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POOL PARTY in the Hot Tub in the Pacific Ocean near #SanLuisObispo #California #USA at the #DiabloCanyon #NuclearPower Plant - May 1st, 2022 - Everybody's Jumping in Shouting "Mayday! Mayday!"

Is the Water in the Pacific Ocean 
Too Cold for You to Swim In? 

PG&E Raised the Temperature to make it DELIGHTFUL for Swimmers!

Godzilla at the POOL PARTY Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant HOT TUB
Link to a Map!

map of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant SLO

How California’s last remaining nuclear power plant transformed marine life off the coast... 

Take a dip into the Pacific Ocean along most of California’s Central Coast, and the cold water will send you running for a wetsuit. But there’s one spot where the water isn’t so teeth-chattering and instead feels much like a lukewarm bath: Diablo Cove, the oblong 40-acre inlet that sits at the base of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near Avila Beach. There, the ocean waters are heated by the power plant’s cooling system, which sucks in and spits out billions of gallons of seawater every day.

Water in the cove directly adjacent to the discharge structure hovers at an abnormal 70 to 80 degrees — notably warmer than the 50 to 60 degrees typical here.

This is Story is Just a Part of a Much Larger Book:

Right side of history meme - gvan42

republicriminals are unhappy people meme

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and on a different subject...
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Author's Note: I had a dream last night... and as soon as I woke up I opened up the Laptop and started Typing... 

I was taking lessons on How to do Lucid Dreaming... You Know, Take Control of your Dreams and Direct the Action and then... 

Melody Hunter on TV NEWS - Weather and Traffic

I dreamed that I was in the TV Station where Melody Hunter did the Weather and Traffic every Morning... and I walked past the cameras and Said "Hello Melody, I'm Greg..." and then I held her in my arms and kissed her... and After a Long while she said: "but, but, but... the weather?" and I turned to the Camera and said: "Sunny and Warm for All of Eternity. With a gentle Breeze... and Little Birds Going Tweet, Tweet, Tweet." and she said: "Why, That's Right! How did you Know?" and I said: "It's Written Right There on the Teleprompter. SEE? ...and Now for a Commercial Break." and as they walked off the Set she asked: "Do You Have a Job, Greg?" and I Answered: "Yes, I Do, Melody... Yes. I Do... I'm Every Girl's Dream... a Man With a Job!" 

and they Lived Happily Ever After... as DINKS! Double Income No Kids... 

Hey, If I'm going to do Lucid Dreaming... I'm gonna do something FUN! 

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and on a different subject...
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Cal Poly Humboldt: I See Many Paid Posts on FaceBORG... Part of the Millions the School got is being used to Publish SPAM... To Sell the Idea that Changing the Name is a Good Idea! 

SC Said: How are you going to deal with the housing shortage and the rent and home price hike that has LITERALLY put residents out on the streets? What’s your answer to that?

JM Replied: this is exactly why I was concerned about the polytechnic change. We all saw it coming. The housing market was going to price gouge us out.

CL Said: the school doesn’t really care about that, they just want to increase the freshman enrollment from the decrease the past couple years

and I Said: Glad I went there in 2001 - 2005. Even then I couldn't find a Place to Live in Arcata. So I lived in the Cutten district of Eureka... and NOW I see that the McKay Ranch Housing Project in Cutten has been approved... The problem the developer was having was... NO DEMAND for more Homes... Well, There will be a demand NOW!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Those things Like Alexa creep me out. I don't want people listening to me. Or AI Machines Either... They Listen to your Home 24 hours a day, waiting for you to say... "Alexa?" 

and MD Replied: No one is Listening to you, Greg... 

and I Replied: SOME people are Listening... Because... I post my opinions on 13 different social media platforms... and often QuackAnon FREAKS Say I'm Wrong... So Someone is Listening... Or READING... 

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