Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Photoshop Tutorial: "Highlights & Shadows" Can Save a Picture Where You Can't See Important Parts. FREE from Pixlr online Photo Editor.

Highlights & Shadows photo filter can save a picture where an inportant part can't be seen - FREE online photo studio - gvan42
Highlights & Shadows at Work. FREE online photo studio 
You Can Make Dark Areas Lighter
and Light Areas Darker 

How to Use the Highlights & Shadows Filter in
It's Located in Adjustments
With Two Back and Forth Sliders

I Modified a Series of Pictures... In the Originals, You couldn't see the Murals Because of the Shadows. They are Painted Underneath the Highway 99 Overpass in Chico, Ca. by Gregg Payne.

Example of a Photo Retouched using the pixlr Highlights & Shadows Filter

an alert reader asked if I was trying to learn how to use Photoshop?

Well, I don't Own Photoshop and I will Not be buying it in the Future. Victoria bought me an Official Disc about 15 Years ago... and I loved it... Then I bought a Windows 10 Laptop and The Disc I Owned WOULD NOT WORK on the New Operating System... Yes, Adobe Still works on The Computer at Home in Eureka but I Live in Orangevale and I use a Laptop... Adobe & Microsoft Teamed Up to FORCE People to Buy New, New, New Stuff... That Does Exactly What the Old Stuff Did Already!

SO... Now I Bought a Google Chromebook that does not use any type of Windows Operating System... and I Use to do Potatoshopping!

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Potatoshop Tutorial: How to Improve Portraits of your Friends... Resample image Height=106% Width=94%. Suddenly, Everyone got Taller and Thinner! It's a Magic Trick. Do not tell your friends THAT it was done. In order for this to really work, they must Remain Unaware. They Just Think, Hey I look good! Works in every photo image processing program. Try blurring the cheeks and forehead on your friend's faces.  Instantly Younger... Removes Wrinkles...

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I Make sure I post my words and Pictures on Parler, Gab, Ello, Mastadon, Minds, Twitter, Devient Art, LinkedIn, MeWe, Tribel, Tumblr, Flipboard, 4Chan, Reddit, Medium, Occupy and Viadeo... and then FaceBORG's Opinions are Not That Important... 

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My Own Personal Boycott: I'm on strike against Amazon... I canceled my Amazon Prime Monthly Bill (what a Rip-Off) and Haven't purchased anything in 2 Months... Usually I buy something about Twice a month... Food, Clothes, WhatEVER... A Guitar... 2 Honer Harmonicas... a Spyglass... Shoes... a Gym Bag... I've Been shopping there for YEARS... But JEFF BEZOS Has Been Behaving Badly Recently so... I'm Buying Nothing... The Old Folks Home I Live at Shops at Costco and I Can Survive on What they Feed Me...

The Purchase of the Spyglass still troubles me... I wanted a Telescope to Look at the Boats going in and Out of Humboldt Bay... I Had NO IDEA about which product i wanted to buy... So I went to a Local Sporting Goods Store (Bucksport) and asked the Clerk many questions and looked thru many telescopes and figured out which one was best for me... Then I said Thanks, went home and Bought it on Amazon... The Local store Paid that Clerks Paycheck, and the rent, heat and light on the Building but... I Spent Nothing at Bucksport in Eureka.

Mural by Flatmo on Bucksport Store in Eureka, CA

on a Totally Different Subject:

I'm suspicious about ALL "Think Tanks" - Pew, Heritage - RAND... I believe They Choose the Answer they Want to Promote FIRST... and Then Find "Facts" That Verify That Answer... The Exact OPPOSITE of the Scientific Method... Where You Collect Facts First and then Come to a Conclusion after Studying those Facts... Especially corrupt is the George Mason University... Their Entire Shtick is Telling Congressmen and Senators What to Think & How to Vote. Funded by the Koch Brothers

Dillon Beach Resort, CA

SE is At Dillon Beach, CA (a Bit North of Pt Reyes)

and She Said:
Northern California: where we don't let a silly thing like cold weather interfere with our time at the beach. We always come prepared for anything. Chilly? Throw on a hoodie and power on through.

I Replied:
I still like it warmer... Manresa, South of Santa Cruz is Warmer than The Unmarked Beaches North of Santa Cruz...

She Said:
I find the main Santa Cruz beach to be as hot as hell. I personally prefer foggy beaches. I remember it used to get foggy in Santa Cruz when I was a kid, but now it's always 90+ every time I go there, and I can't stand being in the sun when it's that hot. Even the beaches in Aptos have been hot and sunny the last few times I've been there. Climate change is making it harder to find fog.

I Replied:
I did not know that... The Unmarked Beaches North of Santa Cruz are the Foggiest... PLUS! You can Eat Raw Brussel Sprouts that You Pick right off the Bush and Wash in the Ocean... and THAT'S a Real Treat!

SE Said:
I didn't know that about the Brussels sprouts. I've never eaten them like that before, but I would certainly try it!

I Replied:
Remember to wash them in the ocean... the poison they spray on the plants tastes terrible... FOR GOOD REASON.

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Boycott Plastic Garbage! Chicken of the Sea Tuna is Marketing "Infusions" with a Plastic Bowl, Lid and Fork. Trash that will pollute the Earth for 10,000 Years. REFUSE TO BUY PLASTIC CRAP. 
CORPORATE LIES: "Sustainability:
At Chicken of the Sea, we pride ourselves on our long-standing commitment to operating a socially and environmentally responsible business. We realize that our sustainability obligations don't end when the seafood is caught, but extend all the way through the processing, packaging, and delivery of sustainable seafood to our customers."

Fact: We Have Eaten Tuna Packages in Metal Cans for Decades... and That Metal Can Be Recycled... Melted and Used Again. This new Marketing Strategy Will Create Millions of Plastic Bowls... and WHY? 

A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled

The TV Ad: "Every Bottle Back" is Classic Greenwashing. About 8.7% of the Plastic Bottles in the USA are Actually Recycled... But That's Not the Fault of the Corporations That Make the Plastic Bottles... SO THEY SAY:

They Have an Program Set Up to Handle Recycling of Plastic Waste... and If YOU Throw Their Bottles in the Garbage, That's NOT THEIR Fault... GREENWASHING Advertisement meme

The Environmental Protection Agency says that just 8.7 percent of the plastic that was discarded in the U.S. in 2018 was recycled...

and I Don't Buy ANY Plastic Bottles because I Drink Coffee, Green Tea and Water Right from the Tap. I use Real Glasses and Cups and Wash Them and Use Them Again Tomorrow... None of that Single Use Plastic Crap for Me!

and then I was thinking about my total plastic consumption... The Fruit Juice comes in Big Plastic Jugs... maybe Two Liter Bottles... Pork Chops and Chicken is Packaged on a Styrofoam Tray covered in Plastic Wrap... Ice Cream Comes in a Plastic Tub... My Groceries are Packaged in Whatever CostCo Uses... 

Plastic Food Packaging - Fruits and Nuts
Plastic Food Packaging - Fruits and Nuts

I don't use Plastic Spoons and Forks... I don't eat Fast Food at Taco Bell, Jack or McDonalds... All of those Places are Heavy on the Plastic Crap!

My Laptop is Made of Plastic... My Phone is Made of Plastic... and I Replace them About Every Five Years... But the Corporations That Make That Plastic Crap Wants You to "Upgrade" Every Freaking Year! Whazzup With That? I can Still Order a LYFT with my Current Phone... and I Can Make a Phone Call... and That's all I Ever Do... No Chatting on Social Media on my Phone because it's Really Difficult to Enter Text... I Type a LOT on my Laptop and The REAL Keyboard is Easy to Use... In Fact, When I'm Lost in thought Deciding what to Say... I forget about the keyboard entirely... THAT would never Happen on an iPhone!

anyway... When I see that Every Bottle Back TV Advertisement I'm Glad I Don't Buy Their Plastic Crap! 

I know a Lady that lives near Beale Air Force Base and She has to Buy Plastic Bottles of Water because the Tap Water is Polluted With Jet Fuel from the Airplanes... Some Fuel Spills and Then Gets into the Groundwater... SO... For Health, She Drinks Plastic Bottled Water... What She Fails to Realize is that SHOWERING in Toxic Waste is Just as Bad as Drinking it... I told her to Move away but she's poor and Moving to a High Rent district is not possible... DEEP SIGH... 

What is truly Tragic is that Beale Air Force Base Has Never Been Used to Defend the USA... Not Even Once... Even During World War Two the Only Attacks on the USA Were Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Los Angeles where a UFO Supposedly Attacked... Or Maybe Nothing Attacked and the Soldiers manning the Anti-Aircraft Guns were Firing at NOTHING... Could Happen... Sadly, that Air Force Base Near Sacramento, California Has Never Been Used...

and Of Course... Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended the USA. NOT EVEN ONCE!

Rainbow Spiral Multiverse Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...
Rainbow Spiral Multiverse  Multiple Rainbow Spirals form a Trance Inducing Icon. A Visual Mantra. You May Add Words if You Want To... The Name of Your Band or Business... or a Slogan... Manifesto...   rainbow, spiral, multiverse, trance, bliss, gvan42, automatic, hypnosis, freedom, quest
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