Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Little Susie asked: "Mommy, What's Gay? Why Can't We Say It?" and Governor RON DEATH SANTA'S CrazyLaw® Experiences Massive BLOWBACK!

Hey! I'm Going to Disney World!

Hey Patriots! Governor Ron Death Santa Just Signed the "Don't Say Gay" Law. Whatcha Gonna Do Now? I'm Going to Disney World! --- Frankly Speaking, I spent Five Days Exploring EPCOT and Disney World and It was One of the Best Experiences of My Entire Life! I Drove down there and went Camping nearby. I went Early in the Morning for a few Hours, then went back to the Campsite and took a Nap... then Returned at Night... Truly Amazing!
Everyone Ought to Take That Trip!

#ImpeachJusticeThomas is trending on Twitter

How to Fix the Supreme Court:  

Impeach "Justice" Thomas the #QAnonSCOTUS 

Can the GOP Get Any More Corrupt? 

His Wife's Text Messages Are About Overthrowing The US Government and Crowning Trump KING! 

Freedom! Liberty! Lock 'em UP!

and then Impeach Bratt Kava Kava Noogie!

and Anti-Choice Amy! 

QAnon Shaman - Just Us Thomas - meme

Secret trick to life - STOP BELIEVING LIES meme by gvan42

Impeach "Justice" Thomas Button

Cory Booker Says SCOTUS Needs to “Use This Thomas Affair” to Change Its Ethics Rules

“Clearly” Justice Thomas “should have recused himself” from election cases.

The Supreme Court’s Clarence and Ginni Thomas Scandal Is Unprecedented

Justice Clarence Thomas voted to block the public from knowing more about his wife Virginia Thomas’s role in the January insurrection. It’s a crisis...

Eye of NEWT

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New Subject!
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Hidden Messages in QAnon Yadda Yadda meme

Did you ever notice that there are HIDDEN MESSAGES in the QAnon Yadda Yadda?

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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics meme

After about a Million People Took LSD, We ended the War in Vietnam and the Government Stopped Forcing People to Be Soldiers (the Draft).

Basically, The USA WOKE THE F*CK UP! and there was Peace for 15 Years...

Until Ronald Ray Gun Took sides in a Civil War in Nicaragua. Still today we have an all volunteer army... and Soldiers Stopped Dying in Massive Numbers!

Chart of Soldiers Dying in American Wars - DoD Data

"The LSD Story" is an episode of the American television series Dragnet that appeared on the NBC network on January 12, 1967. It was written, produced and directed by Jack Webb, who also starred as Joe Friday. It is sometimes called "Blue Boy" after a character appearing on it. This was the first color episode broadcast of Dragnet. 

My doctor refused to write a Prescription for Medical Marijuana because he gets Federal Funding for Rural Doctors and Hospitals... and If He Started Prescribing Medical Marijuana they would Stop Paying Him. 
One Simple Trick meme

All of a Sudden, It's Fashionable to Ride a Bicycle to Work... and Everywhere Else Too. Want to Cut Your Gasoline Bill in Half? Ask Me How... Click Here!

Simply Drive Half as Far! Remember: Every Time you Start the Car You CAUSE Climate Change... Ask Yourself: Do I Really Need To Drive This Trip? REALLY? Couldn't I Substitute a ZOOM Meeting for a Face to Face Meeting? 

Go Ahead! Ride a Bicycle... It's the Actual BURNING Of Fossil Fuel That is the Problem... Ride a Bike to Work meme

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On March 16th 2020 Trump Lost the Largest
Amount of Money on the Stock Market
in the History of the Universe!

Ukrainians Firing Depleted Uranium Bullets Could Stop Russian Tanks! The Bullets Go Right Thru Steel and Bounce Around inside the Tank where 
the Soldiers Are... Killing Them...
I Believe in Self Defense and an 
OUTRAGEOUS Self Defense is Best! 
Depleted Uranium Bullets meme

JW SAID: Do you know what happens after they hit a target? I wouldn't want my country poisoned for eternity with uranium dust. That shit never goes away.

I Replied: What Happens is Genocide... After they were used in Yugoslavia and Iraq there was an Increase in Miscarriages... The people of that region had fewer children... Their GENES were not passed on to future generations... That's the Definition of Genocide... SO... What if there were Fewer Ukrainians and Fewer Russians in the Future?

PA SAID: Yup...we can keep arming them until Putin finally has enough and presses his buttons huh! Why not, damn worlds going to hell anyway, right!

I Replied: Ukrainians armed with Depleted Uranium Bullets could Shoot at Russian Tanks and Stop Them Entirely... The Bullets go right thru the Steel Armor and then Bounce Around wildly inside the Compartment where the Soldiers Are... Killing Them...

The Corporation that Made the Depleted Uranium Bullets we used in Iraq became an EPA Superfund Site: A Place So Toxic it Requires Federal Money to Clean it UP!


FC SAID: I participated in a study, back in the day, using DUB's (pron "Doobs") to test whether a building that we were working on would be safe against firearms. The DUBs did pierce steel, but became ineffective after about 3/4 inches.
I believe that tanks are up to 6" of steel on them.
The DUBs were effective against the commercially available "bullet-proof" vests we tried them on.
And they paid me to target practice.

and I Replied: Good to Know! I believe the Rounds Used in the Iraq War were "Shells" - a Much bigger bullet... and the war in Yugoslavia also... Shells are fired out of a Cannon... I guess... I really don't know that much about guns... The Thing I read said the Depleted Uranium caught on fire when it hit the tank wall and burned a hole into the passengers area... Then it either killed the person by bouncing around inside the tank and hitting the soldier or the Radioactive Poison killed them later... Whatever... a Truly Effective Weapon.

rifle depleted uranium bullets airplane meme
This might be handy knowledge if
you were fighting a war In Ukraine...
Just Wondering... Do any of you Know? Military uses include armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.
Most depleted uranium arises as a by-product of the production of enriched uranium for use as fuel in nuclear reactors and in the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

AK Said: Sounds like a good way to spread radiation contamination?
I think they're supposed to be figuring out how to harness that energy for a fuel source.

and I replied: The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of concerns about potential long-term health effects.[7][8] Normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems can be affected by exposure to uranium, a toxic metal.[9] The biological half-life (the average time it takes for the human body to eliminate half the amount in the body) for uranium is about 15 days.[10] The aerosol or spallation frangible powder produced by impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially contaminate wide areas around the impact sites, leading to possible inhalation by human beings.[11]

Uranium hexafluoride (UF 6), 
colloquially known as "hex" in the nuclear industry, is the inorganic compound with the formula UF6. 
    Shoot Atomic Waste into the Sun Using Rockets meme

    Because: Shooting Atomic Waste into the Sun would Cost a Fortune... Because Uranium Weighs a Lot and Rockets charge by the pound to get anything off the Planet... and every so often they BLOW UP like the Challenger and Share Radioactive Fallout Globally... That's why we should not shoot Atomic Waste into the Sun using Rockets.

    Winnie the Pooh Cartoon Dancing Bear

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    In California there’s one spot where the water isn’t so teeth-chattering cold and instead feels much like a lukewarm bath: Diablo Cove, the oblong 40-acre inlet that sits at the base of PG&E’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near Avila Beach. There, the ocean waters are heated by the power plant’s cooling system, which sucks in and spits out billions of gallons of seawater every day.

    and then I Read on FaceBORG: I have disliked Mike Lindell commercials for many years, but his latest one hits a new low: buy my product because a bunch of people and companies are trying to "cancel" me. Cancel culture! Democrats eat babies! They're teaching law school courses to your kindergarteners!
    Mike, I originally wouldn't buy your pillow because I research before I buy. From now on, I won't buy any product you *endorse*, even if it's not your own. "Waah waah, I'm being persecuted by people who don't worship America's first god-emperor" is NOT persuasive!

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    New Subject!
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    Put Putin in Prison - and Putin's Puppet Too!
    Put Putin in Prison - and Putin's Puppet Too!

    I Wrote to These Four People. Told 'em my Opinion... They'll Never Know What I Think Unless I Tell 'em. 

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    Find Your Representative:

    Interest in Eastern Religion is Fundamentally BEATLEMANIA. Teenagers Going Ga Ga over The Fab Four's Adventure. We must Remember that Back when India was a Colony, Young Men in England Often Went there as a Coming of Age Ritual. Serving in the Military or as Employees of a British Corporation... It's No Surprise That The Beatles Made that Same Journey... It's Kind of a Phase People Go Thru... Like American College Students Read "The Russians" as a Part of their Undergraduate Education... or Spending the Junior Year in Europe... Investigating Eastern Religion is a Step on their Spiritual Journey... and Once We Have Done That Step, it's time to Move On... It would be really silly to be Chanting Sanskrit in Your 40s... "Oh Wah, Tofu, Liam... Oh Wah, Tofu, Liam... Oh What A Fool I Am..."

    Another Example of "Lads Gone Native" is the Tale of Lord Greystoke... also known as Tarzan... In Fact, Many British Men went to Africa to Build Railroads and Entire Towns in the Colonies. A Great Movie about this is "The Ghost and the Darkness" - it's a 1996 American historical adventure film starring Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas. The screenplay is a fictionalized account of the Tsavo man-eaters, a pair of male lions that terrorized workers in and around Tsavo, Kenya during the building of the Uganda-Mombasa Railway in East Africa in 1898.

    Of Course, "After Bathing at Baxters" (Eating LSD) there is an Automatic Interest in Eastern Religion... Mainly because one of the Standard Effects of Psychedelics is that "True Enlightenment" Feeling... I Felt like I Was The Buddha... Watching a Sunrise While Sitting in a Field in Chico, CA - Many People Have a Religious Experience and Almost None simulate what Happened to Jesus... Most Simulate Moses or Buddha or KRSNA. And then Later it's FUN to Read Books Like "Remember, Be Here Now" that appeals to American Teenagers Just Like Any Other Comic Book Would. Most of that Book is Wonderful Illustrations with a Few Words Explaining the Fundamentals of Hinduism... It's Ironic that the Man who taught Richard Alpert to Be Here Now was a Laguna Beach Surfer Named Kermit Michael Riggs. So They Both went all the way to India to Get California Teachings! But Seriously, They Both Had Many Interesting Experiences There and Met a Guru...

    It's pretty Obvious that Vladimir Putin Has Not Had the LSD Experience. He Still Has that Pre-Psychedelic World View... Some People Missed the Magic Bus and It Shows... SAD... 

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    Buttons For Sale! "I Read Banned Books!" - Peace Signs - Love - Hearts - Roses - "UFOs Are Real", "#ArrestTrumpNow!" and Clever Slogans That YOU Write!

    Button: I Read Banned Books - zazzle/gregvan

    Link to ALL My Buttons!

    Buttons for sale - zazzle/gregvan

    If You Choose the "I Read Banned Books" Button You May Change the Words to Say WhatEVER You Want To Say! <--- Link!

    Link to My Most Popular Buttons!

    Buttons for sale - zaqzzle/gregvan

    buttons for sale - zazzle/gregvan

    and NOW... Some Political Yadda Yadda!

    "1/6 Was An Inside Job" Merchandise for sale... "Arrest Trump Now!"  "Lock Him UP!" "KEEP VOTING LEGAL" - T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Buttons, Hats, etc... 

    Link to ALL My Trump Bling... 

    hat for sale arrest trump now Zazzle gregvan

    Lock Him UP! T-Shirt

    Link to ALL the Lock Him UP! Gear
    This Shirt has the Slogan Repeated Many Times 
    AS IF a Crowd Was CHANTING...
     Like They Did at the Republican Convention...

    Ironocally, They FAILED to Lock Her UP!

    and Ivanka used a private server for Government Emails! Investigate #Ivankagate 

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    I predict the GOP will Take the House in 2022 and Impeach Biden. He will not be convicted in the Senate. So They will Impeach Him again... and again... and again... ManyTimes before the 2024 election... Biden Will Not Run in 2024... Gavin Newsom Will Win the 2024 Election... and Camelot will Reign Again... Like JFK and Jackie Kennedy...

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    WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON? Jeff Fortenberry=Guilty, Guy Reffitt=Guilty, Robert "Fudge" Packer=Guilty, 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley=Guilty, Donald "Kirk" Hartle=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Contempt of Congress...

    They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures...
    Remember: 768 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far... Lock 'em UP! 

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