Got Nightmares? Try Turning Off TV News... It's Endless Fear, Hate Speech and Danger Danger! And the subjects of the stories are totally unimportant to my life...


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They Talking Heads on TV News endlessly report about the Wars in Israel and Ukraine... Well, those conflicts make absolutely no difference at all to me... I suppose those people far away from here ought to stop behaving crazy... but if they don't and they continue to kill each other... So What?

I have real problems that are important to me like... Buying food and paying the rent... And what crazy people do far away from here just doesn't matter... And yet if I turn on the TV news, once again they're talking about mass murder in Crazy Town! 

The other thing that really bugs me is the endless reporting about who's winning the latest polls in the presidential election... I live in California and how I vote makes absolutely no difference at all... I may not be Clairvoyant but I can predict the future... I predict that Kamala will win the State of California and get all the Electoral College delegates... No matter who I vote for... 

I did not vote in 2016... And Hillary won the State of California anyway without my help... And Donald became president because of the rigged system called The Electoral College... A system designed by the founding fathers to keep power in the hands of rich white men... At that time, women were not allowed to vote, black people were not allowed to vote and white men that did not own real estate were not allowed to vote... So of course they designed a system that rewarded rich white men... 

And twice, the loser became president... George Bush the son and Donald Trump... Against the wishes of the people...

I see on TV news that there's a hurricane in Florida... but I don't know anyone that lives in Florida... And maybe after the first 100 times Florida gets hit by a hurricane... It might be news... They keep on getting hit with disaster... And people insist on living there even though they know it's very likely that they'll get wiped out again and again and again... Slow learners... 

And now we have out of control wildfires near Los Angeles... GEE, not only is climate change real, but it's no fun! 

And yet we the people are doing almost nothing to prevent it... We keep on driving, driving, driving in our gasoline powered cars... Flying like Jet Setters in airplanes... And buying endless plastic crap made from oil... No chance that anyone will change their behavior to prevent climate change because it's much easier to just pretend it doesn't actually exist... And all these hurricanes and wildfires are just a total surprise!

Governor Ron Death Santa outlawed mentioning climate change in any government document... But sadly, hurricanes can't read!

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