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What IF Abraham Lincoln Had Simply Said Bye Bye? Wouldn't We All Be Better Off IF the South was a Separate Country?

Think About it... What Would the USA Be Like If There Simply Was No Civil War?

In My Humble Opinion... Texas Should Be A Country of It's Own. The People There are Waco! #MAGAKillers, Weird Religious Nuts, Idiot Presidents and a Few Good Country and Western Singers. Well, we could Still Have the Singers Tour America but all those other Defective Brains can just GTFO! 

The Last Time Texas Did Anything of Value was Sept. 12, 1958 When Jack Kilby Invented the Integrated Circuit at Texas Instruments. AND THAT was 60 Years Ago! Reality: They are a Drain on the USA. Texas Receives More Payments in Food Stamps, Welfare, Unemployment and Medicare than they Pay in Federal Taxes. 

And They can take the Entire South With Them. We the Taxpayers will be Paying a Fortune for Hurricane Relief, AGAIN... Some Places Just are NOT VALID to Live in. Uninhabitable! The Gulf Coast of Texas all the way to Florida and Up the Atlantic to Virginia... Don't Build a House There... It WILL Get Wiped Out By A Hurricane... REALLY! PAY ATTENTION TO REALITY! Don't Build a House There!

I was wrong to state that there were ZERO people of value to come out of the American South since Jack Kilby in 1958 (with the exception of a Few Good Country and Western Singers). In Fact, Dr Martin Luther King and all his Coworkers were Southerners. And they were Great! But It IS TRUE to state that there were NO WHITE PEOPLE from the South that were of any value in the last 60 years... I see today on TV That Senator Rick Scott is Meeting with Mad King Donald to discuss the Hurricane. Scott made it illegal to talk about Global Warming or Climate Change in any Official Florida Government Documents when he was Governor. It Seems that simply pretending there is no problem FAILS to stop Mother Nature... He also looks like Golum from the Lord of the Rings... I realize that it's not nice to make fun of ugly people but... I Can't look at him without thinking of "My Precious." He Ain't Got No Alibi, He's U.G.L.Y.

They can take the Entire South With Them. We the Taxpayers will be Paying a Fortune for Hurricane Relief, AGAIN... Some Places Just are NOT VALID to Live in. Uninhabitable!

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