Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Do NOT Eat The Salmon from the Columbia River... They are Radioactive! Atomic Waste Disposal Site Hanford. Near Richland, Washington. Between Yakima and Walla Walla on the Columbia River.
Hanford is one of five major Department of Energy nuclear processing plants and R&D laboratories in the United States. It has more than ten industrialized areas (most with reactors of some kind) located on a 562 square mile site on the Columbia River in eastern Washington. Originally built in secret to produce plutonium for the Manhattan Project, the installation manufactured nuclear materials used in bombs for decades after the war, and it has become one of the most contaminated sites in the USA.

The nuclear weapons production that began at Hanford in the 1940s generated substantial amounts of radioactive and chemical wastes, contaminated land and groundwater, and created a lasting legacy of contaminated facilities. Since the signing of the Tri-Party Agreement in 1989, Ecology, EPA, and Energy have worked to clean up, treat, and dispose of this legacy to reduce the threats it poses. Substantial progress has been made, and substantial work remains.

During World War II, the government wanted a large buffer zone around its nuclear production facilities for secrecy and public safety. The current site is about 580 square miles and most areas are still not accessible to the public.
Map showing the size and location of the Hanford site in Southeastern Washington.
Map showing the size and location of the Hanford site in southeastern Washington.
(click to enlarge)
  • In the 1980s, groundwater contamination totaled about 80 square miles. Today, about 60 square miles of groundwater remains contaminated above federal standards — and the level of contamination has been greatly reduced for significant portions of that area.
  • There are no active nuclear production facilities; however, the site contains some of the nation's most complicated nuclear and mixed dangerous waste, which must be cleaned up.
The U.S. Department of Energy is required to maintain security and prevent unauthorized access to contaminated areas of the site. In the event of an emergency, Energy is required to effectively respond to protect human health and the environment.
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