Lets Keep Three Mile Island Shut Down! Microsoft wants to reopen the nuclear power plant because they need a lot of electricity for AI. I don't want AI... I don't want nuclear power... Both are just crazy!

I happened to be working North of Towson, Maryland on the day that Three Mile Island had its accident... About 50 miles away... The man sitting next to me at work was a nuclear engineer... He said don't worry, in order for there to be a disaster, you have to have 10 things go wrong simultaneously... And we're at number eight... Then he said: I'm taking the rest of the day off... Good luck guys!

Supposedly, people that lived near TMI, said they could taste metal in their mouths... That's a symptom of uranium pollution... 

Anyway... I don't want artificial intelligence... I do use it to make snarky memes... But there are other ways to call Trump weird... I used to just find photos and add captions... good enough... No real need to use the Microsoft AI image generator... Not if using that program means reopening nuclear power plants... They cause hazardous waste that has to be stored safely for 10,000 years... 

Headline: The White House is weighing in on the announcement that the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Dauphin County is reopening.

John Podesta, senior advisor to the president on clean energy innovation and implementation, said in a statement, "This week's announcement of an agreement between Constellation and Microsoft shows that we can create good-paying and union jobs and power our nation's industries of the future with clean, safe, affordable energy. We're proud that clean energy tax credits in President Biden and Vice President Harris's Inflation Reduction Act will help support this project and create good-paying and union jobs in nuclear power in Pennsylvania."

That's CrazyTalk® The problem with his statement is that nuclear power is not clean and it's not safe... Even if you tell a lie 1 million times that does not change reality! Chernobyl... F*ck you Shima... And we still have Atomic waste stored in casks in Eureka California even though the power plant closed in 1976... 

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