Is Tucker Trying to Motivate a Madman to Pull the Trigger? Revenge for Trump Getting Him Fired at Fox?

According to Carlson, “both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

I think if I chose one thing to stand for, it would be woman's rights. On both the micro and macrocosm the abuse of women creates most, if not all of our social problems.

If a woman is abused or shown disrespect either in her home or in society, that resonants and reverberates. Her children are exposed to that abuse. Boys learn to abuse and disrespect women. Girls learn that they must submit to the will of the men around them, or suffer the consequences.

We see this power over scenerio playing out with the rape, murder, and disappearance indigenous women around the world. They are the voiceless, the disregarded, the trafficked.

We see it play out with women of color. Women who have had to stand strong as everything they value was ripped away. Leaving an entire culture, an entire race of people left living in poverty, in self perpetuating cycles of abuse on every level.

We see the abuse extend to women who are trafficked or forced by poverty or addiction into the sex trade. Sex workers, who are used and abused for the gratification of men. Then demeaned, devalued, and discarded by a male dominated society. As if somehow those used are of less value than those who abuse.

We see the abuse of women condoned by religion. Religion that strips away their rights placing the rights of men above a women's right to safety, to medical care, and to basic resources. We see this in Iran, but also in America with regard to reproductive rights. Man made religions govern the rights of women all across the globe.

I believe that the devaluing and subjugation of women creates a society of greed. It creates a society that values the rights of those with power over the rights of those without. It creates a world where half of the population, the half that carries and brings new life into this world, is abused, disrespected, and subjugated by the other half.

Until that imbalance is corrected how can we create balance. And it begins at home. It begins with you. How are you treating the women in your life? How are you treating the mother of your children? Your mothers, sisters, and lovers?

Men how are you rising or falling? I see a culture that views women as disposable. When you are finished with one it is discarded and another woman takes her place. Men are you teaching your children respect by mirroring respect?

Women are you standing with your sisters? Helping when you can? Are you allowing yourselves to be part of the recycle and reuse fast food culture? Do you see your own value?

We see the earth as mother. Yet the same greed that uses and abuses extends to her, our beloved earth mother.

Yes if I were to pick one thing to rally for, to stand for, it would be women!!!

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