The So Called Immigration "Crisis" is Not Very Important to Me... I'm more concerned about Trump Causing Global Economic Collapse... Immigration Is important to Trump because Trump hates black people, Trump hates brown people, Trump hates young people, Trump hates women, Trump hates gays, Trump hates college graduates... That's why he wants to prevent people from coming to the USA... It's always people that he hates!

The So Called Immigration "Crisis" is not important to me... It's important to Trump because Trump hates black people, Trump hates brown people, Trump hates young people, Trump hates women, Trump hates college graduates... That's why he wants to prevent people from coming to the USA... It's always people that he hates!

Trump is really sick... And he hates everyone except himself... And He really really really loves himself... Even though He's a pathetic loser... 

He says he hates Oprah... He says he hates Taylor Swift! Why is there so much hatred in his life... Could it be that he's insane? The only thing that gives me hope is that people like Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones and Donald Trump always end up totally destroyed... Call it Instant Karma... But they're doomed... 

I live in an old folks home where all of the employees are immigrants... And it seems to be working out just fine... They do all the work and we just relax and watch TV... Go on the internet... Take walks in the garden and look at the flowers... The immigrants cook the food, do the shopping, wash the dishes, wash the clothes, take out the garbage, mow the lawn and get the mail... Why would anyone hate immigrants? They're so nice!

And we depend on immigrants to grow our food... And Trump wants to deport a million of them? That's just crazy!

Headline: Trump scapegoats migrants again at Georgia rally meant to discuss economy.

Republican nominee spews falsehoods about undocumented immigrants to Savannah crowd’s delight...

This article reminds me of a scene from the book 1984 where all the people would get together for a 2 minute hate rally... They would all shout out their hatred for the enemy of the month...

In the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) by George Orwell, the Two Minutes Hate is the daily period during which members of the Outer and Inner Party of Oceania must watch a film depicting Emmanuel Goldstein, the principal enemy of the state, and his followers, the Brotherhood, and loudly voice their hatred for the enemy and then their love for Big Brother.[1]

The political purpose of the Two Minutes Hate is to allow the citizens of Oceania to vent their existential anguish and personal hatred toward politically expedient enemies: Goldstein and the enemy super-state of the moment. In re-directing the members' subconscious feelings away from the Party's governance of Oceania and toward non-existent external enemies, the Party minimises thoughtcrime and the consequent subversive behaviours of thoughtcriminals.[2]

(similar to the way that Trump uses the threat of "the deep state" or Antifa!)

The So Called Immigration "Crisis" is not important to me... It's important to Trump because Trump hates black people, Trump hates brown people, Trump hates young people, Trump hates women, Trump hates college graduates... That's why he wants to prevent people from coming to the USA... It's always people that he hates!

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" - Denis Diderot

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" - Denis Diderot

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" - Denis Diderot

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest" - Denis Diderot

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And then on Faceborg SE Said:
It blows my mind that there are people who claim that they hate Trump and would never vote for him, yet those same people also refuse to vote for Kamala. I've seen several comments from people saying that they're going to vote third party because they would NEVER vote for Trump, but they just can't bring themselves to vote for Kamala either. I just don't understand why people don't seem to understand the seriousness of the current situation. Our democracy is at stake! And yeah, I know, I know...someone is surely going to jump in and say that we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic. Fine. Our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is at stake! One of our presidential candidates does NOT respect our constitution and has plans to dismantle it. It's all right there in Project 2025, for anyone who cares to read it. The OTHER candidate, Kamala Harris, respects the constitution. How is this so difficult for people to understand? If you throw away your vote on a third party candidate because Kamala isn't perfect enough for you, you're helping to elect someone who doesn't respect the constitution and wants to dismantle it and be a dictator. How can anyone take that chance?
Hopefully, after this election, Trump will finally go away. He'll be well into his 80s by the time the 2028 election comes around. If Biden was considered "too old" at 80, surely Trump will be "too old" by 2028 since he is only 3 years younger than Biden. Once Trump is out of the picture and the Republicans nominate a candidate who is normal and who respects the constitution and doesn't have aspirations to destroy it and make themselves a dictator, then you can vote for whoever you want. Throw away your vote on a third party candidate if you want, because it won't be putting our constitutional republic at risk. But right now is NOT the time to mess around with third party votes! As long as Trump is in the running, we HAVE to vote to keep him from getting elected. It's SO important. Please, save the protest votes for a future election when there isn't so much at stake.

And I replied:
I'm voting for Kamala... Because we must beat Trump in order to save the USA from Monarchy... And on a personal note: My life savings is invested in the stock market and if Trump causes a global economic collapse, I'll be poor... And homeless...

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