Headline: Hurricane Helene forecast to explode into catastrophic Category 4 ahead of Florida landfall...
last time... God failed to rid the world of the dreaded Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia... If it first you don't succeed try try again!
Hurricane Debby Nears Florida Landfall
August 5, 2024 - Hurricane Debby is approaching landfall in Florida’s Big Bend region. Dangerous storm surge, along with flooding rainfall and gusty winds are expected. Here are the latest details.
Once Again on the Weather Channel they Predict a Tornado Danger Flowing East from the Florida Panhandle... Please Remove this ABOMINATION from Planet Earth...
A Year Ago... NOTHING...
Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant Hurricane Danger 9/1/2023. Possible Flooding on the Savannah River Covering It in MUD... Thanks! Mother Nature... SHUT DOWN FISSION EVERYWHERE!
On the TV News There is a Lot of Talk About Hurricane Approaching Florida... However... No One Has Noticed that the Vogtle Atomic Power Plant is On the Path... Will They Have Lightning? Tornadoes? We Shall SEE!
[The Following was Written January 27th 2023 - Since then Vogtle #3 is Active and #4 is Testing Loaded Fuel]
Apparently, Fission is an Idiotic Way to Generate Electricity... DUH...
Georgia Power delays Vogtle 3 start after discovering vibrations in plant’s cooling system.
Costs are expected to rise $15 million a month as Southern Company warns delays are possible.
Vogtle Flooding? NO... Hurricane Ian skipped Georgia and Went to South Carolina after Florida... Prediction turned out to be wrong... Maybe Next Time!
All that Rain will flow down the Savannah River... Flooding will cause Massive Mud Damage to Vogtle... Stay Tuned!
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In an Ideal World...
Angry Customers Sabotage Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant Construction - 16 Billion Dollars over Budget... and Every Day It Gets More Expensive... Customers Stuck with Paying for Georgia Power's Failure REVOLT!
The Bill will Keep on Getting Bigger and Bigger and Bigger as They Continue to Pour More Money into the Doomed Project Called Vogtle 3 & 4...
However, The Total Price Would STOP Getting Bigger if All Construction Ended. If You Work at the Plant, You Could SHUT IT DOWN!
[ Author's Note: This is a Work of FICTION and None of this Has Actually Happened in What We Laughingly Call "Reality" - But Maybe Today's Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Hail and Floods Will Wipe OUT that Construction Site - Thanks GOD! NO NUKES!]
UFO Spotted at Vogtle
Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia
(Obviously Potatoshopped)
Great Book!

Throw a Monkey Wrench!
In Georgia, Bloated Costs Take Over a Nuclear Power Plant and a Fight Looms Over Who Pays.
Vogtle’s two new nuclear reactors are six years late and at least $16 billion over their original budget. The plant will have no direct carbon footprint, but critics say there are much cheaper ways to reduce emissions.
Read More: How To Be a Lunatic (Moon Worshiper) by Gregory Vanderlaan - a FICTION BOOK
Typical Chapter:
"Billy" (not his real name) Came to the realization that all those Eco Terrorist Actions that involved Violence or Destruction were Simply NOT The Way to Go... That was an example of Pre-Psychedelic Thinking. We Have learned enough to REJECT All That and Do Something Else!
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So he decided to Start a Remote Viewing Eco-Action designed to Invite The Extraterrestrials that have Been Visiting Plant Vogtle to SHUT IT DOWN! Maybe Telekinesis! Who Knows!
We Must Dare to Think the Unthinkable!
link to a Map:
This Picture would give the Remote Viewers something to Focus on... Finding Weak Spots in the Currently Running Reactors #1 and #2... Things that Could "Magically" Fail... and Then the Entire Damned Thing Would be Out of Freaking Business! a Denial of Service Attack... Not on The Website... or the Plant's Computer Operating System but on The Physical Gizmos That Make it all Work!
just like in the Movie Star Wars... There was a Weakness in the Defenses of the Death Star...
The Remote Viewing Team Needs to Locate That Weakness and Throw a Monkey Wrench into The Gear Box!
So He started Training Using His World Tapping Circle Skills to Learn How to Fly on a Magic Carpet from California all the Way to Georgia... and then Locate the Main Microprocessor of the Control System... and then Give it a Tiny Lightning Bolt... Making the Power Plant to go into Shutdown Mode... FOREVER! Or at Least Until the Repairman could Fix the Computer... and By Then... The NRC would be involved and It would take Months to Do an Investigation...
The Actual Atomic Power Plant at Vogtle, Georgia. From their Virtual Tour http://visualconstruction.com/SN/
The Cooling Towers and Office Buildings The Computers That Control the Reactor are Likely to Br In that Building to The Right.
He'll Investigate Further During This Night's Lucid Dream... Find Out... Fer Shure! |
Remote View of the Control Room @Vogtle
and he found that the Most Efficient way to do remote viewing was to Have Someone Else take Photographs and Publish them on the Internet...
Here we see the Inside of the Vogtle Atomic Power Plant Control Room... almost Exactly the Same as the Set of The China Syndrome Movie with Jane Fonda, Wilfred Brimley, Michael Douglas and Jack Lemmon! a Fantastic Film that Came Out at the Same time as the Three Mile Island Incident... THAT'S Clever Marketing!
Movie Set - Control Room - The China Syndrome - Jane Fonda - Jack Lemmon |
and you can see the Evil Men in the Background watching the Potential Meltdown... All the Way to China! |
The Movie follows a television reporter and her cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant. "China syndrome" is a fanciful term that describes a fictional result of a nuclear meltdown, where reactor components melt through their containment structures and into the underlying earth, "all the way to China".
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Who the Owners Are!
Author's Note: I was Banished from FaceBORG for Violating the Community Service Policy about Threatening Violins... What Happened was that I Suggested a Way to "Whip Inflation Now" would be to Kidnap a Corporate CEOs and Hold them Hostage until their Companies Reduced the Prices to what they were Two Years Ago. The Corporate Big Wig Could Call their Evil Minions on the Phone and Tell 'em to Roll Back The Prices or he would Remain a Prisoner... and then Once a Week The Patriotic Americans that were doing this Dastardly Deed would mail a finger to the Headquarters... Because We had seen Gangster Movies and Knew the Drill... Internet Videos of the CEO Pleading for his Life while holding a Newspaper... Everything! and Showing The Missing Fingers... HOWEVER... FaceBORG AI Didn't Think this was an Appropriate Post... and Banished Me for 24 Hours... not Banished For LIFE like Donald Trump Was... But Still a long time!
I see that Georgia Power has contracted with global engineering, construction and project management firm Bechtel to manage daily construction efforts. It's a Family Owned Business that Does Giant Construction Projects. Very Similar to Osama bin Laden's Family. Osama's Father built the Mosque at Mecca. Roads, Airports, Sunflower Farms... All the Really BIG Construction Sites in North Africa and the Middle East. Osama had 41 Brothers and Sisters because His Father had a Harem and They were Pregnant All the Time... STRANGE!
What IF? Brendan Bechtel (the CEO) Told the Owners at Vogtle to Shut it down and Stop Construction? Could Happen! What if Brendan Went to a Grateful Dead Concert and Ate the Sacred Wafers? Then He Met God (just like Moses did) and Decided that Building Atomic Power Plants was NOT a Great Idea! That instead of Making the World a Worse Place to Live, He wanted to Write Poetry? Or Maybe Lyrics? There is a Long List of things a Person Can Do instead of Doing EVIL for Money... Organic Gardening, Learn to Play a Musical Instrument, Pottery, Macrame, Tie Dye Clothes, Paint Fine Art Paintings, Sailing, Mountain Climbing, Play with Their Children, Travel to India and Meet a Guru, White Water Rafting... SO MANY Alternatives...
But None of these Eco-Terrorist Actions appealed to "Billy" (not his real Name) - They would work but they had that Obscene TrumpNik® Flavor... Like Storming the US Congress on January 6th... Killing Cops because Donald Lost the Election... What a Buncha WANKERS! They Tried Everything they could think to Steal the Election but He Still FAILED.
None of That for "Billy" (not his real Name) - He Wanted to Try a Different Approach... A More Absurdist Street Theater Look...
The Prank? Green Dye in the River! Make it Look Like the Hot Water from Vogtle was Destroying the Ecology and Causing Horrible Damage! People Downstream Would Alert the Media and the NRC Would Have to Investigate... Was the Excessive HEAT Causing Green Slime to Grow Downstream? Is it Toxic? Will Kids Swimming Get Sick? Will it be Horribly Smelly Like Miami? Will the Dogs Get Sick if they Swim?
The Dye Would Need to Be Dumped from a KAYAK or Canoe right at the Nuclear Power Plant... and a Person Could Travel in the Middle of the Night and Make the Dump Unobserved! Then Alert the Media hours Later!
SEE? Over on the Right Hand Side The River is Connected to the Cooling Tower To Get Rid of Excess Heat!
Satellite Photo of the Savannah River Directly Connected to the Atomic Power Plant
But all this is FICTION... The People in Georgia Will have to Figure Out How To SHUT DOWN CONSTRUCTION at VOGTLE 3&4 Themselves.
I'm Certain that Once The Customers Realize that Their High Electricity Bills are CAUSED by The Failure of Georgia Power...
Read More!
Build Your Own Prank UFO add a Couple of 140dB Personal Alarms and Create Insane Noise Way Up in the Sky.
Freak Out The Public! Totally Safe and FUN!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ A bit of Deep Background... ~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
I first Embraced Lunacy Long ago when I Noticed That The Moon Looks Like a Solid Dot about the Size of a Quarter Held at Arms Length. AND The Sun Looks Like a Solid Dot about the Size of a Quarter Held at Arms Length. AND The Shadow of the Earth on the Moon is the Same Exact Size! That SIZE Co-incidence is what makes Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Phases of the Moon Possible.
A woman's Menstrual Cycle is the same length of time as the moon's phases... 28 Days. Humans are In Phase with the Moon...
Our Calendar's Months are Named for the Moon but don't exactly Line Up... 28x13=364 We Could have made the Calendar 13 Months of 28 Days Each but... Somehow We Failed... OOPS!
and then President Kennedy Gave that 1962 Speech that Totally Changed my Life... The School System Changed dramatically in 1963 in response... Math and Science were the Main Focus. I was in Third Grade and a Part of that Change... I was placed in the "More Capable Learners" Class and we skipped one Grade ahead in both Math and Science all the way thru High School. My Career in Computers was the result of that early Training.
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too."
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