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Pro-Freedom Protests Nationwide. QAnonSCOTUS Leaked an Opinion Overturning Roe V Wade that Caused Peaceful Rallies Everywhere. The Exact Opposite of Trump's Failed Overthrow of the USA on January 6th...

Keep Abortion Legal Protest Nationwide.

 Here are Some FREE MEMES for You to Post on Social Media... The Vast Majority of Americans are Pro-Choice yet The QAnonGOP is Attempting to Enforce Minority Rule. 

They Want YOU to OBEY Them... 

Roe V Wade Causes Peaceful Rallies

Protest at the QAnonSCOTUS

Pro Choice March

If You CAN, it would be wonderful to March in the Streets Protesting Against the QAnonSCOTUS... If You CAN'T, Copy and Paste Memes on Social Media... State Your Opinion... There Are More of US Than There Are of Them... The QAnonGOP is Frantic to Outlaw Voting so they Can Crown Trump King... WE MUST FIGHT BACK!

Pro-Freedom Protest March






pro choice protest march QAnonSCOTUS

For decades, nominees to the Supreme Court have had to answer questions about Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling guaranteeing the right to abortion in the U.S., which now appears to be on the brink of being overturned.

That includes the five conservative justices who are reportedly prepared to overturn Roe this summer, according to a draft majority opinion published Monday by Politico.

Now, some of those justices are being accused of lying in their confirmation hearings — including by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who both criticized the draft in a scathing statement late Monday...

and then SE Said: 
You can say what you will about our CA governor, Gavin Newsom. Of course he isn’t perfect. Nobody is. Some people criticize him for being “soft on crime.” That may be true. But when this information came out about the fact that Roe vs. Wade may be overturned, Newsom was very quick to declare CA a sanctuary state. He made sure that the right of women to control their own bodies is protected here in CA.
This is one of the reasons why we voted for him, and why we voted not to recall him after some right-wingers tried to get him recalled. Sure, he isn’t perfect, and maybe he’s a bit soft on crime. But being a bit soft on crime is a small price to pay for a governor who protects women’s right to bodily autonomy. I would NEVER vote for a governor who wants to take away women’s bodily autonomy. If the Republicans want women to vote for them, they need to understand that we don’t want the government controlling us. Republicans used to believe in small government. They might want to consider getting back to that if they want to win elections in the future. We want democracy, not fascism.
and SC Said: 
Did you know that the DCCC (Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) raised 12 million dollars JUST YESTERDAY? They are campaigning off the SCOTUS leak. They did not codify Roe into law in the last 50 years they had to do it. A few days ago Nancy Pelosi and James Clyburn both went to Texas to stump for and support the establishment candidate down there who is out-spoken about being anti-abortion/pro-forced birth. Jessica Cisneros is running against him. She's a progressive and so of course they had to go down there and FIGHT FOR 'the other side'.
Democrats are NOT for "we the people". I am sorry they just aren't. We have got to wake up and realize they aren't fighting for us. Will I vote blue in the election coming up? OF COURSE I will and they know it. They know we HAVE to now and they are USING this whole thing really AGAINST us in order to force us out to vote or just throw in the towel and give into a true fascist govt that is coming for more rights than even their own voters want to think about losing.
The Democrats including Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and all the others with exception of Bernie and a few progressives that I'm not willing to believe are just another politician (yet), are all over the corporate news shows right now talking about WHO IS THE LEAKER. WHO CARES WHO THE LEAKER IS??!!! I'm GLAD it got leaked but I really don't care who did it. The Court was already a joke before this light was shined on the truth. Anyone paying attention knows this. There is nothing legitimate about it and McConnell made sure of that.
Even with using every Democrat in the Senate, thanks to republicans in blue clothing, we won't get 50 votes to end the filibuster which would be our only hope. Do you really think that the administration is going to choose to add two more Justices? OF COURSE THEY WONT.
We have to take matters into our own hands. I've been hearing activists saying this for a long time now but so far most people/citizens don't seem to have a red line that can't be crossed.
When and if that time ever comes it seems to me there are two ways to get and use our own POWER as a unified group of citizens.
1. Stop going to work. Stop thinking in terms of "I have to work to live". It would not last long before we got results and would have the changes we want AS A MAJORITY and
There are ways to actually do this and these are the posts that probably need to be shared to start getting us all thinking about and used to the idea of SURVIVAL even if only for ONE MONTH without using anything but bare necessities.
Ive lived without utilities more than once in my life. Ive lived homeless, I've learned lots of tricks for survival that I no longer need to use but can if I have to. It's beginning to really sink in that if we are going to fight this, then we ALL who are suffering at the hands of the Oligarchy, Capitalism, Corporatism and all those who prop it up intentionally, we ALL have GOT to toughen up and prepare for this. It's the least nonviolent way to fight back and the most powerful in my opinion.
Are we really so addicted to Amazon and Walmart and grown-up toys and gadgets and ordering stuff online or running to the store for everything we might want, are we all so brainwashed an addicted to it that we can't even CONSIDER it, can't even IMAGINE life for 30 days without it?
I know it's scary. But I think its going to come to this. I think the government would prefer a Civil War, a Culture War, keeping us divided and hating/fearing each other who appear or pray or love differently than we do. The LAST thing they want is THINK FOR OUR SELVES, and to STOP PARTICIPATING IN THE SYSTEM they created to keep us oppressed and following THEIR RULES of THEIR game.
How far is it going to go before people have had enough that they are willing to sacrifice MONEY (money they dont really even have enough of to begin with and will continue to struggle for in order to make ends even come close to meeting) and the stuff it buys long enough to secure basic human rights? And keep in mind it would only be a short while before we'd get listened to.

and on a different subject SE Said: 

WHY is COVID still such a political thing? I understood it when Trump was president because he made it a political, right vs. left thing. But honestly, it still blows my mind every day when I see condescending comments directed toward "liberals" about COVID. I just don't get why only a liberal person would be concerned about getting sick. I'm still wearing a mask everywhere I go, not because I'm a liberal, but because I don't want to get sick. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to get sick if I were a conservative, either. Why are so many conservatives okay with getting sick? It doesn't make any sense!

JB Replied:
Sandy, I don’t think these conservatives are worried about getting sick. Their argument typically is that the whole thing got blown out of proportion. Also I do notice that there are a lot of liberals who are not wearing masks anymore.
The whole thing is a health issue and has been from the start. But because our country is so divided politically, various people were so quick to make it a political thing when it is not.

and I Said:
I wore a mask today. My LYFT Driver Did Not. No discussion about it... When I Got to the Blood Test Place, Everyone was required to wear a mask. After all, They are Nurses and Have a CLUE.
and You are right... the behavior of the QAnon Freaks Doesn't Make any Sense... Trump got a Shot... He Recommends that People Get a Shot... But They Just Want To SCREAM "Yadda Yadda Yadda Whoo Whoo!" - and then they get sick and DIE...

and on a Different subject SE Said:
This is a really good article explaining how all of this never-ending development in CA is causing cities and towns to lose their distinctive character. I've never quite been able to articulate it so well myself, but this is exactly why I'm against all of this high-density housing. It's causing our unique and beautiful towns to all look and feel exactly the same instead of each having their own unique personality. If this continues, there will be no reason to visit many of these towns because there will no longer be anything special about any of them.

and I Replied:
The opening sentence of this Article confused me... "Anyone who knows California well will realize that Palo Alto does not look much like nearby Mountain View." because They Look Identical to Me... I Can't Tell Sunnyvale from Santa Clara or San Jose Either... The Only Hope We Have is More People LEAVING the State... Thanks for Going Away! The Main Street of Orangevale (near Sacramento) Looks Like San Jose also... 

I must say the Best part of the Bay Area is Riding the Trains... Light Rail in San Jose... BART... and That Train that Goes to San Francisco... I remember Riding AMTRAK from Eureka to the LEVI Stadium for a Grateful Dead Concert... SO GLAD I wasn't Driving a Car after Eating all those Marijuana Cookies!

and then GE Said:
- Let's save the environment, clear the toxins out of our rivers, recycle plastic, stop fracking the hell out of our wild lands, gradually switch to alternative sources of energy...
- What environment? We are all going to die anyway; it's all bullshit.
- Let's have a healthcare which doesn't bankrupt people, covers everyone and saves money on premiums.
- No, I love my insurance premiums.
- Let's help working class, so they can afford food and shelter, so they don't need a welfare.
- No, the churches will save them.
-We need to find out who'd ordered the attack on our Capitol.
- Yawn, it was Antifa. But no, don't investigate it. It's over.
-Women should have their right to choose, gays are people like us, so they should be allowed to marry.
- NO. It's against Bible.
- So let's have a social net for these mothers who cannot support themselves...
- No, that's socialism
Some unknown party or a Russian troll:
"Both of these parties are evil.
There is not such a thing as the lesser evil".

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