"The Path Forward" - 20 Simple Suggestions for Making the World a Better Place to Live... #1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

Here is The Path Forward!

1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks will Bubble UP Throughout The Entire Economy. Raise the Minimum Wage to $15.00 and Increase All Social Security Checks by 15% - People WILL Spend that Extra Money at American Businesses Causing Higher Profits... and Increased Hiring to Handle the New Customers. EVERYBODY WINS!

2. Gerrymandering Allows Unpopular Candidates to Serve in Elected Offices. By Drawing Crazy Lines on a Map We Have Insane Monsters Represent Minority Viewpoints. A Tool That Has Allowed the Republican Party to Rule... UNTIL 2020... In That Election Trump Backlash Caused the Democrats to WIN The House, Senate and Presidency. A Total Rejection of Trump AND His Evil Minions!

3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment! Do It For The Children!

4. End Federal Subsidies for Oil and Gas. Start Subsidizing Solar and Wind. Create a "Manhattan Project" to Do Basic Research into Better Batteries... and Solar Powered Desalinization... We Need Clean Drinking Water...

5. Increase Federal Spending on Our Crumbling Infrastructure. We Can Pay For It By Cutting Defense Spending In Half. Remember: Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country. NOT EVEN ONCE. All Those Taxpayer Dollars are Just BOGUS Welfare for The Military Industrial Complex...

6. Start Training Classes For the Police So They Stop Murdering Unarmed Black People. This One Simple Trick Will Save Billions of Dollars Currently Wasted on Rebuilding Cities from Riots! There Simply Will Not BE Riots! and No Million Dollar Settlements With the Family of the Murder Victim. DUH!
$12 Million Awarded to Breonna Taylors Family AND Countless Millions Spent on Riot Control... The Police Don't Work For Free!

7. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. Use the Empty Jail Cells as a Homeless Shelter. Just Remove the Bars and They are Already Set Up With Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Basketball Court! This Would Cause a Massive INCREASE In Voluntary Taxes and a Massive DECREASE in Government Spending... EVERYBODY WINS!

8. Fund Basic Research into Fighting Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome. It's an Epidemic! Destroying The USA By The Blood Sucking Leeches of the Ruling Class... This Mental Health Disease Manifests Itself By The Super Rich Purchasing Senators and Congressmen That Pass Laws Benefitting the Super Rich... at The Expense of 99% of Americans... The only Solution I Can Think of is #FRANCE1789... #OccupyWashingtonDC There is a CrazyLaw® Called Citizens United That Needs to Be Reversed... It Legalizes Bribery of Politicians... WITH NO RECORD of Who Spent What... Enabling Russian Funding of The NRA and the GOP...

9. #ImpeachBrett #ImpeachAmy - Remove Bratt Kava Kava NOOGIE from the Supreme Court. Remove Amy Too... No Reason Needed... Just Have the House File Impeachment Charges and The Senate Convict Them... Before They Do Any More Damage to the USA...

10. Allow ARREST of a Sitting President by the Department of Justice... There is a DOJ OPINION that Says We Cannot Indict a Sitting President... EVEN IF HE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME... That's a Crazy Idea... In Effect, It Made Crime Legal for "HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED" and His Friends... #fuBARR is a Co Conspirator... It's Just an Opinion... The Supreme Court Has NOT Ruled That It's VALID...

11. Overturn Citizens United. Remove Bribery From US Elections...

12. End the Electoral College. Most Americans Prefer Majority Rule... The Electoral College allowed the TWO WORST PRESIDENTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY to serve... George Bush The Son and Donald Trump The Insane...

13. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves What Treatment is Best. Get Corrupt Lawmakers OUT of Medicine... They Are Just Puppets of Big Pharma. The GOAL of Pharmaceutical Corporations is PROFIT, NOT HEALTH.

14. We Could Provide Shelter for Homeless People in the Unused Jail Cells that Once Were Used to Incarcerate Cannabis Prisoners... Once you remove the Bars, a Jail Cell has a Bed, Food, Medicine, Showers, a Library and Exercise... Everything Needed to Rebuild a Life...

15. Get Vaccines for Your Children. They Save Lives. Not Just Your Own Children's Life but Everyone In The Community.

16. End Trump's Trade War With China. That Would Let American Farmers Sell Them More Food...

17. Let's Cut the Budget for NSA Spying on Americans. And CIA, FBI, DIA, DARPA and EIEIO Spying on Americans Programs... Those Program has Proved to be Useless and a Fundamental Invasion of Privacy... a Violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution... Hey, If You're a Freaking NARC, UckFay OuYay...

18. Wear Masks, Practice Social Distancing and Wash Your Hands. It's Not Complicated. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/11/wear-masks-practice-social-distancing.html

19. It Ought to be Illegal for People to Go on TV and Call for Murdering Other People. Like Steve Bannon, Rude Julie Anna and Trump's Lawyer Joe DiGenova Did.

20. Net Neutrality. Let the Internet be a Level Playing Field.

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking Lawyer? "

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

What IS Bubble UP Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and Raise all Social Security Checks 15%. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed...

"People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never!

Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady...

Awaken Americans! The Talking Heads on TV Keep on Saying that the Economy is "Booming" - BUT - That's only true for the SUPER RICH... We the People are Hurting BAD! Trump-0-Nomics FAILED the 99% https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/bubbleup-economics-works-raise-minimum.html

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and then... D.S. Said: I don't know that we need to cut taxes for the 99%, but we certainly DO need to tax the rich! We also need to make businesses pay living wages, because if they can't afford to do so, they should not be running a business here - it's just not something everyone can afford to do, like not everyone can afford to buy a house, some folks have to rent, or live in mobile homes - life goes on just fine, thanks very much! We have to expect to pay taxes for the things we need, we just ALL need to be doing it according to income. Just my opinion, of course.😁

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

A Friend of Mine Did Not Believe That Her Car Was On the Wrong Side of the Road and Heading for a Logging Truck... and then... She Went Through Her Windshield Head First! Wham! Reality DID Exist! But TrumpNiks Fail to Grasp That Simple Fact... No Matter How Many Lies Trump Tells, Reality Does Not Actually Change... AWAKEN!
Here is an Insightful Zoom Meeting with Marianne Williamson (Presidential Candidate) on Saturday Night Alive for The Global Peace Tribe...

Great Book: Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_for_the_Dead
In it The Hero Publishes His Opinions about How Life Should Be Lived and His Sister Publishes the Opposite Viewpoint... ON A UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM LIKE THE INTERNET... and They Educate The Masses... and Improve the Quality of Life for all... Just Like We Do On Social Media Today...

Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/11/top-ten-art-gifts-on-my-zazzle-webstore.html



Remember: All My Royalties Donated to Charity. Scroll Down to Find Out More...

Color Wheel Spiral Button
by gregvan

Make America Greta Again Embroidered Baseball Cap
by gregvan

and Then Rob Wolter Said:
When I hear or see “God bless America “ I think to myself that just doesn’t seem right. Did God create America or the world? Does God choose sides? Does God have a favorite football team or a favorite politician for that matter? We’ve been conditioned to think that God will help “Our” side if only we pray enough or belong to a certain religion. If I believed there was a god, my god would make sure everyone was treated equally and the world would not suffer from the hands of man.
Bob Dylan Song "With God On Our Side"

and then Dee Smith said:
Gerrymandering is just one of the very nasty tricks some states pull to screw 'certain' citizens out of their voice (and their power).
We need to end a LOT of the political dirty tricks we've fallen victim to over the years, including the Electoral College, and we need to do it NOW, well before the next big election.
The power is SUPPOSED to belong to 'We, the People', not to the unscrupulous representatives that somehow keep getting reelected in certain states.
Majority should ALWAYS rule here. An area (or state) with 10,000 people does NOT count the same as an area with 100,000 people - every vote must be equal, no matter where we live.

#ArrestMitchMcConnell For Bribery, Treason... He C...
A Brief History of the Vietnam War. 58,000 America...
"The Violet Overgrow" [FICTION - Not One Word is T...
It's The End of the Internal Combustion Engine Era...
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1,616 Americans Died from Trump's Coronavirus Yest...
Free Coloring Book by gvan42... Print as Many Copi...
Trump Voters Say: "Our Glorious Leader Can Do No W...
"No Such Agency - Project TEMPEST" - Absurdist Fic...
This Image Shows What Colin Powell's 2003 UN Press...
Do The Math... Peace and Love is Not Only a Great ...
Murdered by Gunshot: Gandhi, JFK, RFK, MLK, John L...
Solar Power Parking Lot Shades - Keeps Cars Cool D...
Top Ten ART Gifts on My Zazzle Webstore - The Peop...
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EVERY WORD OF "The Skeleton Key to Gemstone File" ...
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President McKinley was Assassinated by a Man Who L...

Here is an Interesting Facebook Group.

Welcome new members - we're glad you're here! We work to make this a safe space to have a meaningful conversation about Greta Thunberg, climate change, and what we can all do to change ourselves and our systems.
We are people from all over the world, so we respect political, cultural, and spiritual differences. We are children; we do not post violence or profanity.
We are kind to each other and we would like you to tell us about any haters and trolls you meet. We delete their posts and block them from the group.

Please take some time to look back through what has already been posted. There is a lot of good material there that will interest you and that way you can avoid repeating posts we have already approved.
Please report comments that break the rules - we can't possibly see them all. You do this by holding the comment with your finger on a phone until the menu appears or by clicking the little ... or chevron in the upper corner of the post on your computer.
A word is needed about what we mean by respecting other people’s cultures, religions, political orientations, and spiritual practices. We do not see a conflict between science and spiritual practice. Both areas of human endeavor have their own intelligence, their own insights into life and the universe. They can coexist peacefully, as can all the world’s faith and wisdom traditions. All the world’s cultures are needed to solve these severe and challenging problems we face, no one people, tribe, nation, or hemisphere has a monopoly on the answers. So we need to learn how to talk across the artificial divides we humans are so good at making between ourselves. Listen, try and see things from other perspectives. Don’t condemn, make snarky remarks or post things that you know would insult the other person’s sensibilities. Be kind. If that is too difficult for you, we will block you from the group.
Sometimes we will just click "delete" on things that break the rules. That means you will get a message saying it's spam when it could be against a different rule. We trust you can look at the rules to figure it out. We are happy to answer your questions and to reconsider things. We’re not perfect. We’re a small group of volunteers.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

What 'Green' examples are you setting?
Follow: @wescreamgreen
Image: World Climate Change Organisation
#wildlife #wescreamgreen #birdsofindia #earth #earthofficial  #climateactivist #climatechange #climateaction #environment #environmentallyfriendly #environmentalist #environmentalart #saveearth #climatechangeisreal #climatechange #nature #eia #gretathunberg #naturelovers #donotlitter #climateactivists #globalwarming #globalclimatestrike #fridaysforfuture #youth4climate #ocean #savenature

Headline: Top Pentagon leadership gutted as fears rise over national security. Esper Fired by Trump...

and then Darryl Cherney Said:
Choice 1: The beast in the white house wants to turn his military on our citizens or 2: He making us vulnerable from an attack by a foreign power. Or both. While I'm at it, polls should ask 1. Do you believe we should have just a one party system. 2. Do you think all democrats should be killed? 3. Would you prefer a dictatorship under the beast over Biden? But they never ask these questions.
He got rid of the forever wars leadership....
Darryl Replied:
Highly doubt that. Plus he's waging war on the people of the United States, in case you hadn't noticed. Let's see he's suppressed COVID protocols so there's 230,000 dead and rising fast, most of which could have been avoided. And the hatred against anyone not like him. Armed resurrections in towns across the country. Hmmm. Highly doubt we're done with war under him.
PH Said:
Every time he opens his mouth he wages war on Truth, Science, Ethics and Morality.
Darryl Sid:
Care to mention the 5 wars Hillary started? And here's a question for you: Did you vote for Bush over Gore or Kerry? Honest question. Point is all of our major current wars were not only started by Republicans--and I'm not a Democrat by the way in the least (I can't stand them or the Republicans even moreso)--but the whole premise of 9/11 was bogus. Even if we take the conspiracies out of it--it was the Saudis behind it and that's without complications. Afghanistan offered Bin Laden up to us--right there in the news. But we wanted that oil pipeline, and heroin trade to continue. That's the party currently in power.
Everyone should demand that Trump be immediately impeached again. 2 1/2 months is too long to let this traitor do whatever he wants. We need to keep him busy and under investigation. He may let his owner Vlad take Ukraine in exchange for the $421 million he owes Russian billionaires.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
I think we are heading in the right direction. Trump's Loss is Proof of Awakening...

and we do have the opportunity to explain things to the people in charge. I Email President Biden, My Senators and My Congressman Frequently. It's Especially FUN to Email Biden at the White House because I Start Every Email just Like a Formal Letter... "Dear President Biden: Congratulations! and then I Say what I Have to Say... " and I Know That Trump's Staff Read My Message... for another 56 days...


I do believe Birth Control and Abortion Should Be Legal and FREE Worldwide... Remember: Osama bin Laden had 41 Brothers and Sisters... His Father owned a construction Company that Built Roads, Airports and THE MOSQUE at MECCA... With That Wealth he Bought Himself a Harem and kept Them Pregnant Constantly... That's Not a Great Plan...

and then I saw A Familiar Photo... and People Still Fighting the Vietnam war...

Bernie Weisz
November 2, 2012
A hippy dippy war protester in Wisconsin. Gunther Redcatcher sez: Their spawns have evolved. Besides screaming & screeching, they now riot, burn communities and "stoop" to a higher level of crime & chaos than their grandparents could ever dream of reaching. Kelly Winkelbauer sez: "passive aggressive fuck head." Jim Ullrich sez: The rioters, window breakers, and burners are thugs that move from city to city. Seattle & Portland police departments have collaborated and ID’d most of them. 18-26 year old male losers in all cases. Not the protesters. David Straza sez: Is there a reason to put that idiots picture on the site? Bernie Weisz reacts to David Straza : Yes there is.....I show EVERY ANGLE of the Vietnam Experience....from Dien Bin Phu in '54 to the final collapse on April 30, 1975. I publish the good, the bad and the ugly. If I post something that offends you, either scroll past it or unfriend and block me. No topic is off limits. No sugar coating. The truth of American Involvement in SEA will all be told here! As the saying used to go....."Love It or Leave it! Michael Dench sez: Wouldn't you just wanna reach out and grab him by the nose...hard. Gary D. Harrington sez: "I've looked at life from both sides now. From win and lose and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall. I really don't know life at all" "Both Sides Now" Joni Mitchell Lyrics. Bill Tucker sez: The cop is close enough to break a nose. Dan Truff sez: Liberalism truly is a mental disorder! Facts and logic mean nothing it’s all about feelings and emotion! They are essentially emotional cripples! Johnny Hurst sez: Knock his teeth out. Dan Pollitt sez: The rioters were burning in 1970, Wright State had their ROTC building burned down. Pat Fitzpatrick sez: Try it in China. Daniel Seidenberg sez: The first reaction to truth is hatred. Tertullian. John Gill sez: Years later- - and I still HATE THEM !!!!!!

Pete Simon
Hold it folks. Did you read the text underneath the picture written by Gunther Redcatcher? ... It contains a VERY distorted view from the right on the anti-war movement. I am reminded of the verbal joust which almost erupted into a brawl (live on American television) during the Democratic National Convention in 1968, between William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal. The most EMOTIONAL person that evening was Buckley, hands down. ............... The author of the text above writes right out of the Dulles Brothers playbook-- the bastards who have controlled our national narrative on our foreign policy, the role of our military and HOW to define patriotism. The one President who tried to go against that grain was JFK and he paid for it with his life. ............. JFK was the only President who wanted to pull-out of Vietnam. But that "cardinal sin" against the thinking of the Dulles Brothers cabal did not stop there. JFK was the only President in Post World War TWO America who did not see young, emerging nationalistic leaders in developing countries as the threat to this country that our right wing painted them to be (yes, there is a difference between Pan Africanism and Communism; read George Padmore) --- he saw people like Patrice Lumumba as an opportunity to create a new and more equitable world order, where superior U.S. technologies and expertise could successfully out-do anything the Soviets or Chinese could offer (John Deere had it all over the Russian and Chinese tractors). ............... The JFK - Patrice Lumumba assassination reaction photo speaks volumes. It flies in the face of what the bastard wrote in the text above. It has nothing to do with being emotional, and everything to do with having common sense. ......................... https://www.democraticunderground.com/10026394418

Well said as always, Pete Simon. The idea that "people sympathetic to Communisn began teaching in our schools" (sic) is really bullshit. In college, albeit a cornerstone of my emerging belief system (which I hold to this day) we had an avowed commie teaching a particular history class. We all knew it and, frankly, rejected his simplistic approach. He was a laughing stock with few supporters. This underlying fear of a communist takeover continues, even to this day. And yet, when obvious attempts (by the aforementioned "commies") to undermine our elections and other standards of a free society, it is those same hippie, "pro-communist" (give me a frickin' break, honestly!) individuals who object. I would maintain that nowadays the American far right, NOT the far left, are much more in the evil communist's corner. And Pete Simon and I are on exactly the same page vis-a-vis Patrice Lumuba and Pan-African positions. Christ, even Castro asked for our humanitarian help first, before the Russkies. But, of course, since our financial interests were more aligned to the totalitarian Batista position, this alliance resulted in our "misguided" policies. The United States has been messing with other country's geopolitics for my entire life. And the results have not been all that moral or even helpful to our position in the world. I would recommend that if you are unsure of that comment, check out the actual history and events of post WWII America. Or, put in very straightahead terms, "what's so (funny 'bout)" defending human rights and free elections in other countries. C'mon now!

and then Victor Koman Said:
Gregory Laan — The threat of global economic collapse comes from the enemies of Trump and the American people: the Ruling Class/Corporate State Capitalists/Deep-State Administrative Statists who want a "Great Reset" (i.e., establishment of global fascism à la Communist China) run by unelected, extra-governmental "governance" organizations with dictatorial powers. If you like stay-at-home orders, mask mandates, and "social-credit" obedience rankings, you've been molded into the perfect subject for their rule.

and I Replied: Why did Trump Fail So Badly? TRUMP DESTROYED THE ECONOMY - Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, Increased Homelessness, More Suicides, Drug Overdoses UP, Alcoholism Worse, Coronavirus Killed 224,000 SO FAR, Higher Prices, Lower Wages. #TrumpsFailedEconomy #ImpeachHimAgain #LockHimUp #DumpTrump #IvankaGate

and I replied: I personally am better off with the Continuing Rise of the Stock Market Starting in 2009... When Obama Reversed George Bush the Son's Idiot Policies... Straight Line UP! Until Trump's Disaster Day 3/16/2020... FYI: I Am a Part of the Ruling Class... Every Millionaire IS! I'm not Really Concerned About Middle Class Americans... I Just want to Continue Winning Money on the Stock Market... AND TRUMP THREATENED THE POSSIBILITY OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE...
Links to Other Blog Posts:
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While I was sitting in a Field, watching the Sun Rise, High on LSD, I Experienced True Enlightenment... Later It faded away but I'm Glad I did that for a Brief Moment... SOME of the Lessons stayed with Me... ONE: I ought to Do Things to Help People every day... TWO: I ought to Make the World a Better Place to Live for Everyone... THREE: I ought to have Some fun... do interesting things... FOUR: Teach Others... and Maybe everyone can Make the World a Better Place to Live... FIVE: Fight Evil and Evil People... Like Trump... MORE TO COME!

Top Eleven Idea! 

#1. Tax the Rich, Cut Taxes for the 99%. All that Extra Money in People's Paychecks Will Bubble UP Thru The Entire Economy; Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits...EVERYBODY WINS!

2. OUTLAW GERRYMANDERING: That way We Could Have Majority Rule in the USA. In Fact, Most People Prefer Majority Rule... We Tried Corporate Rule and That Was a Disaster!

3. Trump's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency. Let's FLIP The Mission to Protecting the Environment;

4. Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All Cannabis Prisoners; We Will NEED Empty Jail Cells to House TRAITOR TrumpNiks!

5. Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics; Let Doctors and Patients Decide What the Best Medicine Is... DUH...

6. End The Electoral College; Let The People Decide Who Becomes President.

7. Overturn Citizens United; Get Corporate Bribery OUT of Politics.

8.Cut Pentagon Spending in Half; Why Pay for BOGUS WARS?

9. Build Solar Powered Desalination Plants - We Need Fresh Drinking Water!

10. Wear a Mask, Practice Social Distancing and GET a Vaccine. Let's End Trump's Coronavirus!

11. Medicare for all. Costs Less, Works Better! Just Look At CANADA, They Pay Less Money and Live Longer... DUH...

On a different Subject:
On Mother's Day, I was at an AA Meeting in Bidwell Park, Chico, Ca... and People were sharing again and again and again about how much they loved their mothers... and I aid: My Mother Drank Herself to Death... and that's why I'm Here today... to make sure I do not drink myself to death... and there was silence... and the mood of the meeting changed... for the better... FYI: Sunday Morning in the Spring, Summer and Autumn is an EPIC AA Meeting... at the Campfire Council Ring...

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