Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I Took My Parents to the Iran-Contra Hearings at the US Capital. General Secord Testifying. Exciting! I was really glad to take Mom and Dad to a place that they had fun at.

It seemed so Important and the Senators were really Grilling the General with Very Significant Questions. I remember that he got away without going to prison. He Plead Guilty of Lying to Congress and Got Two Years Probation. He also was involved with Air America (CIA Opium Smuggling) During the Vietnam War. A Classic Example of Doing Evil For Money... 

We also went to the National Colonial Farm Park and my Mom went off with the docent for a private tour of the herb garden. That's a Park Very Close to The FORT in Fort Washington, Maryland. I Do Remember Going to That Fort but I Can't Remember Who Went With Me.  

Now is the Time for Me to Forgive my Mom and Be Happy we Met... I Missed her Funeral because I was Living on the East Coast and Drinking Heavily... SO... I Couldn't Be Bothered to Fly Out! She Died of Cirrhosis of the Liver... and Her Death DID Motivate me to Join AA and Stop Drinking... Saved My Life! Thanks! In This Photo she is all the way to the Right.
Vanderlaan Family at Thanksgiving Dinner in Sacramento, CA
Vanderlaan Family at Thanksgiving Dinner 

My First Wife JoAnn and I went to a private wedding reception at a Georgetown Club. Rubbing elbows with the ruling class. The bride was the daughter of one of Dad's friends and she was a student at Georgetown University. The club only had a small brass plate marking the entrance but inside it had a large garden area... surrounded by the building. That Style is Popular in Mexico so the Owners of the House are Safe from the Peasants... I did not like the people in the ruling class. I Did Like the String Quartet. That was the Only Time I Got to Go To one of THOSE Insider's Parties. I went to Many Parties for Low Level Employees of the NSA and CIA. Those Agencies Employ Many Women to Perform Office Work. JoAnn Listened to Intercepted Russian Phone Calls and Wrote Down What she heard into a Computer for Analysts to Read. 98% of the Phone Calls were Unimportant. Regular People Talking About Regular Stuff. Mostly Complaining... as Life in Russia Generally Sucked. The Lady That I Knew from the CIA Read Newspapers in 10 Different Languages. Boring Work. 

I liked going to The Biograph Movie Theatre in Georgetown. I saw Atomic Cafe, Starstruck, (and then I wrote a song that night walking down the street. "City of the Future"). Liquid Sky (The UFO movie that had an Alien that ate heroin brain waves and Sex Orgasm brain waves. Brother from Another Planet and That John Waters Movie in smell-o-vision; POLYESTER. That was a Disaster because all the different odors merged into one horrible smell... and they did NOT air out the Theater between Shows. 

At Tower records. I Liked walking from one sound proof room to another and the music switched from one genre to another. Open the Door and Flow from Rock to Jazz... and then to Classical... 

I also bought 10 Grateful Dead tickets for Oakland at Tower and then flew to Los Gatos and sold the tickets to high school friends... I ended up taking a trip with Friends of LGHS Classmate Richard Bergholdt... "Laser" Lester, Marsha And the POND Family. Sunny Walden Pond and Merry Walden Pond and their mom... One of them wrote lyrics in my miss Piggy Songbook and I later put chords to those lyrics when I was visiting Walden Pond in Massachusetts... At That Concert "Laser" Lester and I Purchased LSD and I Had a Trip With the Overwhelming Wonderful Feeling of FAMILY... Later I Rode Home in the Back of a Pickup Truck... Outdoors on the Freeway... and Played my Guitar, sang songs... What a Fantastic Blessing it is To Have been Alive After the Invention of LSD... 

Some People Say LSD was Invented at the Same time as The Atom Bomb in order to Balance the Universe... Increasing Spiritual Wisdom When It Was Truly Needed... Others (Crazy Politicians) Say it's a Schedule One Drug... and Then the US Government Made it ILLEGAL... I Believe that The government was Afraid that People Were BECOMING DISOBEDIENT and would no longer Fight their CrazyWars® ... That's True! Hippies Have No Interest in Risking Their Life for Someone Else's Corporate Profit!

I Remember Making Diffraction Grating Glasses... I Bought a Three Inch Round Plastic Sheet at the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC and Cut it into Four Pieces... Enough to make Two Pairs of Glasses... Then Scotch Taped Them In Place of the Lenses in Paper 3D Glasses... It Causes Rainbows All Over Everything... Especially Intense at NIGHT Riding around the Freeway... WITH SOMEONE ELSE DRIVING... This Picture is What ONE WHITE LIGHT looks like when wearing the Glasses. IMAGINE 20 CAR HEADLIGHTS MOVING... and Taillights and Stationary Streetlights... buildings... THE MOON! COSMIC! 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I was once Employed to Redraw German Machine Drawings DONE IN METRIC so American Companies could bid on jobs. I Had to Convert Metric to inches... Difficult Job because of the rounding off errors... I did the Math and the Calculator showed a number with 8 places to the right of the decimal point... well... you can't give a number like that to a factory... so I rounded off to Two decimal places... and then the errors added up... I still don't know why the USPS (my employer) didn't just send out metric drawings for bids... It's Pretty simple...

Rainbow Spiralism - Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - art by gvan42
Rainbow Spiralism 
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics 

Photo of a Perfect Red Rose with Dewdrops ...and... Pink Roses, Trees and Clouds on a Beautiful Day in Orangevale, California near Sacramento... We Have a Couple of Redwood Trees... AND NO RIOTS!

On a Weekend that has the People on the TV NEWS Rioting, I Noticed that Things are Pretty Good Here in Rural California. Those People Over There are Behaving Crazy and Not Having Fun... Glad I'm Here and Not in the City! 

a Perfect Red Rose with Dewdrops in Orangevale, California - gvan42
a Perfect Red Rose with Dewdrops

I Often Question IF the People I See On The TV NEWS Are Real... and then I Change the Channel, Turn Off The Sound and focus my Attention on the Birds Chirping... 


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