Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Great Documentary Movies: I Spend Almost All My Time Online. Watching TV and Blogging. I Get Thousands of Free Documentary Movies and... Many are about Subjects I Have Never Heard OF. For Example:

Great Film: The Endless Summer is a seminal surf movie released in 1966...

A Short Animation done by Monty Python: "Boom Bust Boom" - All About Economics and The 2008 Disaster...

Interesting Film: Focuses on the Federal Reserve's Fault Causing the Disaster of the 1929 and 2008 Stock Market Crashes..."Money For Nothing: Inside The Federal Reserve" is an independent, non partisan documentary film that examines America's central bank in a critical, yet balanced way.

The "Magic Music Band" from Boulder Colorado... A Late Sixties Folk Rock Commune...

The Biography of a Lady that Was Born on Steven Gaskin's Farm in Tennessee and Grew up in that Legendary Hippie Commune...

The "Prankster Movie" - Ken Kesey's Magic Trip:
Kesey Showed the Raw Footage of this Film At His House until he Got Tired of all those people coming over... So he Moved the Screening to Other Locations and CALLED IT THE ACID TEST. and Hired the Grateful Dead... 

A Massive Hippie Commune in Los Angeles: The Source Family and Restaurants:

One of our country’s longest-running hippie communes, the Hog Farm was a ragtag group of free-thinkers helmed by Hugh Romney, later known as Wavy Gravy. Shortly before the Hog Farm set up an ad-hoc free kitchen at Woodstock, they conscripted a 300-pound pig named Pigasus to embark on a cross-country campaign trail bound for the presidential convention in Chicago, touting the pig as the so-called Yippie Party candidate. The whole thing was chronicled in The Hog Farm Movie, a 37-minute odyssey originally shot on 16mm film in 1967-1968, almost lost but now digitally restored in HD and finally available for public viewing on iTunes.

The Jejune Institute, a mind-bending San Francisco phenomenon where 10,000 people became "inducted" without ever quite realizing what they'd signed up for. Was it a cult? Was it an elaborate game? Told from the participants’ perspectives, the film looks over the precipice at an emergent new art form where real world and fictional narratives collide, creating unforeseen and often unsettling consequences. Fusing elements of counter-culture, new religious movements and street art, THE INSTITUTE invites viewers down the rabbit hole into a secret underground world teeming just beneath the surface of everyday life.

Biography of The Real Guy who was in Charge of Psychic Soldiers and Remote Viewing ESP... The Plot was Made into A Fiction Movie "The Men Who Stare At Goats" - "The First Earth Battalion" was the name proposed by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon, a U.S. soldier who had served in Vietnam, for his idea of a new military of supersoldiers to be organized along New Age lines. A book of the same name was published in 1982.

Legalize Voting meme by gvan42

AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The Country, Not Even Once. Ever since Victory in Japan, All of Our Wars have been Marketing to Sell Weapons for the Military Industrial Complex.

One time there was a Need to Defend the Country and The Military Failed Completely. Civilians took down the Airplane in Pennsylvania on 9/11/2001. 

Read a Book - My Favorites MEME - a part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK - Print this art and Color using Felt Pens - Gregory Vanderlaan
Read a Book - My Favorites

Often The USA chooses sides in Someone Else's Civil War, Gets Real Excited about Fighting Communism (or whatEVER) and then We Get Bored, Retreat, Lose and the Total Effect is ZERO. For Example: Vietnam. After 10 years of fighting, we lost and then The Surrounding Countries DID NOT Fall like Dominos... Believe it or not, There was a "Domino Theory" proposed by Vice President Richard Nixon that Stated that, If we lost in Vietnam, the neighboring Countries would become Communist and then the Entire World would GO Commie and we will have Reds Ruling Mexico! And Attacking the USA! I'm not making this up... There were people that really believed this theory... and were willing to send other people's children to die because they were Fighting Communism. Danger Danger! If we don't beat the Reds in Vietnam they will come right up to our border... ABSURD! For those of you that have never heard of Dominos, it's a game with numbered tiles that you could stack in rows so that if you pushed one over, it would hit the next and that one would hit the next... and on and on and on... and they would all fall down. This was popular before Video Games. 

However, Hughes Aircraft, Dow Chemical and other Defense Contractors MADE A FORTUNE... People that sell Bandages, need Bleeding Soldiers to use them up... and then they make a Sale Restocking the Military. Helicopters, Agent Orange, Napalm, Boots, Boats and Food were all wonderful businesses to be in... Soldier Have to Eat... We can sell more MRE if there is an active war than during peacetime... To Quote Country Joe McDonald: "Come on Wall Street Don't Move Slow, Why Man this War's a Go-Go. There is Plenty Good Money to be Made, Supplying the Army with the Tools of the Trade! Just hope and Pray when they Drop the Bomb, They drop it on the Viet Cong..." Defense Contractors kept the war going for a long as possible. Nixon's Campaign Promise was to End the War but he kept it going an extra FOUR Years. If you think about it, We could have Won that War in ONE DAY. A Hydrogen Bomb on Hanoi would have Ended The War. Totally. We knew HOW to WIN since we we Dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan. BUT, we selected to Lose. 

One real effect of that war was: we got a LOT of immigrants. Vietnamese Boat People and Hmong... They came here by the Thousands... and then the Country of Vietnam became a Capitalist Manufacturing Country... Go Figure! They did not like being Commie after all. In general, the refugees were nice people and no one can imagine WHY we would go to war with them... 

I don't know much about the Korean War. All I really know is the M*A*S*H TV Show and The Manchurian Candidate Movie. Somehow we fought for a while, quit and those people over there solved their own problems... or not... Hey, It's their country, they should do whatever they do without the USA's Help.  

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

On One Occasion The US Military Did a Fantastic Job in 2011... President Obama commanded a small band of brilliant soldiers to hunt down and kill Osama bin Laden. Mission Accomplished!

One of the Many Reasons Obama is loved as the Best President Ever. Thanks, President O!

While George Bush The Son LOOKED for Osama bin Laden for YEAR and FAILED... Obama just sent American Soldiers to Do The JOB. Truly a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...

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