Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL - Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthrow of the US Government... DEMOCRACY is Vastly Better than MONARCHY... Our Elections Are In Danger from Republicans That KNOW They Are The Minority Party.

Keep Voting Legal Hat for Sale on Zazzle gregvan

Link to All my Keep Voting Legal Merchandise

Of Course, You May Change the Words... What if You are a Mindless Vegetable? Well... Here is Your Chance to Tell The World that You are a Freaking Idiot!

In 2022 our Elections Are In Danger from Republicans That KNOW They Are The Minority Party. They KNOW that If We Have Free and Fair Elections they will Lose... and That's Why They are Doing All They Can to Break this Election... Armed Guards at the Polls in order to Frighten Democrats Away... Long Lines in Democratic Neighborhoods... Short Lines in Republican Neighborhoods... They are Hoping that Voters Will Give Up When Forced to Wait for Hours While Being Threatened By Men With Guns... 

Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

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and on a Completely Different Subject... 

Smedley D. Butler Said: 

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

-Smedley D. Butler, 

War is a Racket

Graffiti in Humboldt County California - The Shipwreck in King Salmon
Graffiti in Humboldt County California.
at The Shipwreck in King Salmon

Graffiti in Humboldt County California - The Shipwreck in King Salmon

Here is a Classic Example of PRE-Climate Change Thinking... Car Races! Cars Drive around in a Circle, Getting Nowhere and Causing Massive Air Pollution... and People Pay Money to Watch The Madness...

Great Movie... Flying over Trinidad... 

Humboldt County Beaches - Aerial Video

Samantha Toste sings "With a Little Help from my Friends" Blue Rhythm Revue Band... Tim Day on Bass...

"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live... #1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

As Time Goes By, There Will Be Fewer and Fewer Republicans Because Old People Die and Young People Vote Democratic... The GOP is Doomed... 

Automatic Rainbow Quest by gvan42

Lisa Garr Said:

I have a longing. I have a longing to belong. A longing to connect and to feel welcomed and celebrated. I think one of our core human desires is to intimately know the feeling of being unconditionally invited in. Invited into the hearts, minds and presence of our community, of our world.

When I had my NDE (Near Death Experience), I experienced eternity in a moment. I experienced an ascension into the blissful meshing of the all-that-is. Having been enveloped in, and subsequently returning to this world with, that memory deep in my bones, well, it has changed my life. When my spirit touched the blissful radiance of the beyond, I was still connected and alive on this planet, Earth. In a sense I became a bridge between that energetic belonging and this world - with all its issues, complications and surprise changes. I became a circuit.

Now, let me tell you. You are all already circuits for your own mystery, your own soul growth and your own story. When I say “Stay Aware”, I also mean holding vigil for the part of us that is deeply connected to the blissful belonging. By “Stay Aware”, I mean honor your ongoing practice of being present with the sensations and embodiment of your body.

Developing awareness is more akin to taking off a layer of clothing and finding new and more expressive ways to move, dance, touch and connect. This can be achieved in many ways, some of which we explore on The Aware Show with the many gifted healers, thinkers and visionaries of our time. Each modality, each experience is another moment in your journey towards belonging.

Next time you have a minute to take a “Mindful Moment”, take a seat somewhere you feel safe. Take a deep breath in and invite yourself back to yourself. I know it sounds silly, but just try it out. Breathe in and say aloud “I invite myself back to myself.” Pause, breath through the silence and notice any sensation in your body or feelings. Then repeat again “I belong to myself. I am here fully.” Again, pause for deep breath and non-judgmental observation of the experience. Take one last deep breath in your fullness and in your present state and say, “I am here, I am willing to connect and grow.”

Breathe with whatever subtle or not so subtle feelings or responses occur. Acknowledge what shows up and try not to get caught up with it. Just allow yourself to be aware of yourself. Allow yourself to become the conduit of your bliss and your physical circumstances. Together you are a circuit, and soon your dreams will become clearer and you will be guided towards making them a realty.

In love & gratitude, Lisa Garr

basic color squiggle by gvan42
basic color squiggle by gvan42

Fantastic Book!  Foundation and Empire - Isaac Asimov

and Foundation, Second Foundation... The Character "The Mule" is a Deep and Meaningful Person... One of the Great Villains of All Time and Space! 

Pyramid on Planet OOGA BOOGA by gvan42
Pyramid on Planet OOGA BOOGA by gvan42

I remember Going to Anti Vietnam War Protest Marches... Including a Candle Light Parade Down Main Street Los Gatos With My Parents... I'm Glad that They Raised Me to Be in Favor of Good and Opposed to Evil...

big amber golden heart with some space for words up top gvan42
big golden heart

and Then Darryl Cherney Said: 

It's not the overwhelming toxics in our environment--it's the shot in the arm; it's not climate change caused by unfathomable volumes of chemicals tossed into the atmosphere--it's chemtrails; it's not selective news reporting by a press beholden to its advertisers--it's fake news; it's not horrid foreign policies in 3rd world countries supporting dictators and cartels--it's immigration; it's not a history of systemic racism and legacy of slavery and genocide--it's that darker skinned people are inferior; it's not the money made by the arms dealers, religions, and resource extractors--it's just that there always will be wars; it's not that the candidates are pre-selected and the system discourages good people from running--it's that the voting machines are rigged; it's not that the Democrats are the other arm of the capitalist party beholden to the banks--it's that they are socialists.  Each distraction has a "something" that proposes an answer that the believer can latch on to, and those "somethings" run cover for the colossal facts that run rogue over our planet and its lifeforms.  These distractions are deliberately inserted into the discourse to distract us from the root problems and most importantly, to divide us. Snap out of it!

We Must Evolve from Energy Hunter-Gatherers to Become Energy Farmers. - Quote from SchatzLab at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California

THEY INVENTED THE HYDROGEN FUEL CELL - a Handy Way to Store Electricity Generated by Solar for Use at Night.

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I'm watching a Huell Howser Touring California TV Show and He Goes to Calexico... The Southern Most Town in California... While there He Visits the HOTEL DE ANZA... I Remembered that in San Jose We Also Had a Hotel De Anza... and a College Named De Anza... and I Realized that I Had No Idea What the Words DE ANZA Mean in English... So I Look it Up in Google Translate and It Says Of Anza... Well, That's Not Too Enlightening... So I Guessed there was a Man Named De Anza! and...  He Was a Major Force in California History... He was the Soldier that Protected the Catholic Father while Building the Mission in San Francisco and the Army Base called The Presidio... and there is a Town named San Juan Bautista... Which is Odd because De Anza was Not a Saint... But I Guess there was Someone ELSE Named Juan Bautista... Oh, yeah... Saint John the Baptist!

Home Made Hoop Skirt made by Patti Post - Worn by Vanessa
Home Made Hoop Skirt made by Patti Post
- Worn by Vanessa at the Dicken's Faire
at the Cow Palace, San Francisco

Fashion Question: What Makes a Scrub a Scrub? A Caregiver Has Been Wearing Normal Clothes around here for Months and Then Yesterday She wore Scrubs... It Was Obvious  to me that they WERE Scrubs but I Can't Explain What Makes a Scrub a Scrub...

SE SAID: I’m no expert on scrubs, but I think they are the pants and shirt that most nurses and medical assistants wear. Can’t really describe them, but that’s what I consider scrubs. But again, I’m no expert. I’ve never worked in a hospital or doctors office.

I Replied: It's a Mystery... I can tell instantly that a person IS wearing Scrubs... But I Can't Define What makes a Shirt STOP being Regular Clothes... and START Being Scrubs... and The Caregiver in Question Wears Regular Clothes when she is working as the Facility Manager but on the Days that she actually works as a Care Giver... She Wears Scrubs!

Basically: Scrubs are Clothes designed to Be Easily Cleaned and Totally Sterile... No Secret Places for Germs to Hide... Unlike the Classic White Doctor's Lab Coat that Has Pockets! a Known Place to Harbor Bacteria. It's Really Difficult to Launder the INSIDE of a Pocket... 

In the United Kingdom, scrubs are sometimes known as "theatre blues" (operating Theatre, Not Musical Stage Theatre...)

How Does Bubble Up Economics Work? Raise Wages and People Will Spend the Money at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Everyone Wins! Raise Social Security Checks TOO!

With a $15.00 an Hour Minimum Wage people will have money to spend on things that they cannot afford to buy now. The Money will BUBBLE UP Through Out the Entire Economy. Corporations will get more sales... More Profits... and they will have to HIRE more employees to handle the increased business. More Stock Clerks, More Cashiers, More Truck Drivers... and those people will spend their paychecks at American Businesses... all boats rise on a tide... Employers Win, Employees Win, Stockholders Win... 

So, what can one person DO to get this Economic Plan Enacted? 
Well, Like and Share this Post... Copy and Paste the images and Ideas... Write your own Blog... Rant on Facebook and Twitter... 

What we need to do is spread valid ideas in order to counteract the propaganda spewed by Corporate "Think Tanks" like The Cato Institute or The Heritage Foundation... They will make up any story to enrich the Upper Class. 

They work on the Backwards-World Scientific Principle... Write conclusions first then find "Facts" to support what they want to sell.

Real Science collects Facts first, then looks at them to find conclusion. The exact opposite to Cato & Heritage... 

People That Made a Difference. Why Not Join Us? Do Something Useful With Your Life. It's More FUN Than Doing Evil For Money! Try IT!
Greta Thunberg

17 year old climate and environmental activist with Asperger’s #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate

Pinned Tweet

The climate- and ecological crisis can no longer be solved within today’s political and economic systems. That’s not an opinion. It’s just simple maths. #ClimateEmergency The 75min English podcast I recorded is now available at and
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and Now, a few other people that made a difference.
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Eleanor Goldfield of the ACT OUT! TV News Show:

Eleanor Goldfield of the ACT OUT! TV News Show The Poetry starts at minute 23.37 of her News Show.

...for the Fourth of July...

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly of the Red, White & Blue...

I don’t wanna leave on a low note – and I don’t wanna pretend that you can give hope a vote...
coz it’s deeper than that.
So as you head out or stay in to celebrate or not celebrate this day –
whether you, like me, think we’d be better off without this capitalized shrink wrapped “land of the free” –
consider this. This is not a happy birthday –
no THIS day is a hollowed pride in a longstanding genocide
This nationalist high – made to conquer, divide –
glittering smoke screens that just barely hide –
the fact – that: America is not great.
And it never was.
for all, wasn’t meant to be – for all –
but for some.
So why should you, why should I,
put our hands over hearts –
and pledge allegiance to the legions still breaking the broken, old wounds aren’t closing –
why saddle your soul with the empire’s ode?
We’re owed – more.
And we owe – more.
We owe more to the early graves –
that were dug by our capitalist crusades –
we owe more to the fighters and builders –
who’ve been whitewashed from history –
we owe more to the kids coming up –
growing in smoke-filled air and poisoned soil –
we owe our toil –
to more than a flimsy facade – of freedom.
And we likewise – are owed more –
than a nation named, a constitution framed –
without us.
Yes, the idea of America is not great either.
And wait, just please pause
coz pontificating platitudes just feed agro attitudes –
the theorizing keeps us from realizing –
that we – can do better –
than a crusty old constitution,
a resolution of, for and by – white, land owning men –
6 percent -of the population back then –
and still today, it remains –
a pedestaled holy grail –
that we fail to see past
to the future of what we could be –
beyond the American dream.
Coz inside these walls of an empire dying, we can keep rising –
we can aim higher than just getting by and
we can steal hope –
from a hangman’s white rope –
we can build dignity in the halls of a capitalist divinity, we –
can move past –
the blame game and masturbatory shame –
The nihilistic, masochistic fuck it all –
no, FEEL with me.
Wrap your shame in red, white and blue –
set it on fire so the feel-good warm pyre –
can bring us together to fight – and to build.
Let’s make a sparkler out of our guilt
and burn it like rites of passage –
yes let’s now move past this –
we children of the empire are marked by our past
and the last thing we need –
is a solemn silence for all of those deeds…
a flag waving passive,
devoid of the passion –
of fighting – for liberation….
Liberates oneself.
Yeah, I WANT to be free –
and my will to freedom is tied right to yours –
bleeds over borders,
cue the requiem chorus –
for the empire’s creed.
It’s the only independence you should raise a glass to –
smashing the system in your mind,
and be free. Free to be – unAmerican.
A child of empire
that won’t sit on the sidelines but stands on the front lines –
with hope – and dignity.
A human humility –
a resolute – if not shaky – stability.
The solidarity – beyond a fake unity.
Not for america – but for people
and planet. Happy independence day.
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Eleanor Goldfield of the ACT OUT! TV News Show

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and Now, a few other people that made a difference.
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The Founders of PBS Television: an American Miracle...

Hartford N. Gunn Jr. 

John Macy

James Day 

Sesame Street - an American Miracle
Sesame Street - an American Miracle

I'm Glad That I Made A Difference With My Life. At Work, I Helped People... So Many People Do Evil Because It Pays a Lot of Money... That's CRAZY!

I Thank My Parents For "Raising Me Right." We Are in Favor of Doing Good and Opposed to Doing Evil... 

For Seven Years I Worked at The Welfare Office in Eureka, California Helping Poor People Get Jobs, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, Social Security Disability, and General Relief (Free Rent) ... We Also Had a "ONE WAY Bus Ride" Out of Humboldt County. Very Popular and Truly Useful... GTFO!

Many People Wind Up as Homeless People in Eureka... Some are Veterans Who Have PTSD... Some are Battered Wives... Some are Recently Paroled From Prison... and... Some are Kids Who Came Here to Work as Trimmers at the Marijuana Farms. That is Seasonal Work and When the Harvest is Over... They are all Laid Off and Are Broke, Homeless, Stoned, Confused and Hungry... We Feed 'em and Send them Right Back to YO MAMA's House... I Cannot Count How Many People I Have Helped... and they ALL were in Desperate Trouble... We Also Helped People Find a Room To Rent, Find a Doctor and FIND OUT WHERE THE FREE MEAL IS... There are Two... The Eureka Rescue Mission on 2nd Street at "C" and the Betty Chin Truck at the Corner of Koster and Washington Streets... (that's where the Welfare office is)

I Also Spent Six Years as a Clerk at Radio Shack... Helping People Solve Their Electronics Problems... Our Store Not Only Sold Products BUT WE ALSO GAVE FREE ADVICE. Many People Can't Figure Out How to Change the Time on their Digital Watches,,, and You Have to Do That Twice a Year for Daylight Savings Time... Many People Do Not Know How to Hook Up Their Cable TV... We Would Draw a Diagram and Collect all the Parts and Wires Needed... and Once a year I Sold about 65 Packages of Hearing Aid Batteries to a Man Who Flew them to Czechoslovakia... He Says Hearing Aid Batteries are Difficult to Buy there... 

My Life was NOT Always Doing Good... I DID Work for Six Years Making Electronic Equipment for the US Air Force... High Pay but Evil Work... Making Weapons... However, I Grasped The Concept of "Right Livelihood" and Switched to Designing Machines for the US Postal Service... Much More Fun to DO GOOD! We Also Designed Computers to Prevent Bank Robbers from Stealing Money using an ATM... and We Designed Computers that Remembered The Patients "Chart" for Doctors. That was a Big Deal in 1976... Now, ALL Doctors Store Patient's Information on a Computer... Useful!

photo of Gregory Vanderlaan at Mount Shasta.
Gregory Vanderlaan at Mount Shasta.

Consider the Fact That There are People That Work at Dow Chemical, Monsanto or Dupont... Making Horrible Poisons and Causing Sickness... Harming People... All for Profit... Imagine Being the Guy Who Invented Agent Orange or Napalm... Or RoundUP... or Plastic... WOW... all that Stuff is Killing Life on Earth! On Their Deathbed They Can Look Back on a Life of Evil... Every Day Making the World a Worse Place To Live... Imagine Being the Guy that Invented the Gasoline Powered Leaf Blower... That's Basically an Expensive, Noisy, Polluting RAKE... A Total Disaster!

Another Example: There are People Who Work at Wall Street Doing Mergers and Acquisitions... They Do Hostile Takeovers of Actual Businesses, Lay Off Employees, Sell Equipment and Make a Huge Profit for themselves... 

A Classic Example of this is Charles Hurwitz of MAXXAM Corperation and Michael Milken, The Junk Bond King. They Bought The Pacific Lumber Company of Northern California. Vastly Increased The Logging of Old Growth Redwoods... Hid the Profits in Shell Companies, Stole the Employee Pension Fund and Then... When the Highly Profitable Trees Were All Cut Down... Hurwitz Declared bankruptcy and Went Back To Texas... Keeping The Money. 

The Employees Suffered, The Trees Died, The Ecology of the Forest was Damaged (mudslides) and Animals Were Harmed When their Homes (Trees) Were Clearcut. All Because ONE MAN Was Insane... and He's NOT DEAD YET! 

He was also Part of the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s... Costing the American Taxpayer 1.6 Billion Dollars... and a Hostile Takeover of Kaiser Aluminum and It's Bankruptcy.

What Does a Hedge Fund Manager DO? Do They Create Goods? Jobs? Services? Anything? A Classic Example of a Parasite... Free Artwork that You May Copy and Paste Into Your Own Blog, Social Media Page or Use to Create Custom Designed Gifts… (like Zazzle, CafePress etc)

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