We Should #ArrestTrump as a Warning to Future Dick Taters... HEY! Don't FAIL to Overthrow The US Government...

Verni was a birthday gift from Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, President of Turkmenistan, during a meeting in Sochi in October 2017. The puppy is an Alabai, a top Turkmen-bred variety of the Central Asia shepherd dog. 'Verni' means 'faithful' or 'loyal' in Russian.
Russia was once enemy number one in the US. So how did Vladimir Putin infiltrate the Republican Party?
Free Stock Market Advice! Sell DWAC Short ... Trump's Truth Social is likely to fail... Look at the Chart! When the Two Executives Quit... It Went Down... MORE FAILURE COMING!
April Fool's Day Post...
Kinda Obscure... but...
Bob Weir is on tour with a Cover Band
and They Claim "The Dead" as Their Name!
and Phil Lesh has a Cover Band... and Bill Kreutzmann has a Cover Band... and Mickey Hart has a Cover Band... and Donna Godchaux does... and Tom Constantine Does... and Bruce Hornsby has always Had The Range!
Liz Merry Said:
My friend Robin Fleming helps people with their Medicare decisions. She knows all the ins and outs and will get you the best coverage at the best price. There is no cost for consulting her. The insurance companies pay her when you buy a policy. She's also a ton of fun - you'll LOVE her!
and I Replied:
When I turned 65 I had to figure that out... and it was really confusing... and most advice is basically "Buy Mine! Mine is the Best!" - after a lot of research, I found that the Labor Union at my Job was the Best. I retired at 59 and kept the healthcare plan I had when I was working for the County of Humboldt... and I'm still on it... Labor Unions are Excellent!
and the SE Said:
I often lament the fact that the majority of cover bands have such a limited selection of songs that they play - and all cover bands play the EXACT SAME SONGS. Hootenanny is unique in that they do NOT play the same songs as other cover bands.
See Mike's comment for a really good explanation as to why most cover bands feel the need to all play the exact same songs. But I personally won't go to see those cover bands. I like Mustang Sally as much as the next person, but not enough to want to hear it played by every band in town.
"It generally stems from some of the venues running the entertainment as just part of the business. All they care about is how much money the band will draw, so for comparisons sake during auditions, they ask for the standards like “Mustang Sally” to see how they measure up against other cover bands. So that practice became commonplace and cover bands in general are expected to know these standard tunes because the audience seems to like those songs. I guess for casual music lovers that’s acceptable. The problem is, it creates this weird competitiveness amongst cover bands to know these standards really well, so they tend to practice the standards and propagate this notion, instead of being more open to a variety of tunes. Also, there are bands out there that really like playing Mustang Sally night after night because it’s a given crowd pleaser.
Hootenanny started out differently. We purposefully wanted to not sound like a lot of the other cover bands out there. The acoustic instruments for example: we could have easily taken up electric guitars and bass (because they are a lot easier to play and control) but we didn’t. We could’ve had a dedicated singer so Sean can focus only on playing guitar, but we didn’t—we parse out the vocals amongst the three of us carefully. The trio format allows us to fit into tiny venues—and my drum kit evolved from that necessity. And we’re lifelong friends—we grew up together and grew up on pretty much the same music.
Had Sean and Mike started out sounding like other electric cover bands and playing “Mustang Sally”, I would not have joined the group. Had they played nothing but blues, I would’ve not joined the group. They had rekindled a nice musical chemistry, and I somehow blended in with what they were doing, and we went from there to do what we do now."
and I Replied: Except Dead Cover Bands. They Play Grateful Dead Songs...
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TG Posted: As someone who lives in Colorado and will definitely be attending I want to know if there will be someone organizing g a fire brigade. If so I have so e training and I'm sure many many more of us who would like to see a safe and beautiful once in a lifetime experience
and then I Said: I Worked as a part time Fire Tender at the Welcome Home Kitchen in Utah 2014. The main Fire Tender wanted to go trade hot coffee for pizza and SOMEONE had to watch the Fire. I volunteered to be the Responsible Adult. A Truly Epic experience... Welcoming Arriving People, offering Coffee or clean drinking water to them... asking them to have a seat and enjoy the Fire... and... making sure the Fire wasn't smoking and annoying the other campers... and... adding wood so it wouldn't go out! ANYONE MAY WORK at the Gathering...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
This is ODD... The Steele Dossier was Started by Republicans. They stopped funding it and the Hillary Campaign Started Paying the Bills. AND It Has Proven to Be Accurate!
Income Taxes for All? Rick Scott Has a Plan, and That’s a Problem.
Let's ACTUALLY COLLECT Taxes from the Rich and CUT Taxes from the Poor... Scott's Plan is to Tax the Poor and Give it to the Rich...
Known as "Reverse Robin Hood!"
GOP Sen. Rick Scott says Republicans are 'parroting' Democratic attacks on his tax plan only hours after McConnell criticized it.
One Corrupt RAT Attacking Another? Wonderful! Simply Vote 'em All out of Office in 2022 and Let's Actually Make America Great! Not Just a Slogan on a Hat but ACTUAL Improvement to Our Quality of Life!
House approves bill legalizing marijuana.
Republicans argued that marijuana is enough of a mind-altering substance to pose a threat to society.
The vast majority of House Republicans voted against a bill ending the federal prohibition on marijuana because they are in favor of evil and opposed to good. Bribed by the booze makers to keep competition illegal.
Number of alcohol-related deaths rises during height of COVID-19 pandemic.
If These People that Alcohol Killed had Simply Chosen Marijuana, They Would Be Alive Today...
Wake UP and Notice Reality, Being Aware of Truth Might Save Your Life!
Try Joining Alcoholics Anonymous... I quit Drinking 21 Years ago. and I Went to a Lot of Meetings Stoned!
Alcohol-Related Deaths Spiked During First Year of Pandemic: Study
Most US adults oppose anti-LGBTQ+ education policies, new research shows
The GOP FREAKED OUT and Passed the "Don't Say Gay" Law... Sparking Millions of Conversations at American Homes...
"Mommy. What's Gay?" asks Little Susie... The BLOWBACK was Immense... OOPS! They Did NAZI That Coming... https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/600358-most-us-adults-oppose-anti-lgbtq-education-policies-new/
After about a Million People Took LSD, We ended the War in Vietnam and the Government Stopped Forcing People to Be Soldiers (the Draft).
Basically, The USA WOKE THE F*CK UP! and there was Peace for 15 Years...
Until Ronald Ray Gun Took sides in a Civil War in Nicaragua. Still today we have an all volunteer army... and Soldiers Stopped Dying in Massive Numbers!
An Alternative way to WAKE UP! is reading a book... Like Clues for the Clueless by Scott Adams
Whip Inflation Now (WIN) was a 1974 attempt to spur a grassroots movement to combat inflation in the US, by encouraging personal savings and disciplined spending habits in combination with public measures, urged by U.S. President Gerald Ford... People who supported the mandatory and voluntary measures were encouraged to wear "WIN" buttons,[3] perhaps in hope of evoking in peacetime the kind of solidarity and voluntarism symbolized by the V-campaign during World War II.
How Trump and His Crew Boost Putin’s Disinformation
Long before the war in Ukraine, they were pushing Russian conspiracy theories.
There are some OBVIOUS Russian Agents - Like Tucker Carlson... But it's the Hidden FREAKS that worry Me. Like the Internet Research Agency...
The IRA, also known as Glavset[1] and known in Russian Internet slang as the Trolls from Olgino, is a Russian company engaged in online influence operations on behalf of Russian business and political interests.[2]
And these are the Troll Farms That we KNOW ABOUT because they were Exposed for Campaigning for Trump during the 2016 Election... WHO's HACKING NOW?
Pence hits Trump: No room in GOP for 'apologists for Putin'
OH... NOW Mikey is Getting all Bold and Standing UP to Trump... He was a TOTAL WANKER when he was Vice President... Yes Sir! When Trump Said Jump, Mike said "How High" on the Way UP. Sir, Yes Sir!
When Debating, If You Can't Think of Anything to Say, Change the Subject, then Lie! Jim Jordan Said: “The Left will not let the Democrats do what needs to be done to help the employment problem, the energy problems, the illegal immigration problem on our southern border. the sports doctors molesting athletes on wrestling teams problem, So what did they do? They legalize drugs.”
See How that works? He points to FOUR Different Subjects... and them Makes a False Statement About What the Bill is About! It's NOT about Legalizing Drugs. It's About Legalizing Marijuana. There is No Mention in the Bill about Legalizing Fentanyl, Oxycontin, Alcohol, Methamphetamine, Opium, Heroin, DMT, LSD, PCP, MDMA, MDA, DOM, 2C Pihkal Whatever, Psilocibin "Magic" Mushrooms, Peyote, Heavenly Blue Morning Seeds, Baby Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds, Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms, Bath Salts, THC-8, Synthetic Marijuana, Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Seconal, Quaaludes, Mothers Little Helper, "Psych Meds" or Coffee... The Bill is about Legalizing Marijuana... Not "Drugs" - Get a CLUE, Jim!
Remember: Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs" was a Total Failure. But it WAS a Handy Excuse to Lock Up Black and Brown Men and Cultural Revolutionaries! Dr. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey and John Lennon were ALL Arrested for possession of Marijuana... and they were ALL on Richard Nixon's "Enemies List."
But Jim Jordan Can't Think of anything VALID to Say about the Bill so... He Changes the Subject... and then Lies!
I too am Concerned about the Problem of Sports Doctors Molesting Athletes on the Wrestling Team but... We'll Pass a Bill About That Another Day!
What Employment Problem is Jim Jordan Talking About? With Joe Biden it's been Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! and the Only PROBLEM is Corporations are Having to Increase Wages to Attract Employees... THAT'S NOT A PROBLEM! Simply Cut CEO Bonuses... Does anyone really NEED to be a Billionaire? Has Jim Introduced a Bill to Fight Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome?