Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Absentee Ballots [vote by mail] are one way to make sure YOU CAN VOTE AT ALL. Republicans are putting a LOT of effort in preventing people from voting. Especially Black and Brown people.

They have been caught "Mysteriously" deleting names from voting rolls. "Accidentally" closing polling stations and having "Inexplicable" voting machine failures. 

If you vote by mail, you USE A PAPER BALLOT. Much more secure than Machines... Especially the new Microsoft/DARPA Systems that could be programmed to favor candidates selected by the Military Industrial Complex... 

If you vote by mail, You can tell if your name has been erased from the voting rolls with enough time to take action to fix the problem. 

If you vote by mail, It's difficult to tell the color of a person's skin by looking at a paper ballot. 

If you vote by mail, You do not have to wait for hours in long Lines. 

If you vote by mail, You do not have to find the Polling Station that suddenly moved to a new location way out of town. Like what happened in Dodge City in 2018...

VOTE MEME - gvan42

Please Share VOTE DEMOCRATIC Memes on Parler, Gab, Twitter, Truth Social, Ello, FaceBorg, Mastodon, Minds, GETTR, LinkdIn, MeWe, Tribel, Tumblr and Instagram... THANKS!

#ArrestTrump meme

In 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works! His Puppet Won...

Including Trolling for Trump and Cash Donations... 

Well, I Don't Have any Cash to Donate So
I'll Troll on Social Media... and You Can TOO!

QAnon Shaman says I Was Duped
Trump is Anti Choice meme

Vote Democratic Nationwide meme

Vote Democratic meme - in Spanish

Vote Democratic meme - in Portuguese

Vote Democratic meme - in French

Save America from Trump - VOTE DEMOCRATIC meme

Arrest Trump Golf Ball - Zazzle Gregvan
Link to All my tRUMP Gifts on Zazzle:

tRUMP: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire button

Medicare for All: Costs Less, Works Better Hat
Link to All my HATS for Sale on Zazzle Gregvan

Are there Secret Documents Hidden in Trump Tower? meme

Proof Trump is Guilty meme

#ArrestTrump - Contact the DOJ and Tell 'em to Enforce The Law! #LockHimUP - Here's the Link to Email the Department of Justice.

They Won't Outlaw Crime Unless You Tell 'em:

Arrest Trump Button for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan

BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS - FUND THE POLICE - ARREST TRUMP and Free All The Cannabis Prisoners. We Are Going to Need Empty Jail Cells for Trump's Evil Minions!

all my liar liar pants on fire merch at zazzle Gregvan

Hey QAnon Freaks! Gonna Have a Civil War? After You Lose This One You Will Have Plenty of Time to Rehabilitate Yourself Doing 10-20 Years in Prison.

NRA is EVIL Logo meme by gvan42

Vote Against The GOP in Roevember... Keep Abortion Legal - The QAnonSCOTUS is EVIL #Impeach "Justice" Thomas, Alito, Kavanugh and Coney Barrett... Disbarr 'em for Life!


Drive the Demons OUT! 

Simply Surround the Supreme Court Building and Dance, Play Drums, Burn Sage and Chant until EVIL is Banished! Bring Your Own Noisemakers!

Including 140dB Personal Alarms!


Impeach "Justice" Thomas Button, stickers

LINK: To all my Impeach the SCOTUS Products!

no Hate rainbow flag

LINK: More Positive Gifts... 

Click HERE to See 'em ALL!

impeach kava kava noogie.jpg
Link to All My Arrest Trump Gifts!


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