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Virtual Journey: Canada Tourist Guide & Autobiography. Excellent Places to Visit... Or maybe you want to go live there permanently... Get out of the USA!

Every Place I've Been...

We Went on our Honeymoon to Vancouver, BC. We Rode a Bicycle built for Two in Stanley Park. Then We Had Formal Tea at the Hotel Vancouver. 

People Riding a Bicycle Built for two in Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada

Then We took a Ride on a Roller Coaster at the Pacific National Exhibition. This One was the Scaiest Roller Coaster I Ever Rode... When they Say: "Keep Your Seats" that's an INSTRUCTION meaning It's Your Job to Hang ON! for Dear Life.

Wooden Roller Coaster PNE Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Manning Park: Great Fishing. As a Child, my Family went Camping in Canada and I Caught Many Trout in a Creek... Sadly, My Brother Caught None... Early in the Day His Hook Fell Off of the Line but He Never Noticed... I just Kept on Catching 'em and Stufflng 'em in the Pocket of My Sweatshirt... Maybe a Dozen!

Manning Park Canada - Lake Kayak

Buchart Park on Vancouver Island. Near the City of Victoria. 

Buchart Park near the City of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Canada

My Family took a Ferry Boat from Seattle to Victoria and That Ride was the Very First Memory of My Entire Life. I was Sitting on My Father's Shoulders and The Steam Whistle was VERY LOUD and Scary... 

Old timey Ferry Boat from Seattle to Victoria, Canada

Banff/Lake Louise. Mom and I went to another of those Fancy Hotels and Ventured Out onto a Balcony to Admire the View. The Door Locked behind us and We were Trapped. Eventually We Were Able to Get the Attention of Someone that Opened the Door and Let us Back In... Brief Panic!

Fairmont Hotel Lake Louis Canada

My Farher and I Took a Hike at Lake Louis and We Saw the Mountain Goats with our Binoculars. For Some Unknown reason Dad was Really Thrilled by This... Could be his Zodiac Sign... The Old Goat... We also were looking for Canadian Bigfoot but did not see Him...

When I was working at System Industries (a High Tech Factory in Santa Clara, CA) some of the other employees went on Helicopter Skiing Vacations at Banff. A Helicopter takes you to the top of a mountain and you ski down thru UNTOUCHED Snow... 

Helicopter Skiing

Yes, We Were Paid a Lot and Could Do Things Like That... I got Married and Moved to Washington DC. Where I was Instantly Hired because I Had One Year Work Experience in Silicon Valley... 

Calgary Stampede: On one of our Family Camping Trips Dad Decided that We Should Drive to Calgary and Rent a Motel Room (as a break from Plain dirt Camping.) - When we Got There we found out that "The Stampede" was Happening and All Motel Rooms were Sold Out... 

Horse and Rider at the Calgary Stampede
We had never heard of "The Stampede" and So were Totally Surprised... So We Just went on Down the Road until we found someplace to Stay... and NO, We Did Not Attend the Rodeo... 

Quebec: Our Family Toured both Montreal and Quebec. Hotel Le Chateau Frontenac.

Hotel in Quebec - Castle Frontenac
The Only thing I Remember is that Dad Made a Big Deal out of Ordering Dinner in the French Language. I hope the Waitress Was Delighted...

Niagra Falls: I drove from My Home in Washington DC to Niagra Falls and Walked across the Rainbow Bridge to Canada. I was able to Walk Behind the Waterfall... and Have a LaBatts Beer... When I walked Back into the USA the Border Guard asked me "What was the purpose of my Journey to Canada?"and I replied: "To Get a Beer... They Only Sell the Good Quality Labatts in Canada." Well, the Border Guard was Not Pleased with that answer... No sense of Humor... and There was a Brief moment when I was wondering IF I was going to Get back into the USA... 

Maid of the Mist Boatride at Niagra Falls

Maid of the Mist Boatride at Niagra Falls... I took that Ride... Excellent! We Went Really Close to the Falls and Got Totally Drenched in the Spray... Everyone Gets to Wear a Super Thick Raincoat during the Voyage... 

Glacier National Park: We were Camping in a Tent when a Bear Picked up the Coleman (all metal) Ice Chest We Had Left on the Picnic Table... He Kept on Throwing it on the Ground Until it Busted Open. Then He Ate the Bacon and Butter but NOT the Honey... The Park Rangers Chased the Bear off... My Parents were Worried but I was unconcerned... The Rangers Were Unconcerned as well because they Knew The Bear Well.  Glacier, BC is Right Across the Border From Glacier, Montana.

That's what I remember about Traveling in Canada... A Totally Fabulous Country that I Ought to Tour More... 

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Other Journeys

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Virtual Journey: Eureka, Arcata, Trinidad - Visit Northern California's Coast. We Have Our Own Little World Here Behind The Redwood Curtain!

Virtual Journey: Trinity Alps, CA, USA - Drive the Bigfoot Highway (299) From Arcata on the Coast to Redding in the Central Valley. White Water Rafting! Gold Rush Ghost Towns!

Virtual Journey: to the Star Wars Flying Motorcycles Redwood Forest on Hwy 36 in Remote Humboldt County, CA, USA - and the Bridgeville UFO Festival, The Town of Mad River.

Virtual Journey: Lost Coast, CA, USA on Highway 211 - From Victorian Ferndale to The Beach, the Mountains of Mateel to the Avenue of the Giants. Humboldt County.

Virtual Journey to San Francisco - Boat Ride on the Red and White Fleet. Under the Golden Gate Bridge and Around Alcatraz Island... and MORE!

Virtual Journey: The Smithsonian and Washington DC. Instead of Buying Gasoline and Driving There, Take this Magic Trip Instead! A Guided Tour to the Places My Family Wanted to See... 

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