Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Virtual Journey: Eureka, Arcata, Trinidad - Visit Northern California's Coast. We Have Our Own Little World Here Behind The Redwood Curtain!


Zipper Carnival Ride 4th July Eureka, CA, USA
4th of July Carnival in Eureka, CA - I knew a Man Named "Zipper Bob" who worked setting up the Zipper and Taking it Down... Interesting Fellow... He said it took a lot of energy to set up the ride... NO EXCUSES for Fatigue... So he Took LSD Before Construction Started so he was PEPPY! and Had Stamina to finish the Job... Think about THAT the next time You Ride a Carnival Ride.

Fool the Eye Mural at Pierson's Lumber in Eureka, CA, USA
Fool the Eye Mural at Pierson's Lumber in Eureka, CA - at first glance I thought there were Construction workers up there building something... but NO... It's a Life Size Painting...

Duane Flatmo Painting on the Side of Pierson'r Lumber in Eureka, CA, USA
Duane Flaymo Mural showing The Pink Lady House and other Victorian Mansions in Eureka.

St. Francis Mural in Willits, CA, USA
St. Francis Mural in Willits, CA, USA

Sequoia Park Duck Pond. Eureka, CA, USA
Sequoia Park Duck Pond. Eureka

Humboldt Folklife Festival. Bucky Waters playing in Blue Lake, CA, USA
Bucky Waters playing at the Humboldt Folklife Festival in Blue Lake, CA - on Highway 299 Between Arcata and Redding.

Bluesfest in Eureka, CA, USA - Woodley Island Marina in the Background.
Bluesfest Concert in Eureka, CA - I was Standing by the Library, Carson Mansion whe I took this Picture... Woodley Island Marina in the Distance.

4th of July Fireworks in Eureka, CA, USA
Fourth of July Fireworks - On a Barge Floating near Woodley Island Marina... Eureka, CA

Rainbow Gathering 2004 California - Main Meadow - Near the Town of Likely
Rainbow Gathering 2004 California - Main Meadow - Near the Town of Likely in Modoc County

The Restaurant at Moonstone Beach. It's a Bit North of Eureka, CA, USA
The Restaurant at Moonstone Beach. 
It's a Bit North of Eureka

The Trinidad Pier at Night... After having dinner at that excellent restaurant, I took a stroll on the pier... Trinidad is a Few Miles North of Eureka on Highway 101 in Northern California... Go eat a Salmon!
The Trinidad Pier at Night... After having dinner at that excellent restaurant, I took a stroll on the pier... Trinidad is a Few Miles North of Eureka on Highway 101 in Northern California... Go eat a Salmon!

Trinidad Pier. Photo taken from Inside the Restaurant. Note the Reflection. - gvan42
Trinidad Pier. Photo taken from Inside the Restaurant. Note the Reflection. 

Cross made out of two telephone poles WAY out in the Woods on Highway 211 Between the Avenue of the Giants and Ferndale... This is at the Entrance to the Mount Saint Mercy Sobriety Retreat... People have said It's a Good Place.
Cross made out of two telephone poles WAY out in the Woods on Highway 211 Between the Avenue of the Giants and Ferndale... This is at the Entrance to the Mount Saint Mercy Sobriety Retreat... People have said It's a Good Place.

Remote Humboldt County between The Avenue of the Giants and Ferndale - In the Mateel - CA, USA
another view nearby... it was exciting to be on top of the mountain with the wind blowing the clouds all around... I'm moved by being on the mountaintop... not motivated to actually CLIMB a Mountain but I like going as Far as I can drive... Shasta Is Best but Lassen is excellent too.

Wave on the North Jetty of Humboldt Bay - Eureka, CA, USA
Waves on the North Jetty near the Entrance to Humboldt Bay - some days it's safer to stand on top of the Sand Dunes... other days I could walk on that concrete breakwater right where the Waves are Crashing.

Pacific Ocean a BIT North of Trinidad... There is a Great trail at College Cove that travels along the top of the cliff... many excellent views... and... there is another trail right down to the water... when I walked back UP... I Thought I was Going to Die... TOO MUCH EXERCIZE! Maybe all I needed was More Rest Breaks...
Pacific Ocean a BIT North of Trinidad... There is a Great trail at College Cove that travels along the top of the cliff... many excellent views... and... there is another trail right down to the water... when I walked back UP... I Thought I was Going to Die... TOO MUCH EXERCIZE! Maybe all I needed was More Rest Breaks...

The Sea Around Us Giftshop in Trinidad, CA, USA
Sea Around Us Gift Shop in Trinidad, CA - Rachel Carson wrote a Book by that Name... She also wrote Silent Spring.

Dancing to the Absynth Quintet in Arcata's Plaza
Dancing to the Absynth Quintet in Arcata's Plaza

Occupy Wall Street Protester riding the Bus Home...
Occupy Wall Street Protester riding the Bus Home

OCCUPY WALL STREET Protest at the County Courthouse in Eureka.
the County Courthouse in Eureka.

Dolos on the North Jetty of Humboldt Bay. Protecting the Channel
Dolos on the North Jetty of Humboldt Bay. 
Protecting the Channel

Mural in Fortuna. a Town about 25 Miles South of Eureka on Highway 101
Mural in Fortuna. a Town about 25 Miles South of Eureka on Highway 101

Two fisherman's Chairs - in King Salmon. He felt comfortable leaving them there because It's unlikely that anyone would Steal them... We're Just Not Like That Here!
Two fisherman's Chairs - in King Salmon. 
He felt comfortable leaving them there because 
It's unlikely that anyone would Steal them... 
We're Just Not Like That Here!

This Photo Was Taken from the Exact Same Spot 
as The Fisherman's Chairs... 
Gentle Beach in King Salmon, CA, USA
Gentle Beach in King Salmon.
Perfect for Wading with Children.

Happy Cows in Humboldt County on the Road to the South Jetty
Happy Cows in Humboldt County 
on the Road to the South Jetty...

and Down the Road... The Wildlife Preserve.
Wildlife Preserve on Hookton Road at the South End of Humboldt Bay
Wildlife Preserve on Hookton Road 
at the South End of Humboldt Bay

Sculpture Of a Couple Ascending to Heaven. At a Shopping Mall in Eureka, CA, USA
Sculpture Of a Couple Ascending to Heaven. 
At a Shopping Mall in Eureka.

Portrait of Me at Clam Beach. Obviously Potatoshopped. WINPLOT Donuts.
Portrait of Me at Clam Beach. Obviously Potatoshopped. WINPLOT Donuts.

12 Volt Bicycle Generator by Bart Orlando of The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA, USA
12 Volt Bicycle Generator Built by Bart Orlando of The Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University in Arcata

Rainbow Squiral Art by gvan42 Purple64ets
Rainbow Squiral Art by gvan42 Purple64ets

Surrealistic Painting by a Humboldt State University Student
Surrealistic Painting by a 
Humboldt State University Student

Surrealistic Painting by a Humboldt State University Student
The Artist at Work... If You Know Who this Is, 
Please Email me Her Name and I'll add a Byline... 

KAPOW! Un Dam the Klamath River Protest in Arcata. The Government Has Decided to Destroy FOUR Dams on that River and Has Secured the Funds.
"KAPOW! Un Dam the Klamath River" Protest in Arcata. The Government Has Decided to Destroy FOUR Dams on that River and Has Secured the Funds. That'll Make the Salmon Happy.
(at the All Species Parade)

Bandemonium at the All Species Parade in Arcata, CA, USA
Bandemonium at the All Species Parade in Arcata

Mushroom Cloud coming from the BioFuel Generator. The Convert Sawmill Waste into Electricity...  On the Peninsula of Eureka, CA USA
Mushroom Cloud coming from the BioFuel Generator. The Convert Sawmill Waste into Electricity... On the Peninsula of Eureka... This is NOT Atomic nor is It Toxic... Just a Windless Day...

Many More Pictures...
Write Captions?
I enjoyed Shopping In Brookings Oregon... The FIRST Town over the Oregon State Line where they sold Oregon Legal Marijuana. State Law Limited people to 7 Grams per day... Brookings Had FOUR Stores and 7 times 4 is 28 Grams or One Ounce... The QUALITY was Supurb... I drove up from Eureka where Marijuana was Illegal at the Time... and Imported it into California thru that Checkpoint to make sure you didn't bring in any FRUIT... and I Made Sure I Didn't smoke any until I got home because Highway 101 is a twisty and dangerous road... 112 Miles Each Way but it was a Delight to Shop where it was LEGAL.

Currently I Live in Orangevale, California... actually, it was pretty nice day today 5/24/2022 ... 101 degrees so going outdoors was not an option but... I live in an old folks home and we got a new resident yesterday... He's not going to disturb the balance of the current residents because he just lies there and never gets out of bed... I think he talks with his Family but quietly... and Joining us at the Dinner Table is Out of the question... Talk about counting MY Blessings... I'm able to walk about a city block before I want to sit down and rest... and No One was Killed by Gunshot...

Mickey Mouse Planet Earth - gvan42 purple64ets

Here's a Trick I learned Long Ago... Make Business Cards out of Playing Cards with a sharpie felt pen... Sometimes I want to reveal different levels of Information to different people... For example: I just put my email address on some business cards because the people look STRANGE! --- This Art is Truly Interesting when seen Large! Click on the Cards to see it Big... Diamond Computer Art Playing Cards for sale... You may add words... Psychedelic Art Created Using Math... or just enjoy the design without making a statement... #ZazzleMade

Link to ALL My Playing Cards:

The Boat "The Black Pearl" docked in front of the Carson Mansion in Eureka, CA, USA
The Boat "The Black Pearl" docked in front of the Carson Mansion in Eureka, CA

Metal Sculpture of a God Standing on a Float. The Artist's Studio is in King Salmon, CA, USA

Metal Sculpture of a God Standing on a Float. The Artist's Studio is in King Salmon, CA, USA
Metal Sculpture of a God Standing on a Float. The Artist's Studio is in King Salmon, CA

Humboldt County Jail in Eureka, CA, USA
Humboldt County Jail in Eureka

Timber Heritage Society demonstration at the Fairgrounds in Eureka, CA, USA
Timber Heritage Society demonstration at the Fairgrounds in Eureka

Mural at Bear River Casino in Loleta, CA, USA
Mural at Bear River Casino in Loleta

A Dolbeer Steam Donkey. Used to Haul Redwood Logs out of the Forest...
A Dolbeer Steam Donkey. Used to Haul Redwood Logs out of the Forest... 

The Black Pearl - sailing ship from the Pirates of the Carribean movies. Moored in Eureka, CA, USA

The Monster Women play at the Spam Festival in Eureka, CA, USA

Boat at Woodley Island Marina near Eureka, CA, USA
Boat at Woodley Island Marina near Eureka

All Under Heaven Giftshop on Arcata's Plaza. Cosmic Oriental Merchandise
All Under Heaven Giftshop on Arcata's Plaza. Cosmic Oriental Merchandise

Woofstock Festival. in Eureka between the Carson Mansion and the Water.
Woofstock Festival. in Eureka between the Carson Mansion and the Water. Every Year Dogs are Welcome to Bring their Humans to Celebrate! 

Amazing Tie Dye T-Shirts for sale in Eureka, CA, USA
Amazing Tie Dye T-Shirts for sale in Eureka

Amazing Tie Dye T-Shirts for sale in Eureka, CA, USA - if you know the Artist Tell me and I'll add a byline... and a Link to the Webstore...
Amazing Tie Dye T-Shirts for sale in Eureka, CA, USA - if you know the Artist Tell me and I'll add a byline... and a Link to the Webstore...

Have Your PAW Read at the Fortune Teller. Woofstock in Eureka, CA, USA
Have Your PAW Read at the Fortune Teller. Woofstock Festival... 

The Mutt Strutt - a dog walk at Woofstock Festival in Eureka, CA, USA
The Mutt Strutt - a dog walk at Woofstock Festival

Dog at Woofstock Celebration in Eureka, CA USA - ARF ARF!
Dog at Woofstock Celebration in Eureka ARF ARF!

Signs in Old Town Eureka at an Anti War Protest March.
Signs in Old Town Eureka at an 
Anti War Protest March. 

Bluegrass Band Playing in Old Town Eureka at an Anti War Protest March.
Bluegrass Band Playing in Old Town Eureka at an 
Anti War Protest March.

Duane Flatmo Mural on the Concert Hall in Downtown Eureka, CA, USA
Duane Flatmo Mural on the Concert Hall in Eureka

Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka. Street Theater: a Mother with a Dead Baby Buggy and a Guantanamo Prisoner.
Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka. Street Theater: a Mother with a Dead Baby Buggy and a Guantanamo Prisoner. 

The Fisherman's Sculpture in Eureka, CA USA. and a House on Indian Island... Only way to get there is by Boat.
The Fisherman's Sculpture in Eureka and a House on Indian Island... The Only way to get there is by Boat.

The Black Pearl Sailing Ship in Eureka, CA, USA
The Black Pearl Sailing Ship in Eureka. Library and Carson Mansion in the Background... 

Photo of the CLOSED BAR at Moonstone Beach. No Drinks Today... This is a Meaningful Picture if You are an Alcoholic... Humboldt County, CA, USA
Photo of the CLOSED BAR at Moonstone Beach. No Drinks Today... This is a Meaningful Picture if You are an Alcoholic... Humboldt County, CA, USA

Stickers on a Road Sign in Humboldt County, CA, USA
Stickers on a Road Sign in Humboldt County

Trinidad Head as Viewed from Lufenholtz Beach. Pacific Ocean, Northern California near Eureka - gvan42
Trinidad Head as Viewed from Lufenholtz Beach.

Historic Trinidad Lighthouse. The Real Lighthouse is on the Other Side of the Big Rock Called Trinidad Head but This Old Lighthouse was Moved to a Place that People Could See It... and Enjoy...
Historic Trinidad Lighthouse. The Real Lighthouse is on the Other Side of the Big Rock Called Trinidad Head but This Old Lighthouse was Moved to a Place that People Could See It... and Enjoy...

The Humboldt County Jail. The Tallest Building in Eureka.
The Humboldt County Jail. It's Easy to Tell 
what the Main Business is in a Town... 
It's The Tallest Building... Eureka... 

Crystals in a Store Window in Arcata, CA, USA
Crystals in a Store Window in Arcata

Artists Painting a Dolphin on a Storm Drain Arcata Plaza CA USA
Artists Painting a Dolphin on a Storm Drain Arcata Plaza... Or Maybe it's a Shark That has Eaten a Seal... and a Tuna that Ate a Squid! It's the Circle of Life... and Death... On a Closer Inspection this is a Pretty Insightful Painting... WHO are the Artists? I want to add a byline... by Gina Tuzzi... 
Gina Tuzzi - painting of a Dolphin - Arcata, CA

People's Records Store on the Plaza in Arcata, CA, USA
People's Records Store on the Plaza in Arcata

Go Polywogs! 

What Should The New Cal Poly Humboldt Mascot Be? The Lumberjack is Obviously "Former Guy" - Polywog? Bigfoot? Spotted Owl? Salmon? The Kind Bud? What's Your Opinion? Type it in the Comments Section or Email Me: gregvan(at)yahoo(dot)com

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

on a different subject: I went to Mount St Helens many years later and found black shiny rocks... Obviously from inside the volcano... I asked the Park Ranger where a Good Location would be to find more rocks and he said... Please don't take the rocks... if everyone did that we wouldn't have any rocks for tourists in the future... so I dumped out all my rocks...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

My Father and I Took a Hike on Hammond Trail Starting at The Castles... In McKinleyville, CA - Then we sat on the Bench overlooking the Mouth of the Mad River... and Had a VERY MEANINGFUL Conversation... During the Last Years of His Life we became friends and Did a Lot of Traveling in Humboldt County... He took the Senior Bus to The Bear River Casino and I'd drive down and Pick him up... Then we'd Cruise to Interesting Places... Like the Loleta Cheese Factory... 

Other Journeys

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Virtual Journey: Canada Tourist Guide & Autobiography. We Went on our Honeymoon to Vancouver, BC. We Rode a Bicycle built for Two in Stanley Park... and Many More Wonderful Places to Visit.

Virtual Journey: Eureka, Arcata, Trinidad - Visit Northern California's Coast. We Have Our Own Little World Here Behind The Redwood Curtain!

Virtual Journey: Trinity Alps, CA, USA - Drive the Bigfoot Highway (299) From Arcata on the Coast to Redding in the Central Valley. White Water Rafting! Gold Rush Ghost Towns!

Virtual Journey: to the Star Wars Flying Motorcycles Redwood Forest on Hwy 36 in Remote Humboldt County, CA, USA - and the Bridgeville UFO Festival, The Town of Mad River.

Virtual Journey: Lost Coast, CA, USA on Highway 211 - From Victorian Ferndale to The Beach, the Mountains of Mateel to the Avenue of the Giants. Humboldt County.

Virtual Journey to San Francisco - Boat Ride on the Red and White Fleet. Under the Golden Gate Bridge and Around Alcatraz Island... and MORE!

Virtual Journey: The Smithsonian and Washington DC. Instead of Buying Gasoline and Driving There, Take this Magic Trip Instead! A Guided Tour to the Places My Family Wanted to See... 

More to Come!

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