Trump: Let's Cut the Pentagon Budget in Half and Refund the Money to the Taxpayers. This should be Elon Muskrat's first move as head of Dodge Coin Efficiency Freak Out Unit.
Cancel all orders for new airplanes, boats and missiles... We already have plenty of those and don't need any more... Trillions of dollars in cost savings!
25th Amendment: Should Trump be thrown out of office because he is insane? YES. What IF he decides to NUKE a hurricane? World War Three and the End of Human Life on Earth?
My Family Emailed me this...
You are awakening to the same country you fell asleep to.
The very same country.
Pull yourself together.
when you see me, do not ask me
"What do we do now?
How do we get through the next four years?"
Some of my Ancestors dealt with at least 400 years of this under worse conditions.
Continue to do the good work.
Continue to build bridges not walls.
Continue to lead with compassion.
Continue the demanding work of liberation for all.
Continue to dismantle broken systems, large and small.
Continue to set the best example for the children.
Continue to be a vessel of nourishing joy.
Continue right where you are.
Right where you live into your days.
Do so in the name of The Creator who expects nothing less from each of us.
And if you are not "continuing"
ALL of the above, in community, partnership, collaboration?
What is it you have been doing?What is it you are waiting for?
Written by Venice Williams, a Milwaukee minister
Most people voted against him in the 2016 Election. We voted against him because we could tell in advance that he was a MENACE TO SOCIETY.
Trump is doing serious harm to our environment. We ought to completely shut down all coal mines and coal fired power plants and replace them with Solar and Wind energy systems. The air pollution from cars and trucks is causing global warming and climate change. No Oil Drilling off the coast. No Fracking. No Mining in National Monuments...
I like Senator Elizabeth Warners Bills about Ending Corruption in Government and Fixing Capitalism... I believe Medicare for All would cost people less money than our current for-profit Health Insurance System.
Let's NOT Arm Teachers with Guns. Let's Outlaw Automatic Rifles. Let's LOOK AT who is funding the NRA. Now they have SECRET DONORS... Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax it and use the money to pay for better schools. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients decide for themselves what the best treatment is.
End the Wars in Afghanistan, Syria and all those other countries I don't even know about.
End Trump's Trade Wars. Tariffs are doing damage to American Farmers and Workers. Could Cause Global Economic Collapse.
What is the 25th Amendment?
The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution establishes procedures for presidential succession and disability, including:
Presidential succession
If the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the vice president becomes president.
Vice presidential vacancy
When there is a vacancy in the vice president's office, the president nominates a replacement who must be confirmed by Congress.
Presidential disability
If the president is unable to fulfill their duties, the vice president can temporarily assume the role of acting president. This can happen if the president declares their inability, or if the vice president and a majority of the president's cabinet declare it.
The 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967. It was a response to precedents set by previous presidents and vice presidents in similar situations. For example, in 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, and President Richard Nixon nominated Gerald Ford as his replacement. Ford became president after Nixon resigned in 1974, and was the first vice president to become president without winning the general election.
Trump is doing serious harm to our environment. We ought to completely shut down all coal mines and coal fired power plants and replace them with Solar and Wind energy systems. The air pollution from cars and trucks is causing global warming and climate change. No Oil Drilling off the coast. No Fracking. No Mining in National Monuments...
I like Senator Elizabeth Warners Bills about Ending Corruption in Government and Fixing Capitalism... I believe Medicare for All would cost people less money than our current for-profit Health Insurance System.
Let's NOT Arm Teachers with Guns. Let's Outlaw Automatic Rifles. Let's LOOK AT who is funding the NRA. Now they have SECRET DONORS... Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax it and use the money to pay for better schools. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients decide for themselves what the best treatment is.
End the Wars in Afghanistan, Syria and all those other countries I don't even know about.
End Trump's Trade Wars. Tariffs are doing damage to American Farmers and Workers. Could Cause Global Economic Collapse.
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#DumpTrump #BerserkerPOTUS |
What is the 25th Amendment?
The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution establishes procedures for presidential succession and disability, including:
Presidential succession
If the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the vice president becomes president.
Vice presidential vacancy
When there is a vacancy in the vice president's office, the president nominates a replacement who must be confirmed by Congress.
Presidential disability
If the president is unable to fulfill their duties, the vice president can temporarily assume the role of acting president. This can happen if the president declares their inability, or if the vice president and a majority of the president's cabinet declare it.
The 25th Amendment was ratified in 1967. It was a response to precedents set by previous presidents and vice presidents in similar situations. For example, in 1973, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, and President Richard Nixon nominated Gerald Ford as his replacement. Ford became president after Nixon resigned in 1974, and was the first vice president to become president without winning the general election.
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