Trump Looks in a Mirror and Doesn't Like What He Sees... So he Accuses Kamala of all the Flaws He Has... He said she's a liar... He says she's stupid... That's just projection of what he knows is true about himself...


Trump looks in a mirror and doesn't like what he sees... So he accuses Kamala of all the flaws he has.

Trump Looks in a Mirror and Doesn't Like What He Sees... So he Accuses Kamala of all the Flaws He Has... He said she's a liar... He says she's stupid... That's just projection of what he knows is true about himself...

This weekend, Trump had the most disgusting rallies! With all these outrageous fear mongering lies, he sounds like a racist “Blood & Soil” nationalist and an un-American with a authoritarian regime:

TRUMP on Immigrants: “They don’t commit crimes like us. They make are criminals look like babies. These are stone cold killers that walk into your kitchen, they’ll cut your throat. will come to your homes and cut your throats. Look, you going do what you going to do. You got to get these people back to where they came from. You have no choice. You’re going to lose your culture. You’re going to lose your country. You’re going to have crime, the likes nobody has ever seen before.”

TRUMP doubles down on his election lies: “I told them, if we win and when we win, we’re going to prosecute people that cheat in this election. And if we can, we’ll go back to the last one too. If we’re allowed. We’re going to prosecute people so at least they’ll know this is going to happen.”

Trump on Harris: “Joe Biden became mentally impaired, Kamala was born that way. She was born that way. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country. Anybody would know this."

Trump Looks in a Mirror and Doesn't Like What He Sees... So he Accuses Kamala of all the Flaws He Has... He said she's a liar... He says she's stupid... That's just projection of what he knows is true about himself...

Trump is a Danger to the USA...

Beheading the Ruling Class (A novel) Did you ever notice that super rich people are ruining the world?

What if... Some of the most obvious crazies... Cease to Exist? Obviously the world is a better place to live now that Adolf Hitler is dead... And Charles Manson... And Jim Jones...

I've got a list... And obviously other people feel the same... That's why we've had two assassination attempts on Trump... Maybe the third one will be fatal... We can always hope...

But what about Leon Musk? I think everyone would be really happy if he would just Shut The F*ck Up...

NO, COVID-19 Was Not a BioWeapon Designed to Kill Republicans... Yes, That's What Happened but It Was Not Intentionally Engineered that Way... We Were Just Fortunate... We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future...

Remember: ANTI-VAX LIES On The Internet Have Killed Off More Republicans Than Democrats. THANK YOU FOR DYING!

More than 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID-19. It Seems that It Wasn't a "Democratic Hoax" After All... Trump Lied, People Died...

Israel is blowing up Yemen now...
September is nearly at an end and it has never been clearer that we need an alternative to the parties of war and Wall Street. As Israel continues its US-backed genocide and escalates the conflict in the region, both Harris and Trump are falling over each other trying to prove their loyalty to Netanyahu and AIPAC. World War III seems inevitable. The climate crisis is worsening with devastating hurricanes, flooding, and fires. People can’t afford housing or healthcare. And the cost of food and other basic necessities keeps rising while Democrats and Republicans refuse to raise the minimum wage. - Jill Stein

yes... Since it makes no difference at all how I vote... I'm going to vote for Jill Stein... Just to express my unhappiness with the current two-party system... Both are insane... And Kamala is going to win California and all the Electoral College delegates... I'm still amazed that Biden gave Israel a billion dollars worth of weapons... And then pretended surprise when they actually killed people...

We could have done a lot of really useful things with a billion dollars... I wish we had bought firefighting helicopters... Not only would it put out fires but it would employ pilots and mechanics...

A couple of people I know had their houses burned to the ground... These are real people... And they suffered real hardship... Right here in Paradise, Cohasset and Concow... Years ago I was employed by this lady who wanted to clean up the farm and throw away all the collection of garbage... So she rented a giant dumpster... I said put all that **** in the dumpster... And she paid me cash... And later her entire Farm was destroyed in the forest fire...

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