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Boycott Plastic Garbage! Chicken of the Sea Tuna is Marketing "Infusions" with a Plastic Bowl, Lid and Fork. Trash that will pollute the Earth for 10,000 Years. REFUSE TO BUY PLASTIC CRAP. 
CORPORATE LIES: "Sustainability:
At Chicken of the Sea, we pride ourselves on our long-standing commitment to operating a socially and environmentally responsible business. We realize that our sustainability obligations don't end when the seafood is caught, but extend all the way through the processing, packaging, and delivery of sustainable seafood to our customers."

Fact: We Have Eaten Tuna Packages in Metal Cans for Decades... and That Metal Can Be Recycled... Melted and Used Again. This new Marketing Strategy Will Create Millions of Plastic Bowls... and WHY? 

A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled

Billions of tons of plastic have been made over the past decades, and much of it is becoming trash and litter, finds the first analysis of the issue.

MEME - gvan42 - Boycott Plastic Packaging of Tuna by Chicken of the Sea - Infusions SUCK
Boycott Plastic Packaging of Tuna by Chicken of the Sea Infusions SUCK
I emailed them at:

and I said: 

"Infusions create millions of Plastic Bowls and Forks to pollute the environment for 10,000 years. ENDANGERING FISH with Plastic Garbage floating in the Ocean... Killing YOUR TUNA! Sell Tuna in Metal Cans Like You have for a Decades. I eat a Lot of Tuna and will NOT BUY ANY FROM YOU ANYMORE. Infusions SUCK! "

and they wrote back: Dear Gregory,

Thank you for providing your feedback regarding our new Chicken of the Sea Infusions.

Careful consideration will be given to your observations regarding our packaging. Your comments have been noted and reported to our Quality Assurance Department for their follow up. In addition, the material in the cups and fork is recyclable, recycle #5.
We value you as a customer and appreciate you taking the time to contact us regarding our Chicken of the Sea Light Tuna. We hope we can count on your continued loyalty and in appreciation, please accept the complimentary coupon we are mailing to you.

Wendy Stanford
Customer Care Representative


How Queen and Adam Lambert Are Taking Action for Global Health and Well-Being.

 ~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Small tuna cans are made out of aluminum, and also recycle easily. The actual composition of the metal varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Before you collect tuna cans to take to the recycling center, place a small magnet on the can. If the magnet sticks, it is not aluminum but steel. If the can is steel, it should be placed into your steel can recycling bin if available.

The U.S. recycling rate for aluminum cans declined to 49.4 percent in 2016, its lowest level in years. The consumer recycling rate for aluminum cans was down from 54.5 percent a year earlier.

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