I Went to a Protest at the Wharfinger Building in Eureka, CA. The US Navy was planning to Train Sailors how to deploy depth charges off the Coast of California...
The US Navy Held a "Meet the Concerned Citizens" Event... They are Required by Law to Get Public Input and this was the Third Meeting About this Training. One in Seattle, One in Portland and us in Eureka, CA
Those huge explosions underwater cause DEAFNESS in Whales and Dolphins. Being DEAF is the Dolphin Equivalent to Being BLIND as they use echo-location... Whale Song is Ruined if They are Deaf... They Locate Food Using Sound.
anyway... they hed their "Inform the Public" meeting where Sailors were there to Answer any Question a Concerned Citizen might ask. So we asked... and They answered... Obviously they Had a LOT of Practice Answering our Questions.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
And then 2 Years Later I got an Email Stating that the US Navy Had Decided to Do the Training anyway... absurd... How much training could POSSIBLY be needed?
I think the main reason they wanted to train was as a cure for boredom... Sailors during Peacetime don't have much to Occupy their time... Blowing Things UP! is FUN!

Here's the Email Informing Me, Concerned Citizen, that The US Navy Will Be Bombing the Whales... Oct 1, 2021
The U.S. Navy, after carefully weighing the operational and environmental consequences of the Proposed Action, is announcing the release of the Record of Decision to continue training and testing activities at sea and in associated airspace within the Study Area as described in the Northwest Training and Testing (NWTT) Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS).
The Record of Decision documents the Navy’s decision to continue training and testing activities within the Study Area as described in the NWTT Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS under Alternative 1, the Preferred Alternative. Implementation of the Preferred Alternative will allow the Navy to fully meet current and future training and testing requirements. The Navy is committed to being a good steward of the environment and will continue to implement mitigation measures to avoid or reduce potential environmental impacts from training and testing.
The Navy made this decision after considering its operational needs; the potential impacts training and testing activities may have on human, natural, and cultural environments; and comments from elected officials, government agencies, tribes, nongovernmental organizations, and the public on the proposal and environmental analysis. The Navy also considered comments received following the publication of the Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS. New and major substantive comments are addressed in the Record of Decision.
The Navy is committed to providing the public an accessible version of the Record of Decision during COVID-19 conditions. The Record of Decision, Final Supplemental EIS/OEIS, and supporting documents are available online at www.NWTTEIS.com.
If you need assistance accessing the document or have media inquiries, please contact Ms. Julianne Stanford, Navy Region Northwest Public Affairs Office, at julianne.stanford@navy.mil or 360-867-8525. For all other queries or if you require additional information about the project, please contact Ms. Jackie Queen, Project Manager, at projectmanager@nwtteis.com.
For more information, or to view the Record of Decision, please visit www.NWTTEIS.com.
The Navy strived to keep the public informed throughout the National Environmental Policy Act process. Thank you for your continued interest and participation in this important project.--- Northwest Training and Testing Supplemental EIS/OEIS www.NWTTEIS.com |
and then I realized that the USA Tested Atom Bombs underwater. Causing a Giant Noise... Perhaps Causing Deafness in The Entire Pacific Ocean...
and an alert reader said: They've been blowing out the hearing of whales and dolphins for years now when submarine testing in the open sea. The pings emitted by a sub's transceiver have sound waves louder than a jet engine.
A sonar ping can be as loud as 235 decibels. To the naked ear, this can be shatteringly loud, as human eardrums can only withstand around 160 decibels.