Two Shots of Vodka, a Cup of Hot Coffee and a Shot of Benedictine. Light it on Fire...
Speaking of Flames and Smoke...
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire...
Many Tanks Not Burning Yet...
Massive Clouds of Black Smoke...
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire 3/26/2022 |
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire Huge Clouds of Black Smoke. |
Ukraine: Fuel Depot on Fire Russian Rocket Attack
and I kept on thinking about the Air Pollution Downwind... People Coughing and Choking for Maybe a Hundred Miles... If it burns for Days... So Far Only a Few Tanks are on Fire... What If They All Blow UP? |
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~and on a different subject...
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
What If all the People that Actually Do Things Went on Strike? What If The Mothers, The Carpenters, The Grocery Store Clerks, The Farmers, The Truck Drivers, The Nurses... ALL WALKED OUT?
What if the Corporate CEOs, The Investment Bankers, The Lawyers, The Politicians, The Tenured College Professors, The Police HAD TO RUN SOCIETY BY THEMSELVES?
Basically the Ayn Rand Story but based in REALITY... Atlas Shrugged...

and on FaceBORG: JB Said in response to this meme...
There were no great new ideas in the 1960s! They were just recycled old cast-off ones from earlier eras that had failed! The "pill" brought on "free love" which was the big push toward the moral decline we are in today! Society needs moral standards to hold it together. The 60's were about casting off moral standards in favor of if-it-feels-good-do-it! We've now had several generations of people grow up with no moral compass and it shows in our disintegrating society!
CC Echoed the Concept: it started way before the 60’s how about the turn of the century which led to prohibition. Society cast off morals like old clothes look at the Roman Empire. Can’t blame one generation of people.
and I replied: and there was 15 years of Peace following the End of the Vietnam War... and The USA Never Forced people to Go Fight as Soldiers Again... GEE, That was a Pretty GREAT IDEA from the 1960s... Totally Reduced the number of Americans Dying from BOGUS Wars!
AWAKEN! Reality Exists!
and then I Posted: The MUSIC Was Great. It was all that LSD and Marijuana that Inspired the Beatles, Moody Blues, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead... Rolling Stones, Steve Miller, Santana, Iron Butterfly, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Donovan... Country Joe and the Fish! But the Censors Declined to Post it!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
KQ Said: Most people are ignorant of the fact that mainstream media is heavily sponsored by big, toxic-producing, junk food and drug producers! Ads for junk foods and pharmaceuticals permeate TV and the Internet which should be against the law, as in other countries.
I replied: Since I always turn the sound off during Commercials... I have plenty of time to read the fine print at the bottom of the screen... I'm outraged by the side effects and SOME DRUGS proudly announce that there is a habit forming danger for their Anti Sleeping Sickness Medicine... That means: We Have Legal Speed! Go to your Doctor and Get this Methamphetamine Substitute! Coke too Expensive? We have Payment plans for our Drugs!
Just a few years ago the FDA Approved Fentanyl as a Prescription drug that Cancer Patients could use to ease the Pain while they were dying... The Thought was... They are dying, why suffer? and Don't worry about addiction... Death will be the end of their Habit... and Now Hundreds of Thousands of People are dying from Illegal Fentanyl that's made in China... Shipped to the USA - and Put into almost all Illegal Drugs... Cocaine + Fentanyl, Methamphetamine + Fentanyl, Marijuana + Fentanyl... MDMA + Fentanyl...
It's the "Hamburger Helper" of the Illegal Drug Business... Cheap to make, Huge Profits when sold to People...

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