Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

It's Wonderful that Columbus discovered "America" - A Place That People Can Escape To When there is a Disaster in the Old World. In My Own Family, My Great Great Grandmother...

got pregnant while Unmarried. Shocking! a Scandal! So she Left the Busybodies in Holland and moved to New Amsterdam on the Hudson River... and Her Child was Nobody's Business but Her Own. Later the English renamed that city New York. The Dutch people were pretty Tolerant of Everything... If you wanted to have a different God, OK... That's Your Business... If you wanted to Speak a Different Language, OK... If You were a Native American and We were Europeans, OK... Let's see if we Can do Business... Trading, Farming, Hunting, Furs... We were all Just Folks trying to Earn a Living and Raise up our Kids... 

People Have Been fleeing Disaster and Coming to America for Centuries. The Ukrainians today. The Afghans, The Irish, The Chinese, Central Americans, Haiti, Vietnamese Boat People, The Hmong... and The Spanish Colonized Mexico and then California, Texas, Colorado, New MEXICO and Arizona. 

During the Russian Revolution, The "Reds" Won and the "Whites" had to Get Out of Russia or get Killed... So... Many Fled to America! That's what happened people I Know... They Came to America, Shortened their Name and Built a Business, raised Kids... Truly enjoying the Blessings of Capitalism.

Who were the Reds and Whites in Russian history?
The civil war occurred because after November 1917, many groups had formed that opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks. These groups included monarchists, militarists, and, for a short time, foreign nations. Collectively, they were known as the Whites while the Bolsheviks were known as the Reds.

The Only Real Lines on the Map are Coastlines.

And all of those people that came to America had to pay for their boat ride... The Irish often had to work for Seven Years as an Indentured Servant to Pay off the Debt for the Boat Ride... 

as a Matter of Fact, Only Slaves from Africa got a Free Boat Ride and a Guaranteed Job for Life! Who Could Turn Down That Offer? Not Many... 
USA Immigration Policy meme
Seems pretty Obviously Racist... 

Catholic Church insane meme
I read Obama's Autobiography and He Had a JOB as a Community Organizer in Chicago... REALLY! That's a Job! Someone Paid him Money to Organize a Community! I'd Pay a Man to Fix the Brakes on my Car. I'd Pay a Man to Put a New Roof on my House... But I would NEVER pay a Man to Organize a Community... What IF it Never Got Organized? SO WHAT! So I did some research and The Catholic Church was Paying his Salary... They Help the Poor in Guatemala and Haiti and China... and ALSO The South Side of Chicago!

map of crazy Town Sacramento
Finally we have a MAP with Red Lines of Where the Dangerous People Hold their Machine Gun Battles... AVOID GOING THERE! Crazy People! Over 100 Bullets Fired... Six Dead, 18 Wounded...

Machine Gun Martin and His Brother... ARRESTED!
and here's the Photo of the Men Arrested! Didn't they use to play in that band ABBA? or were they in KRAFTWERK? No... They were the Guys that Learned how to Put a Ball in a Basket when they were in School... Instead of Studying Computers or Nursing or Agriculture... This time When they Go to Prison DON'T LET 'EM OUT!

One Might Think That Black Lives Don't Actually Matter After All! Not to These Guys!

Map with Red Lines showing CrazyTown
The Reason I'm Concerned by Machine Gun Battles in Sacramento is... I Live Near There. I might actually GO to the DangerZone®... I'll never travel to Russia or Ukraine... or Afghanistan or DirkaDirkaStan... but I Might Go to Downtown Sacramento... If I'm Called to Serve on Jury Duty the Courthouse is down there in the CrazyTown® - Really! But Here's a MAP with RED LINES to Show Where the MADNESS LIES!

Somehow We Let "Machine Gun" Smiley Martin OUT of Prison Early... Really! There's a Law that just Lets 'em GO... A suspect arrested in connection with last weekend's mass shooting outside bars in Sacramento served less than half his 10-year sentence because of voter-approved changes to state law that lessened the punishment for his felony convictions and provided a chance for earlier release.
Smiley Allen Martin was freed in February after serving time for punching a girlfriend, dragging her from her home by her hair and whipping her with a belt, according to court and prison records.

Proposition 57, the 2016 ballot measure that aimed to give most of the state's felons a chance of earlier release... ---> IN EFFECT, MAKING CRIME LEGAL! <--- Police have said the violence was a shootout between rival gangs in which at least five people fired weapons, including Martin's brother, Dandrae Martin, who also was arrested. No one has yet been charged with homicide in the shooting...

and on a different Subject... Notice That Lawrence Livermore Lab is an Atomic Waste Cleanup Site...
Atomic Waste Cleanup Sites map of the USA
On a different Subject... 


I wanted to Learn How to Do 
"Remote Viewing" and Telekinesis... 
Well... I've Pretty Much Gotten Damn 
Good at "Remote Viewing."

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Using Google Maps, Street View, Satellite Images and Google Image Search... 
I Can See Many Things Far AWAY... 
and People Upload their own 
Photographs! In Locations I'm 
Forbidden to go... 
Inside the Monastery high in the Mountains of Humboldt County... Poolside at the Christian Summer Camp... Inside the Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia... 

They have an Excellent Virtual Tour... 
Right Inside the Control Room 
and the Factory Floor Where they 
Build the Reactors and Turbines... 

NOW, I Want to Learn Telekinesis... 
So I Can Do Some Monkey Wrenching at
The Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant... 
What IF I Traveled inside the Reactor 
Control Computer and Freaking 
MELTED the Microprocessor? 
Automatic Shutdown!
NRC Investigation! 

Link to the 1st Earth Battalion
Evolutionary Tactics Manual
by Lt Jim Channon.

"Dare to Think the Unthinkable!"
1st Earth Battalion Evolutionary Tactics Manual - by Lt Jim Channon
It's Pretty Obvious that the US Army took Lt Jim Channon's Ideas and Started Training ALL Soldiers That way.

From "Dare to Think the Unthinkable."
to "Be All That You Can Be!"

The 1st Earth Battalion (FULL MOVIE)

Read More: MY Book! 
FICTION: Not One Word is True... All Lies!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

FC SAID: Yes, Baha'u'llah tells us that the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.
We, as world citizens, need to learn that the strong individualism of the past will need to blend into a world where the group is more important than the individual. But that diversity is still valuable. Can you do it?

I said: Nope, Not Me. 

and FC Asked: Rugged Individual?

and I Replied: Nope... I enjoy being wealthy... If I participated in the Bahai concept of sharing the wealth fairly, World Wide... I'd be poor... and I don't want to be poor. I eat every day, Have indoor plumbing, hot water, an air conditioner and a heater with a thermostat, a TV with hundreds of Channels and a Computer with the internet... If We Shared Wealth Fairly... it would be great for natives living in East Ooga-Booga but bad for me. SO... NO THANKS!

 I do have a Guru... Sonya Sophia... and I participate in Weekly Group Meditations for Mental and Spiritual Health... I met her at the Rainbow Gathering in Utah 2014... She was Teaching a Seminar... She Is Worthy - some Real Wisdom Here!

Then FC Said: You really seem to have misinterpreted the concepts of wealth and poverty as discussed in Baha'u'llah's teachings. One can still be wealthy, but maybe not to such extremes as our overly privileged 1% have achieved, mostly because they gained their wealth by underpaying their workers, etc. I am, right now, fairly wealthy, enough so that I can give to charities and not worry about next year's income. The Baha'i faith is not the communism that many of its detractors attempt to claim. The faith is also intently spiritual, but suggests that we not become "the playthings of the ignorant" such as those "gurus for cash" we often meet up with. One can be a Baha'i for decades and never shell out a penny for the pleasure. Sure, there is a Baha'i Fund (Often a bit strapped for cash) but no one waves an alms bowl in your face.
If you are happy having the Guru that you have, wonderful. I wonder how many of Baha'u'llah's teachings she's cribbed, many of them do anymore, but the important part is that you feel as if you are participating in carrying forward an ever advancing civilization as well as your own personal spiritual development.
Carry on, but try not to wreak division, that would mean that your Guru is a false prophet.

The "natives of East Ooga-Booga" often feel that they are more wealthy than the materialists of the West. Something to toss into your next bit of meditation.

and I replied: Thanks for taking the time to Question the teachings of your own Guru and ask IF what he says makes any sense at all in 2022... I actually read every word... I still believe that somewhere in the teachings is the concept of Sharing Resources Fairly... NO, I'm not willing to do that. I've had a Hot shower and drinking water in my home my whole life... and I'm not willing to give that up so an Iranian can have a Bicycle... or flush toilets in Iraq... or WhatEVER... Have you ever traveled to the "Third World?" - I Have and it Horrified me... I went to Mexico in 1976 and I'll never go there again... Starving Children and NO Birth Control... They didn't feel Wealthy... they felt Hungry. Because their Religion was Insane... The Irish are the same way... Breeding like Crazy and having Half Starve to Death...

You may be interested in the Science Fiction Stories of Orson Scott Card. He wrote a series of books Starting with Ender's Game... In the later books He explores The Hive Mind of the Bugs... Where the Good of the Group is More Important than the Individual... We See this on Earth with Bees and Ants... "blend into a world where the group is more important than the individual." Beehive thinking... 

FC Changed his Tune: I've know Orson personally, he's not a friend. He's actually rather a jerk, and seems to be proud of it. but we frequent many of the same circles. You seem to think that Baha'u'llah is suggesting a hive mind of some sort. Far from it, remember my earlier mention of "diversity"? Unified, but not uniform, working together and using our diversity to make everything better for everybody.
Yes, this is the age when "salvation" is for the collective instead of the individual, but the individual does still matter.
You know, I feel that I can go on like this for hours and you are still only going to hear those things which you wish to hear. So I will leave it here. If you haven't read Baha'u'llah's writings for yourself, please don't try to critique them. There are many volumes of His works, and you are hanging up on merely one of the complex concepts.
So I give you a gift, the chance to be honest with yourself. Visit for an overview. then ask me for other sites, if the one's they present aren't to your satisfaction.

and I Replied: Thanks. I'll read that... and this discussion is taking time away from my work building a Travel Blog... People from all over the World can take a Virtual Journey thru Remote Northern California... Because I went there, Took Pictures and so did Many Other people!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I don't Smoke Weed but It's INSANE to Spend Taxpayer Dollars on Law Enforcement and Incarceration. - When we Tax It, It's a VOLUNTARY Tax that I Don't Pay... READ MORE:

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