One Way PG&E could cut expenses is by stopping all the propaganda television advertisements claiming that they are not evil... See? We hire women with funny hats! We're not evil!

PG&E propaganda TV ads meme

I remember that right about the time that Gray Davis was being recalled as governor for failure to prevent Enron from stealing money... We had a Chico based shredding business where corporations could bring in documents by the truckload and have them shredded... PG&E brought in a vast quantity of documents to be shredded at that time... 

It was an interesting business because it mostly hired retarded people because the actual work of putting documents in a shredder is something that a retarded person could be trained to do! And it's very unlikely that a retarded person would read the documents... Very secure...

Where is he now? A lawyer in Los Angeles! 
Joseph "Gray" Davis offers a combination of experience, insight and perspective following a long and distinguished career in California government. He is a trusted advisor to his clients, including companies, nonprofits, research institutes and universities as well as primary and secondary schools. He provides a strategic approach to solving complex issues given the extensive knowledge he has gained over his 30 plus years of public service.

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